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Re: DDI hair test #209 - help! (Jackie)

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Thanks, Jackie, your reply is of tremendous help to me.

I had a few questions in response to what you wrote (some are very

specific questions, so will of course understand if you don't have

all the answers)...

RE: " You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, and all your ratios

are in range, so that looks good, no signs of thyroid or blood sugar

problems. Although these are not definitive, just possible indicators

of problems. "

I've looked through parts of AI and HTI, but haven't been able to

find out how to interpret the ratios on the hair test (eg. for

adrenal, thyroid, blood sugar, etc status). Where can I find this


You said I don't show the classic adrenal pattern... is that a good

thing? And what does the classic adrenal pattern indicate -- eg.

adrenal burnout/hypoadrenalism?

If someone's ratios look good (as perhaps mine do?), how conclusive

is that? Is it still possible for the ratios to look good, but in

reality, there's problems there (eg. with adrenals, etc)?

Like you mentioned, my lithium is extremely low. Could this be a

factor in my mood issues, incl. mood swings? How might supplementing

with lithium help me?

Re: supplementing with lithium... I don't know a lot about it except

I know it's used to help people with bipolar disorder " tame down "

their manic episodes. I don't want or need to tame down my good

moods, and thus am concerned that taking this would do that (ie.

sorta " flatten out " the good moods) -- do you think that would be the


My chromium is very high on the hair test (which kinda surprised

me). But I still have some hypoglycemia, and had been planning on

taking chromium supplements for this, as per Andy's recommendation in

AI for hypoglycemics. But since my level is high, should I scrap

that idea?

Thanks again!





> Here are my DDI hair test results. I'm hair test # 209:


> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest2.html


> Do I meet counting rule #1?


> -----------Yes you do, 5 or less bars going to the right. You

only have 3 that definitely go to the right, and 4 that look right in

the middle of the white, so I'm not counting any of those. And you

have 3 in the red, so only miss that rule by one, and chromium is

pretty close to being there.


> You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, and all your ratios

are in range, so that looks good, no signs of thyroid or blood sugar

problems. Although these are not definitive, just possible

indicators of problems.


> Andy says with an all low profile, that the toxic elements may

actually be higher than they appear on your hair test, so arsenic may

be an issue/concern for you also. But chelation will take care of

that too, along with the mercury.


> With an all low profile, we usually recommend digestive aids,

such as Betaine HCl and digestive enzymes. This should help you

digest your food better and absorb your supplements better.


> Andy doesn't generally recommend manganese supplementation, but

with yours being low red, you could try it and see if it helps. He

talks about this in HTI, and I believe he recommends trying like 5-

15mg/day. If it doesn't help after a few months, then drop it.


> With low red lithium, he also suggests supplementing this in HTI,

and says to use lithium orotate or aspartate in low doses, such as

the product VRP sells. There are probably others, that's just one I

know of.


> That's about it. I would say you are mercury and probably

arsenic toxic, and chelation with DMPS and ALA would be best for

you. You could use DMSA and ALA, because the ALA will take care of

the arsenic, but DMPS is supposed to be better for arsenic than

DMSA. As long as you use ALA at some point, it will take care of

both the mercury and the arsenic.


> More below---------Jackie


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