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Re: lower abdomen pains feelings of unreality/ confused please help----Dudley

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In frequent-dose-chelation dudley.smith89 wrote:

I have slowly been trying to build up my basic supps,and had started

using ,vit c,vit e,b50's,mag citrate,milk thistle,zinc,and flax

oil.Though i had been taking 3g of vitc and some grapefruit seed extract

for candida for about 5 months before this.

before i started these i was getting some dull aches in the lower

abdomen area about 1 month after starting on the 3g vit c and GSE but

they seemed to get worse as itook the recommended supps.

-----------Are you taking any probiotics? If you are taking GSE to kill

yeast, then you should be replacing it with plenty of probiotics to repopulate

with good bugs. Saccaromyces boullardii can also help with this. Taking high

doses of biotin 3-4X/day (like 8mg) can also help control


I have stopped them now for 5 days and the pain has gone to a certain

extent but still can come on at any time and go just as quickly,which

was also what was happening before i took the supps,it just seemed to

get a bit worse after i started taking them,but it could just be a


I cant start chelating yet as am still waiting to have a front bridge

off even though everyone says its highly unlikely to have amalgam under

it. But i cant take any chances. Has anyone had these dull aches and

sometimes pricking pains in the upper abdomen.

I need to start taking the supps again as i believe i can't start

chelating without taking the supps,is that right?

---------I would definitely try the probiotics and see if they help. You may

need to work up to very high doses, as has mentioned in her posts,

like 50-100 billion units per day, or more. And then this may help you tolerate

your other supps better too. It is better to be on as many of the basic supps

as you can, before you start chelating.---------Jackie

Also i have this awful feeling of unreality all the time it makes me

feel as though i am not really here,along with slightly dizzy head.

i have quite a few more symptons beside's that but the unreality is

really so hard to cope with i can hardly stand it i've had this feeling

for about 1 year now,and cannot work as my arms and legs are so weak.

i can't see anything in AI that mentions these unreality feelings, but

have spoke to a few people who have had the same symptoms.

is there anyone on the list thats had the same symptoms? and has got

better. I could really do with some reasurance from someone that has

got rid of these feelings. I have also had feelings of impending doom

and am finding all the things to do with chelation as very difficult to

cope with.

-----------I looked back at your hair test, #194, and it does not meet the

counting rules, but you do have some very elevated toxic metals, and in this

case, they are probably accurate. Plus, you have definitely had mercury

exposure, so I'm sure that is playing a role too. But I think you need to take

the elevated antimony and lead very seriously. I think many or some of your

symptoms are coming from these other metals, and/or a combination of all of

them, including mercury. Antimony is very similar to arsenic, so the symptoms

would be similar. And Andy says to take lead that is in the yellow very

seriously. He also says these metals work synergistically, so the combination

of them is worse than just one of them by itself.

I *strongly* suggest you order the Hair Test Interpretation book from Andy.

It will tell you much more about these other metals than AI. Dizziness and

digestive problems, including abdominal pain, are listed as symptoms of lead

poisoning. Antimony can also cause digestive problems. Feelings of impending

doom is listed under mercury, along with a whole host of mental/emotional

symptoms. So I believe all these metals are contributing to your feelings of

unreality, and that word isn't specifically used in AI, but I think enough of us

can relate to that, that it is a symptom too, just maybe called something


my life seems like a really bad dream at the moment and am only getting

by from hour to hour at the moment. if anyone can give me any help and

support it will be so much appreciated.

-----------I know this seems overwhelming, and alot of us have been there, so

please just hang in there! I would suggest you review, and maybe print out,

what people had responded to your hair test when it was posted. I will try to

lay out some other things you should do too.

1) Order the Hair Test Interpretation book. You are dealing with more than

just mercury, and it will help if you read those sections of HTI about antimony

and lead, especially.

2) For antimony: A high protein/low carbohydrate diet might make you feel

better. This will also help with your blood sugar regulation, which shows up as

a problem on your hair test with the Ca/Mg ratio being out of range. This will

also be good for candida, so it's an all around good idea.

Also, methylating supplements such as TMG, vit B12, and folic acid may improve

antimony clearance. Andy also says you will need a high intake of magnesium and

potassium, and heart support supplements such as coenzyme Q10, carnitine, and

hawthorne extract.

3) For lead: Andy says to take lots of calcium and magnesium, and keep Vit D

at a moderate level.

4) When you can chelate, use DMSA for sure, because you have lead, and this

is the best chelator for lead. And then later when you use both DMSA and ALA,

it should take care of everything, lead, mercury, and antimony.

5) I think I would stop the GSE for now, and add in probiotics and the other

things I mentioned above.

6) You could also print out and study the post by Andy on " What to do about

depression " . If some of your symptoms fit a certain category, it can be worth

trying those supplements.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.----------Jackie

thanks Dudley

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