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Re: A few questions from a beginner

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You don't need to take the adrenal support - it is to avoid making you

miserable, not to

clear metals.

Personally I think it is very foolish to conceive during detox and really hope

you will think

about whether God will punish and torment you with an impaired child whose


you could have avoided, e. g. by measures most religions do accept such as

abstinence or

at least careful timing - (the most rigorous 'birth control is bad' dogmas still

permit this)

or less difficult measures.

It is true that you are less likely to conceive if you are underweight, and less

likely to carry

to term if you do conceive.

Your discussion below is reasonably accurate, but I would NOT say it is a

reliable form of

birth control - and if you can perform birth control by such omission, what is

wrong with

the omission of sex while you may be fertile (rhythm method) or with actual



I realize this is a deeply personal and moral question, I'm not going to try to

make your

moral decisions for you and I'm not going to think you're a bad person if you do


pregnant and have an impaired child. I'm just talking about likelihoods and my


views, which are informed by different beliefs than yours.

I'm also not going to be salicious and talk about all the sexual activities you

and your

husband can do for fun that don't involve the possibility of conception - I am

sure you're

grown up enough to know all about them. You may wish to consider their utility


acceptability (moral and esthetic) in the present situation.

I believe it is actually more risky to conceive in the year or 18 months

following amalgma

removal than it is before removal, because it is during that period that the

body is busy

trying to dump the mercury and everything else the mercury helped it accumulate

and that

makes a lot of toxic ick whoosh through your bloodstream and be accessible to

the fetus.

Since mainstream medicine isn't about to study anything USEFUL or RELEVANT


would be self incriminating) there is essentially no relevant journal or

textbook literature

to base an opinion on, or to give any quantitiative estimate of risk. However I

believe the

risk is quite substantial and best avoided.



> Also, what's wrong with just following the DMSA + ALA protocol without taking


> to help my low adrenal function? So far it seems the only suffering I've

incurred from it


> being skinny, wrinkled, and small-breasted. I can cope with that, especially

if it means


> the process my hormone deficiency will keep me from conceiving an innocent

child in a

> still-toxic body. You must understand that I am a Quiverfull Christian. That

is, for


> reasons, my husband and I choose to eschew all forms of birth control in order



> whatever children God my want to bless us with. So, perhaps having low adrenal


> perhaps also low thyroid could be God's way of keeping my future child from


> conceived until my body is done chelating, and ready to start proper hormonal


> again. No? Please tell me if I'm overlooking something important here.

Couldn't I just


> the Vit. A, Vit. C., Vit. E., Vit. B, milk thistle, EFA oils, and the other

" most important "

> supplements as I go through this DMSA + ALA chelating process, and let myself



> poor adrenal function until the mercury is out of my pituitary, thus resulting

in proper

> natural fertility again? That way I'd be able to do this right, and avoid

contraception, too,

> right?


> Abrenica



> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > I must be hitting that 2-month low point Andy talks about. I'm not

> > > > doing DMSA, but now I think I should be, prior to ALA.

> > > Yip, mercury removal causes exposure and detoxification. I think it should

> > > be said to everyone about to remove their amalgams that they are in for a

> > > rough ride.

> > >

> > >

> > > > Questions: in the past 2 months, I now weigh less than ever before. My


> > > > is 19.1, I think.

> > > > My dietitian mother says. 19 and below, in her field, is considered

> > > > malnourished.My

> > > > breasts have shrunk to look like they did when I was about, say, 12


> > > > old? How

> > > > humiliating. My thighs, hips, and face are all much leaner than ever. I

> > > > eat lots of ice cream,

> > > > trying to increase my calorie load, since I am always plenty full after

> > > > every meal, and I'm

> > > > not exactly walking around hungry--not at all. So far I'm not gaining

> > > > weight with the extra

> > > > ice cream calories, but my mom says consume an extra 500 cal. per week


> > > > gain 1 pound

> > > > per week, so maybe I should wait a month of doing this before seeing if


> > > > can gain. So why

> > > > am I losing so much weight?

> > > These are all classic adrenal symptoms induced through mercury exposure.


> > > adrenals get poisoned and little cortisol is made. Cortisol is needed to

> > > absorp weight (if you can put it like that). Treat your adrenals asap :

> > > http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/adrenals_thyroid.html

> > >

> > > Oh,,,, and ice cream is high in sugar which feeds yeast which eats all


> > > food :-) Not a good idea. Rather eat frequent protein meals.

