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RE: Re: Hair test results - Dana

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Hi Dave-

Thanks so much for analyzing my husband's hair test. Even though the test

doesn't look too bad, I'm hoping he will get his amalgams removed. He's

still got quite a few, and in the interest of maintaining good health into

the future, I think it would be of benefit.

ordered an allergy (IgG) blood test, so maybe that will show

something. Getting him to do an elimination diet is not an option without

some evidence. I see him going downhill somewhat, but he's not sick enough

to be motivated to do difficult stuff. Anyway, time will tell. Maybe after I

improve from chelation, he'll see it as valuable. I've done so many things

in the past 20 years that haven't panned out - he's pretty skeptical (I

guess with good reason).

Thanks again for your help.

Dana B


From: frequent-dose-chelation

[mailto:frequent-dose-chelation ] On Behalf Of Dave - AM & FDC


9 outside the green zone.

2 red, one borderline.

8 low, 4 more borderline.

I don't see a counting rule here.

Mercury is .36, not excessively low.

No other toxic elements elevated.

Co is red low ==> B12 <<might>> be useful.

K/Ca = .029 a bit low. You <<might>> want to consider testing thyroid.

.... Ah, now I'm looking at your email. Yes, do test thyroid. It seems you've

already discovered B12, so keep up with that.

I would suggest an elimination diet, since he seems to have some allergy

symptoms. Otherwise, all I could say is that this test is by no means

screaming mercury. You are giving a lot of supplements, and that will have


tendency to improve things. Also, old toxicity will be less present in hair


but still this doesn't look really skewed to me at all. I'm not seeing any

confirmation of mercury issues in the hair.

On the other hand... all of the symptoms you describe _could_ have something

to do with mercury. As a result, it is certainly possible that if your


was feeling like he wanted to go through mercury removal and detox then some


this stuff might abate; but that's a big job and you have no real


that it will in fact have an effect.

If you want to explore this further, I notice that he has some

photo-sensitivity. You might consider a porphyrin test (porphyria is

associated with photophobia, and mercury causes porphyria). The test is very

sensitive to handling though, and often shows false negative. Still, if you

wanted to go through the work of doing the test, perhaps you might find



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