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Re: Mini Progress Report + Question

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In frequent-dose-chelation H wrote:

Hi, ive been chelating for 5 Months now (7 months since removal).

The main thing ive noticed improvement with is my mood, memory, and

depression all seem to be slightly better. The yeast and stomach no

improvements as of yet.

I started at 12.5mg of DMSA, then increased up to 25mg and then,50mg,

i wasnt to keen on DMSA as it flared my yeast problems quite a bit,

so i switched to ALA (after 3 months), on my first dose i felt

immediate relief of depression (i still get depressed but no where

near as bad).

Even though ive only been chelating 5 Months and i was very toxic

(almost red on hair test 174 Arsenic and Mercury, although ive found

out the soruce of my arsenic levels and cut them out near the same

time as starting ALA)

---------I'm always curious about people's sources of exposure, so do you mind

telling us what that was?----------Jackie

i seem to be able to handle ALA extremely well.

I am currently taking ALA 200mg every 2.5 hours, and 3 hours at night

for 2 weeks on and 3 days off.

----------The general rule of thumb is as many days off as on, but I think for

people that tolerate longer rounds, like 2 weeks, maybe 1 week off would be

enough. Anyway, only 3 days off doesn't sound like much. How long have you

been doing it this way, and this has been working good for you? Also 200mg is a

very large dose, and I will address that in your question below.----------Jackie

Now i know alot of ppl who are toxic cant handle such high dose so

early in chelation, do you think this is a good sign that my body is

handling chelation well ?

------------I looked at your hair test again, and it didn't meet the counting

rules, but your toxic elements were high, as you said, for arsenic and mercury

(and uranium). As Andy says in HTI, when you don't meet the counting rules,

then the toxic elements are fairly accurate. So you are still toxic, you just

don't have deranged mineral transport caused by mercury, which many of us others

do have. So, this may mean that your body's natural detoxification ability is

better than some of us, and may be why you are responding so well to chelation

and tolerating high doses of ALA.------------Jackie

Should i increase more or is 200mg around

the maxium limit ? I'm only 9 stone.

------------I don't remember how many pounds in a stone, so you'll have to do

the math, but in HTI, Andy says not to go over 1mg per lb for any chelator as

the maximum dose. So I'm just guessing that you are probably near or over the

recommended maximum, so I probably wouldn't increase it.---------Jackie


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> ---------I'm always curious about people's sources of exposure,

so do you mind telling us what that was?----------Jackie

Hiya Jackie i believe it was by the bottled water i was drinking,

(volvic) i was drinking a ton of it every day including in my oats,

which i had 4 bowls a day.


Im now drinking Evian instead, im going to get another hair test done

after christmas and hopefully it will be greatly reduced.






> i seem to be able to handle ALA extremely well.

> I am currently taking ALA 200mg every 2.5 hours, and 3 hours at


> for 2 weeks on and 3 days off.


> ----------The general rule of thumb is as many days off as on,

but I think for people that tolerate longer rounds, like 2 weeks,

maybe 1 week off would be enough. Anyway, only 3 days off doesn't

sound like much. How long have you been doing it this way, and this

has been working good for you? Also 200mg is a very large dose, and

I will address that in your question below.----------Jackie

Ive been doing it this way for about a month now so only 2/3 rounds.

If it gets too much i will definately take longer breaks. At the

moment i feel as if when im not chelating i feel worse and its as if

my body is telling me to chelate as i feel alot less worse once i

chelate. If that makes sense lol

> ------------I looked at your hair test again, and it didn't meet

the counting rules, but your toxic elements were high, as you said,

for arsenic and mercury (and uranium). As Andy says in HTI, when you

don't meet the counting rules, then the toxic elements are fairly

accurate. So you are still toxic, you just don't have deranged

mineral transport caused by mercury, which many of us others do

have. So, this may mean that your body's natural detoxification

ability is better than some of us, and may be why you are responding

so well to chelation and tolerating high doses of ALA.------------


The above paragraph makes alot of sense, but any idea why my mineral

levels could be " normal " when most others are not ?


Thanks for your Answers Jackie much Appreciated

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In frequent-dose-chelation H wrote:

> ---------I'm always curious about people's sources of exposure,

so do you mind telling us what that was?----------Jackie

Hiya Jackie i believe it was by the bottled water i was drinking,

(volvic) i was drinking a ton of it every day including in my oats,

which i had 4 bowls a day.


Im now drinking Evian instead, im going to get another hair test done

after christmas and hopefully it will be greatly reduced.

--------Hey . Great link above! Glad you figured this out. I will

also be interested in your follow up hair test. Keep us posted.--------Jackie






> i seem to be able to handle ALA extremely well.

> I am currently taking ALA 200mg every 2.5 hours, and 3 hours at


> for 2 weeks on and 3 days off.


> ----------The general rule of thumb is as many days off as on,

but I think for people that tolerate longer rounds, like 2 weeks,

maybe 1 week off would be enough. Anyway, only 3 days off doesn't

sound like much. How long have you been doing it this way, and this

has been working good for you? Also 200mg is a very large dose, and

I will address that in your question below.----------Jackie

Ive been doing it this way for about a month now so only 2/3 rounds.

If it gets too much i will definately take longer breaks. At the

moment i feel as if when im not chelating i feel worse and its as if

my body is telling me to chelate as i feel alot less worse once i

chelate. If that makes sense lol

---------Yes this does make sense, and longer rounds are fine as long as you

feel better on round, and not too bad when you end the round. The broken sleep

that many nights in a row would be hard on alot of people. So you feel like you

get enough sleep? That would be one reason to take more time off. Anyway, you

need to be the judge of this, but just be careful to not over do it, and give

your body a longer break if it needs it.---------Jackie

> ------------I looked at your hair test again, and it didn't meet

the counting rules, but your toxic elements were high, as you said,

for arsenic and mercury (and uranium). As Andy says in HTI, when you

don't meet the counting rules, then the toxic elements are fairly

accurate. So you are still toxic, you just don't have deranged

mineral transport caused by mercury, which many of us others do

have. So, this may mean that your body's natural detoxification

ability is better than some of us, and may be why you are responding

so well to chelation and tolerating high doses of ALA.------------


The above paragraph makes alot of sense, but any idea why my mineral

levels could be " normal " when most others are not ?

---------I don't remember if it's in HTI or if I read it in a post, but I

recall Andy saying that 9 out of 10 mercury toxic people will have very low hair

mercury and deranged mineral transport. So you must be the 1 in 10 :)

So for whatever reason, your body is less susceptible to deranged mineral

transport caused by mercury than most of us. Could be a genetic factor and/or

some biochemical difference, I don't know. But you are able to secrete the

mercury into your hair, where many of us can't. I would love to know if there

is any correlation between this (hair tests) and the APO-E genes, but it seems

very few people have this test done.

Anyway, I take it as meaning that your excretion abilities and/or your

detoxification pathways are better than most of us, so maybe that's why you

tolerate the higher doses of ALA so well. And I wonder if you would have

*eventually* developed deranged mineral transport, if you wouldn't have found

out about mercury and addressed this at this point? Because I believe you are

younger than many of us here. Maybe some of us would have had hair tests that

look like yours, if we would have tested many years sooner. I don't know. Just

some speculation on my part.---------Jackie


Thanks for your Answers Jackie much Appreciated

---------You're welcome. Interesting topic, and I also wonder what's the

difference in people why some tolerate high doses of ALA and others don't. Keep

us posted on how you're doing.----------Jackie

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