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Re: Hair test results #183 - Brad Male

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Brad - here is my take on your hair test.

2 red.

8 outside of the green zone.

7 high + a couple on the border.

No counting rules met.

I'm not seeing signs of mercury tox in the hair.

Uranium mildly elevated. This is probably just regional - a matter of where

you live.

Silver is quite elevated.

Consider toxicity.

Sources: colloidal silver,

silver nitrate sticks /silver nitrate for other med use,

silver protein & photographic chemicals.

Rigorously exclude hydrogenated fats.

If there is emotional instability,

use carnosine and mood stabilizing meds.

Sometimes a ketogenic diet / Atkins bring relief.

(Carnitine or acetyl-l-carnitine

can make such diets more comfortable.)

Manganese is red low

Supp 5-15mg/day.

Wait 3-6 mo for equillibrium & do new hair test.

May not handle ammonia properly (protein digestion), so:

Betain HCL or Ascorbic Acid w/ meals &

Decrease protein & no citrate, malate or AA chelate supps.

(Fix the manganese problem first, before going on any Atkins style diet for the

silver, since the manganese will cause difficulty handling protein.)

Zinc is yellow high, but you don't appear to have disordered minerals so it

can't be clear what is happening. You might consider testing RBC zinc and if

low, supplementing.

Na/K fine.

K/Ca = .018, quite low


Doctors don't know how to do this.

Test _free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH & Antibodies (AIp115-8)

Then interpret using Andy's AI/appendix, or ask people here.

(Ok, it looks like you have some of this testing. If you have these, bring

them to the list so people can give feedback about what kind of thyroid supp

might help [there are a couple of alternatives, depending on which of the

hormones are low/high]. If you don't have these, you would do well to get


Na/Mg = .53, quite low

The following can improve mood & energy:

Give Tyrosine/Phenylalanine

(red meat or supplement)

Give mehtylation support:

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

Folic or Folinic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d)

NB! Too much methl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation.

Try B6.

Re B6 - It doesn't agree with everyone.

Try 100-250mg 3-4x/d (with meals and at bed-time).

If it works, it's worth experimenting with amounts.

If not, don't jack it up.

If > 500mg 4x/day can get tingling & numbness in hands & feet.

If happens, stop and it will cease in a few days.

I see a possible silver problem, a possible thyroid problem, possibly low zinc,

and a definite adrenal issue. You also have manganese low, which can lead to

some dietary problems. This does not necessarily rule out mercury, but at this

point, if we were to go further, you would need to describe symptoms....

Ok, I see they are included in your post - ...

First, electrolytes are a good idea for anyone with adrenal issues, but ... Be

careful of the Emergen-C! It often (depends on batch) has ALA in it, which is

a chelator and which you don't want to use unless you are on the proper,

physiologically apprpopriate, protocol. Better to make your own mix (below).

Now as far as your symptoms go, they could be mercury but it's not totally a

slam dunk. I would work on some of the stuff above, and then since it sounds

like you are sure that you don't have any amalgam in your mouth (be _very

sure_) you should just try 6 rounds of chelation with ALA (since it appears

that it has been more than 3 months since your last exposure). Make sure you

use a physiologically appropriate protocol. That means, start with 1/8 mg per

lb bodyweight and dose _every 3 hours_, even at night! If you see the chelator

causing any effects, good or bad, then you can be sure that the mercury is an


Ok, electrolytes ... Andy has given his formula here:


" Check out pedialyte, uncolored gatorade, or make it yourself

replacement recipes like 1 tbsp each epsom salts and table salt, 1/4

tsp potassium chloride (dark blue canister salt substitute) and 1/2

tsp baking soda in 2 qts water to drink throughout the day. Add

anything reasonable for taste and flavoring. "

Since I have high sulfate and seem to need more calcium than magnesium, I use:

2tsp calcium ascorbate

1/2 to 1 tsp table salt

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/8 tsp potassium salt

all in a mix if 3/4 quart water + 1/4 quart of juice. The juice is necessary

not just for taste,

but to adjust the osmolality so that you don't get stomach upset.

The calcium ascorbate can be magnesium ascorbate instead - and you can use

less, but I need a great

deal of vitamin C.

Best of luck to you - Dave.


Posted by: " sandmn3 " castleenterprise@... sandmn3

Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:21 pm (PDT)

Hi All,


no 183

I posted my hair test results and need some help interpreting them.

Here is a breif history of my symptoms:


Here are my hair test results I recently received. I have already

removed my last name and patient ID, etc. I will also include brief

answers to the questions below.

1) What are your current symptoms and health history?

current and recent (past few years) symptoms:

hypothyroid, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dull headaches and

brain fogginess, hairloss, digestive issues, pain at lower right ribs

which seems to move to ride side above ribs, infrequent palpatations,

warm burning-type feeling just below chest plate (sternum) which

travels down to abdomen (this feeling seems to be fleeting and

sometimes feels like it moves), high liver enzymes for no explained

reason a few years ago, slight nausea and sometimes indigestion, misc

aches and pains and inflamation of old knee injury, which is

intermittent, and other symtoms, I can't thik of at the moment. All

seem fairly minimal to moderate, not major.

2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed?

Braces? First amalgam etc...)

Wisdom teeth were removed over 25 years ago, along with a couple of

permanent teeth, I had 9 cavities filled with amalgams, over 25 years

ago, I do not have any root canals. I have had braces on and off 3

times between the ages of 9 and 16, for a period of over 3 years,

including headgear in 4th grade.

3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the

dental cleanup have you completed?

Just had all my amalgams replaced over the past year. All were done

with rubber dam, oxygen, high speed vacuum, 1 quadrant at a time.

the final replacements were completed in Jan 2008. 7 were replaced

with composities, and 2 were porcelain crowns. Also, I did not use

anesthetic (novacaine, etc.). My Oriental MD (Matt Van Benschoten)

did muscle testing for material compatability. I did get more

symptoms after fillings began to be removed.

4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during


I don't know.

5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and

especially travel shots)? None in over 10-20 years

6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time of

hair test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.

Armour Thyroid 90mg daily

Emergen-c packets

digestive enzymes and probiotics

7) Other information you feel may be relevant?

In general, I'd say, my exposure has been moderate and my symptoms

have ranged from minimal to moderate, although, there had been a few

days were I felt out of commission.

I started noticing symptoms 3-4 years ago. I first noticed a sharp

pain in my left chest area, felt more superficial and closer to the

armpit, although, I was concerned it might be heart related. I

immediately went to the Dr. and he said only that there was some

autoimmune stuff going on, but he didn't seem too worried. Again,

this happened a year after, and the blood tests showed elevated liver

enzymes. I went back in the next day to double check and confirm

those tests. Then a week after, the enzymes were normal. I also did

a stress test with a cardiologist, who said my heart seemed in great

shape. I also had low iodine levels in my blood and then a year

after, hypothyroid (which apparently runs in my family, although, I

don't feel I get cold or lethargic too often). I have also had

ultrasounds in the abdomen and chest area, when I was having the

chest symptoms and digestive issues and nothing came up.

8) What is your location - city & country (so that we can learn where

certain toxins are more prevalent).

Los Angeles, CA

Thank you for your help,


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