> > >

> > > >My mom sews clothes for me and she said from October to

> > > > Feb., my hip measurement decreased by 2 inches. Here's my question: is

> > > > this what Andy

> > > > calls low cortisol levels? How can I know for sure?

> > > You got it.

> > > Do a cortisol saliva test, but rather go on symptoms. Hydrocortisone (HC)


> > > likely what you need. Less than 20mg per day in divided doses.

> > >

> > >

> > > > Second question: I got all my amalgams removed at once, but mine were

> > > > small and my

> > > > hubby's are 4 large ones. Now I'm thinking about spacing out his filling

> > > > removals. How

> > > > long should we wait between getting each one of his removed?

> > > There is a lot of controversy over this. My personal opinion is that you

> > > should be on adrenal and thyroid support fisrt so that he does not crash

> > > like you did.

> > > Thereafter, unless there are extenuating circumctances I favour the

> > > all-at-once under consious sedation. But then you need to have a 'good

> > > dentist'. We have had few problems with this approach. Other prefer to go

> > > more slowly. Either way it must be cone right -

> > > http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/mercury_amalgam_removal.html

> > >

> > > >I know we can't even start

> > > > the ALA until 3 months after the last one is removed from him, right?

> > > Right. You can use DMSA four days after removal.

> > >

> > > >That'll really be

> > > > awhile. I'm so impatient, because we've been trying to conceive without

> > > > success for over a

> > > > year now. We really want a baby, so taking time with these things is

> > > > difficult for me to put

> > > > up with, emotionally. But I really think mercury is at the root of the

> > > > infertility, so I know

> > > > it's best to do this right.

> > >

> > > , please be patient. Low cortisol and adrenal problems prevent

> > > pregnancy. As soon as you add cortisol you are likely to fall pregnant. SO

> > > PLEASE use contraception, because the last thing you want is a baby

> > > conceived with all that mercury. I know you're thinking 'but we've been

> > > trying for over a year', but trust me when the mercury comes out and the

> > > cortisol is added in you are HIGHLY likely to conceive.

> > > Chelation takes about 2 years and then you'll need 6 months after that to

> > > wait before conception, so you really need to think about this and make


> > > responsible choice for your child.

> > > DeanSA

> > >

> >


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> >

> > You don't need to take the adrenal support - it is to avoid making you

miserable, not


> > clear metals.

> >

> > Personally I think it is very foolish to conceive during detox and really

hope you will

> think

> > about whether God will punish and torment you with an impaired child whose


> > you could have avoided, e. g. by measures most religions do accept such as


> or

> > at least careful timing - (the most rigorous 'birth control is bad' dogmas

still permit

> this)

> > or less difficult measures.

> >

> > It is true that you are less likely to conceive if you are underweight, and

less likely to

> carry

> > to term if you do conceive.

> >

> > Your discussion below is reasonably accurate, but I would NOT say it is a

reliable form

> of

> > birth control - and if you can perform birth control by such omission, what

is wrong

> with

> > the omission of sex while you may be fertile (rhythm method) or with actual


> > measures?

> >

> > I realize this is a deeply personal and moral question, I'm not going to try

to make


> > moral decisions for you and I'm not going to think you're a bad person if

you do get

> > pregnant and have an impaired child. I'm just talking about likelihoods and



> > views, which are informed by different beliefs than yours.

> >

> > I'm also not going to be salicious and talk about all the sexual activities

you and your

> > husband can do for fun that don't involve the possibility of conception - I

am sure

> you're

> > grown up enough to know all about them. You may wish to consider their

utility and

> > acceptability (moral and esthetic) in the present situation.

> >

> > I believe it is actually more risky to conceive in the year or 18 months


> amalgma

> > removal than it is before removal, because it is during that period that the

body is


> > trying to dump the mercury and everything else the mercury helped it

accumulate and

> that

> > makes a lot of toxic ick whoosh through your bloodstream and be accessible

to the

> fetus.

> > Since mainstream medicine isn't about to study anything USEFUL or RELEVANT


> > would be self incriminating) there is essentially no relevant journal or



> > to base an opinion on, or to give any quantitiative estimate of risk.

However I believe

> the

> > risk is quite substantial and best avoided.

> >

> > Andy

> > >

> > >


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