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We received the results of 's ultrasound. They said that she

has a cyst in or on her left ovary. They were pretty positive that

it wasn't cancerous which is good news. They also performed a CEA125

test which showed her at 12. According to the doctors anything under

34 is normal. She has had some spot bleeding and the doctors said

that she also has an area of fluid there. They say that it is all

due to the cyst.

We'll go in on November 7th for a consultation with a surgeon as they

want to perform a Laproscopy to further investigate it and to remove

it if they deem it necessary. This didn't thrill in the

slightest as I explained to her (from what I've read) what they will

do. Her response was " Oh NO! they're going to cut me again? " She

said that she didn't want them cutting her again. I told her that

when we go see the surgeon that we'll see what the options are then.

If they do not believe that it will heal itself up on its own and

medication won't take care of it then there aren't a whole lot of

choices. They say that it isn't that extensive of a surgery. They

will make two small incisions in her abdomen and actually blow air

into her abdomen to increase the size so they can see better. Then

they will go in with the scope and look at it. If they feel it needs

to be removed they will do so. According to the nurse that I spoke

with she said it is a in and out surgery.

We'll keep everyone posted as to what we do and the results.

Bless Everyone

Dan &

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