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Re: No easy way to say this.............

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No assuredly there is no easy way to say what you had to. Prayers continue

.. Jolene

Phil has been given WEEKS due to his liver function, blood counts and the

bleeding he has been doing.

As far as church goes we have called the Bishop and he is on it.

We are leaving about 6:30 for the hospital for another transfusion

This stinks everyone but your prayers are keeping me going. And as of

Wednesday yes you can visit or call. More tonight

Love ya all


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Dear Narice, my heart is breaking for you and your boys. I am praying for Phil

and praying for your family to have patience. God bless.

~Deb from KS

flipper759@... wrote:

Phil has been given WEEKS due to his liver function, blood counts and the

bleeding he has been doing.

As far as church goes we have called the Bishop and he is on it.

We are leaving about 6:30 for the hospital for another transfusion

This stinks everyone but your prayers are keeping me going. And as of

Wednesday yes you can visit or call. More tonight

Love ya all



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I am so sorry. I have said a prayer for your boys to accept the limits of man's

medicine and peace and comfort for all.

Hugs and prayers,



> From: flipper759@...

> Date: 2005/11/15 Tue AM 05:48:46 EST

> To: colon_cancer_support

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> Subject: No easy way to say this.............



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my heart goes out to you,your family is in my prayers, Phil is in

gods hands now. Sue

-- In colon_cancer_support , flipper759@a... wrote:




> Phil has been given WEEKS due to his liver function, blood counts

and the

> bleeding he has been doing.


> As far as church goes we have called the Bishop and he is on it.


> We are leaving about 6:30 for the hospital for another transfusion


> This stinks everyone but your prayers are keeping me going. And as


> Wednesday yes you can visit or call. More tonight

> Love ya all

> Narice







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Dear Narice,

I do not know what to say.

Just love him. That's all I know.

nancy j

Phil has been given WEEKS due to his liver function, blood counts and the

bleeding he has been doing.

As far as church goes we have called the Bishop and he is on it.

We are leaving about 6:30 for the hospital for another transfusion

This stinks everyone but your prayers are keeping me going. And as of

Wednesday yes you can visit or call. More tonight

Love ya all



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