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sunshine, parasite cleanse

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> -----------Sugar problem is my best guess too. thx. Never had much luck

> with probiotics. I'm doing another parasite cleanse now, so will take

> some after thats finished.


> >

I forget what you said in the past about this parasite cleans that you

are doing. Couple questions - are you sure you have parasites, are

you sure that the cleanse that you use is getting rid of the parasites

that you have and not harming you, seeing as it will be harming your

normal flora, are you taking tons of different kinds of probiotics

whenever you get the chance and taking other supplements that will

help your gut organisms?

I also can't remember if you are the one who consults with .

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> >


> > -----------Sugar problem is my best guess too. thx. Never had

much luck

> > with probiotics. I'm doing another parasite cleanse now, so will


> > some after thats finished.

> >

> > >


> I forget what you said in the past about this parasite cleans that


> are doing. Couple questions - are you sure you have parasites, are

> you sure that the cleanse that you use is getting rid of the


> that you have and not harming you, seeing as it will be harming your

> normal flora, are you taking tons of different kinds of probiotics

> whenever you get the chance and taking other supplements that will

> help your gut organisms?

--------------How do I know I have parasites? Well certainly not from

any tests I ever had, all tests I ever had came up negative for

parasites, that's stool and blood and muscle testing. Testing is


How do I know I have parasites? Because when I parasite cleanse I get

strange symptoms from stirring them up, I see parasites in my BM's

regularly, and most importantly I feel better and better afterwards…

like giant steps forward better. Last week I had a bad headache one

morning so I knew something was happening, I then had a weird BM with

a huge parasite in it. Was gross beyond belief.

Since then I been feeling pretty good and my dairy allergy has

definitely disappeared now too.

Each time I have done these parasite cleanses my health has got

dramatically better. This is my third 1 month cleanse and again I'm

feeling great. This is the best I have felt in 4 years. This weekend

I even managed 1 hour's yoga, my first workout for 2 or 3 years. All

previous attempts at exercise hurt too much.

As far as my body is concerned, I feel there are no downsides, only

upsides, to parasite cleansing because I have got consistently better

from doing them.

It's important to understand the parasite cleanse I use also has

bowel cleaning herbs in it too, that makes a BIG difference. I use

Humaworm herbs.

I am not taking pro-biotics, but I will after the cleanse is

finished, which is as per Humaworm instructions.

I am still waiting for any 6 months mercury dump, I am 6 months

amalgam free, but for now I will try and enjoy my new found better

health and worry about the dump if & when it happens.



> I also can't remember if you are the one who consults with .



---------No. I'm in the UK.


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