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Re: symptoms worse - crown question

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Hi , and welcome. Look for comments below, in the text of your



> Hi

> I am new to this group and to chelating. Please bear with my long

> post. I would love some feedback. I don't know where else to look

> for good information. My dr. is not familiar with Andy Cutler's

> protocol.


> I have elevated Mercury & Lead

How was this determined?

and just finished my first 3 days of dmsa.

> I started at 100mg but reduced it to 50 mg after the first day & half

> because I was feeling so wiped out.


Please review the information in the files and links section. First

look at TKs general chelation recommendations. We recommend starting

at a dose of about 12.5 mg DMSA, and increasing only as tolerated.

***The doses that you are using are moving too much metals at once for

your body to handle and that is why you are so wiped out. Try 12.5 mg

per dose for your next round.***

Also note that DMSA doses must be taken at intervals of every 4 h or

less including at night. Taking chelators at the proper dose

intervals is essential to getting well, and if they are taken

improperly there will be long term worsening.

> Now It is 3 days since I stopped my first round and I am more fatigued

> and brain dead than usual (those are my main symptoms)

> And I am extremely emotional and depressed - I know it is related to

> the chelation - but it is WEIRD and unpleasant.


All of the above are signs that the chelation was improper. When

chelation is done properly the side effects are manageable, like minor

fatigue, and only last a day or so.

> I had all amalgam fillings I could see replaced a couple yrs ago &

> just had a huge chunk of amalgam removed which was hiding under a root

> canal crown last week.


> I have 3 other crowns done by the same guy at the same time 13 yrs

> ago. My current dentist removed one - he said it is a 50%nickel/steel

> based crown with a fluoracor (glass infused with fluorine) filling

> underneath. It is being replaced with pure porceline & composite



> This dentist said most likely the remaining two crowns are identical

> in make up.

It is essential to at least have these crowns lifted to see if there

is amalgam in there. A dentist's guess isn't good enough. Many

people have been hurt unnecessarily by chelating with amalgam still in

their mouth (and in most cases were reassured by dentists that there

wasn't any, and it turned out the dentist was wrong).

If you need to talk about details of your dental work please post

those discussions to the dental chelation forum:


I will have to go in debt to replace them. If necessary

> I will do it. If not, I will wait until I can afford it. I imagine

> the nickel will be chelated by dmsa as it is a transition metal like

> mercury.


See Andy's two books (links section) for information about nickel.

That is the least of your concerns right now.

> I don't know if my side effects are normal or abnormal.

> Should I just keep chelating and deal with it?

First make sure that there is no more amalgam in your mouth.

Read all of the information in the files and links sections, obtain

Andy's two books to use as reference, and start chelating again when

you are sure that you understand how to do it properly.

(which I will do if I

> know it is healing me)


> Any advice about the crowns?


A dentist has to lift them and look for amalgam underneath. Any other

advise would be found in the dental chelation group.


> I greatly appreciate your ideas/advice,



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Thanks for answering -

I had a dmps challenge 6 hr. urine test that showed elevated lead,

mercury, and aluminum (and close to elevated nickel, cadmium)

I had a prior urine test from 3 yrs ago that showed high lead.

I had 12 amalgam fillings for years and a huge chunk over a root canal

so I am sure mercury is in my brain.

I have Andy Cutler's Mercury poisoning book. I read it and am

following his protocol.

He said 50-100mg dmsa for 3 months after amalgam removal.

For my first cycle I took at first 100mg, then 50 mg. every 3 hrs

during the day and every 4 hrs at night for 3 & 1/2 days.

I also took all proscribed supplements (except the prescription one -


I will order 50 mg. dmsa capsules so I can split them more easily.

Do you know a way to evenly split them so the dosage is consistent?

The dentist cannot lift the crowns without breaking them...so that

means just finding a way to replace all crowns now.

I am not entering chelation blind. I believe i have read as much as i

can & am sticking to the correct Cutler protocol.

But I will take your advice and at least lower the dmsa to 25mg

(splitting 100mg capsules in more than 4 parts could be really inaccurate)

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> I will order 50 mg. dmsa capsules so I can split them more easily.

> Do you know a way to evenly split them so the dosage is consistent?


It is possible to get 25 mg capsules of DMSA.

This is how I split capsules. I use a piece of parchment or waxed

paper and draw lines on it 1 cm apart. The number of spaces = the

number of divisions. I open the capsule and spread the powder evenly

across the spaces with a knife and then use the knife to put the

powder from between two lines into each new capsule.

Some divide on a piece of glass and make equal piles of powder by eye.

This works ok if there are not too many divisions.

> The dentist cannot lift the crowns without breaking them...so that

> means just finding a way to replace all crowns now.


Perhaps you could obtain the dental records from when those crowns

were placed and find out for sure what material was used under them.

> I am not entering chelation blind. I believe i have read as much as i

> can & am sticking to the correct Cutler protocol.

Good. I wasn't sure from your original post.

> But I will take your advice and at least lower the dmsa to 25mg

> (splitting 100mg capsules in more than 4 parts could be really



I split 250 mg capsules to 25 mg or even lower , but I agree, the

smaller size capsules you can get the more accurate and less tedious.

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