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Re: TSH , fT4 ,fT3/hair test 181

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> > They are as follows:

> >

> > TSH 0.7 mU/L (0.40 - 4.00)

> > fT4 13 pmol/L (10 - 20)

> > fT3 6.9pmol/L (2.8 - 6.8)

> >

> > His hair tests are No. 181

> >

> > ---------Have you done any chelation with him yet? If not, it

> looks like the supplementing is helping him excrete stuff, by the

> higher toxic metals in the second hair test. Is he doing/feeling

> better? Does he show any signs of adrenal fatigue/stress? His


> test might somewhat point to that. You might want to consider


> adrenal support, > >

> > Otherwise, do you have HTI, the hair test book? You might want

> to get that to read about all the other metals he is excreting


> look for possible sources of exposure, if you haven't done so yet.

> >

> > Good luck, and I hope I made some sense!---------Jackie


> In answer to the above we had done 1-2 rounds of DMSA and about 5

> months of supps between the 2 tests but what I'm not sure about


> to my lack of knowledge is: Even though his 1st test does'nt meet


> counting rules to my inexperienced eye they do seem suspicious

> especially as aluminium, antimony and tin are quite raised so

> therefore if he is mercury toxic does this mean that the toxic


> and essential elements are fairly irrelevant due to deranged


> transportation or are the supps making a difference?


> ----------Not that I'm an expert either, but it certainly does

appear that the supps are making a difference. What it looks like to

me, it is allowing his body to be able to start dumping the metals.

As you said, his first hair test is more scattered and does look

suspicious, although not quite meeting the counting rules. The

essential elements are much more normal looking in his second hair

test, so I believe Andy says in this case, then the toxic elements

more accurately reflect what's going on. So I think what you are

doing is working, and is allowing him to dump the metals. So I would

continue with the supps and chelation, and retest periodically, and

hopefully in time those toxic elements will come down. ------------






> His Na/mg was 42:1 (ref range 1-5) and he does fit the profile


> high adrenaline (p112 HTI).


> ----------That ratio has improved alot on his second hair test

(5.8 now). Have you been doing any adrenal support? And have you

seen improvement in symptoms? ------------Jackie

We did give him Adrenal cortex (organic glandular) and he became

extremely hyper although I must admit it was an adult dose so it is

something I may consider again but low and slow although

unfortunately the caps came in 250mg doses. Kenny





> His behaviours can be very on and off, days of screaming and


> and days of not too bad at all which makes me wonder about yeast


> ( I'm probably wrong) if he had yeast would'nt he be tantrumming


> stop?


> ------------I don't know. This is where the parents on Autism-

Mercury would probably be more helpful. Could something in his diet

be bringing on these bad days, either by feeding yeast, or possibly a

food allergy/reaction? Maybe sulfur foods or phenols/salicylates

(things requiring sulfation?) or others? Have you checked out the

How to pick a Diet file written by Andy?----------Jackie

It is something that I've looked at on the A-M and enzyme lists

and it does seem like trial and error methods so it is something that

I think that I will have to be more systematic at, it's a worry as a

5yr old ASD kid can't really tell you if somethings making him feel

worse or better. He is also GFCF and on a low GI diet due to his

Ca/Mg: 37-1. We have done a sulfur exclusion trial but not

phenols/salicyates to be honest it can all get a bit bewildering for

me and I am easily bewildered at the best of times. Kenny






> ------------Not sure how much help I am, especially after I

botched the thyroid thing, and thankfully Andy caught that! I'm

really not an expert in any of this, just trying to learn like the

rest of us, and certainly not an expert when it comes to the kids.

But I see improvements in the second hair test, so I think you're on

the right track. Maybe look into the food/diet stuff, and maybe that

will help with his symptoms. Also, do you ever give him epsom salt

baths? They may be helpful and relaxing. Good luck---------Jackie


Your replies are very helpful

> >

> >

> > Many Thanks

> > Kenny

> >

> >







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