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Re: Not cured yet, but almost

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Hi Tasia,

It's been 15 months since I had my last set of

amalgams out and 6 months since I began chelating.

18 months ago I had terrible chronic fatigue syndrome,

severe allergic sensitivities that would cause

anaphylactic attacks every couple weeks, and two bouts

of very serious biliary obstruction from gallstones,

each of which caused me to loose 10% of my body

weight. I was totally heat and exercise intolerant, I

had to take time off school because I couldn't really

think or read clearly. I had adrenal suppression,

thyroid antibodies, huge digestive troubles, and

constant blurry vision. Also depression and anxiety.

I would be out of breath if I tried to climb the

stairs. I had heart arythmias and was pre-diabetic.

I had been getting worse for years and until I got my

amalgams out I didn't have much reason to expect

things wouldn't keep getting worse. I couldn't drive

anymore, I couldn't rock climb, I couldn't travel, I

couldn't program, etc., etc.

It was really hard for me to have confidence that the

amalgams were the problem, and it took a long time to

get them all out because I was such a mess. Things

sucked so badly for me that I learned to enjoy doing

anything at all. I wanted to hear stories of complete

recovery, and particularly people who had dealt with

the same symptoms and recovered.

I improved dramatically after amalgam removal, with

the blurry vision gone within a week and a lot of

improvement in the fatigue and some of the allergy

symptoms. As soon as I got my brain back I started

reading and studying as much as I could. It was just

so great to have even some of my capacities back.

The six months post-removal were really great, but

like a lot of people I entered a dumping phase from

6-12 months and things got a little bit worse. The

allergic symptoms only shut down completely after I

had a IgG food allergy test and cut that stuff out of

my diet. Exercise made things much worse, and I had

to take anti-histamines (Zyrtec) all the time to keep

the allergies under control, but other than that I was

mostly OK. Terrific mood swings and concern about

fluctuations in my condition were my biggest problems.

I started chelation very, very carefully at 6 mg. I

just finished round 13 at 12.5 mg. I only averaged

two round a month so far. Chelation makes me sicker

after a round, and I am mostly well so I have a low

tolerance for being sick. My objective is to chelate

at doses which won't make me sick, although I am sure

this isn't possible for many people. I take long

breaks or drop to lower doses when necessary.

Unfortunately if you are mostly well, you have to be

willing to get a little sicker in the short term to

improve long term.

Recently I started sweating in a steam room (15

minutes per day) and this has had a tremendous

positive effect. For the first time I'm feeling

almost as good as I did right after amalgam removal,

even while chelating. The one round I've done was

almost like a set of normal days. I felt just the

slightest touch of mercury two days after ending the


Like some others, I've had interesting body odor

issues which have really cleared up with the sweating.

When I was super sick I had anhydrosis (failure to

sweat). If I did anything which would normally cause

me to sweat, I would get nauseous or have an

anaphylactic attack. After amalgam removal I did some

research and realized that antiperspirants basically

use toxic metals (Aluminium zirconium

tetrachlorohydrex) to create gel plugs in your skin so

you won't sweat. Here I was trying to detoxify heavy

metals and I was shutting down the one part of my body

that could still sweat - with heavy metals! When I

stopped using antiperspirants I stank like you

wouldn't believe for weeks. It was so awful that it

was clear that some detoxification was going on.

After awhile the stench improved slightly and I was

just mildly stinky. When I started chelating I would

stink like crazy on the same days where I usually felt

the stress of the round hit me (two days after the

last dose). Now that I've started sweating there is

not even the slightest odor, even two days after a

round of chelation. I will be very interested to see

if this improves my tolerance for chelation in the

long-term. Certainly I feel pretty much free of

mercury-related mood swings or physical effects.

I still have some problems, but they are very

manageable. I can't eat dairy foods and I have to

take lots of supplements and anti-histamines. I can't

really exercise much, although I am starting to do

some yoga again. A stiff walk can make me somewhat

sore the next day, and serious exercise is a no-no.

I'm grumpy some of the time, and tired some of the

time. I still have candida, although it is greatly


But if this was as good as it got, I would feel very

lucky for this much recovery. For someone sick with

this disease, the chances are that you will never

figure out what is wrong with you, and therefore never

get better. I figured it out on my own, but without

this group I would probably have messed myself up even

worse, or been messed up by some stupid protocol.

Basically I am happy with my life as it is, and it's

great to have reasons to hope that I can recover

completely. As soon as I can start lifting weights

and climbing 800 ft. cliffs again, I will let you

know. I am hoping it will be with 12-18 months, and

the Frequent Dose Chelation Group will be the first to


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