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Re: Can Chlorella screw up adrenal meds??

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> fatigue/hypothyroid symptoms again, including bad " air hunger " (feeling like

every breath

> I take gives me too little oxygen.) I went through these symptoms a year ago

before I was

Personally, a Ferritin/Folic acid supplement helps me with that symptom.


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It won't screw up the meds per say, but it will move mercury around

which will cause adrenal stress. Do you know how to stress dose? It

seems like you may need some extra to get through the redistribution.

I know I hate the fact that green powders sneak chlorella in them. I'd

love to use them too, but I can't. And what you did is not stupid..you

didn't know. We have all done things like that.

You probably need an increase in HC especially since the air hunger

improves when you take HC. That means your not getting enough right

now. I can't say the Hg filled in any receptors, there's no way to

know that, just that mercury exposure/redistribution is stressing to

the adrenals. Stressed adrenals and low cortisol interferes with the

thyroid hormones getting into cells.

You could do a round of dmsa if you had it on hand and know Andy's

protocol. That would also clean up the mercury, but...you'd still need

to help the adrenals.

My personal experience: I have already had 2 ekg's, a couple

ultrasounds of my heart and a stress test, and a sleep apnea study, CT

scans, MRI's all kinds of stuff..and all before I was 30.....for

tightness in the chest, short of breath, palpitations. Do you know

what they found? Not a damn thing. Because all of it was caused by my

cruddy adrenals not working right. I spent years complaining of these

symptoms. And yes, once they thought I had mitral valve prolapse, but

I didn't. Unless they actually hear a murmur.....then consider it.

If they have heard nothing, then they are being cautious.

This does not mean I advise you to skip this test if you feel it's

necessary and want to " rule " things out or be " on the safe side " . Just

that doctors often overlook simple causes for things. Use your judgment.

Air hunger is one of my main symptoms that I need to take another

dose of HC.

-- In frequent-dose-chelation , " Becky C-M "



> Pretty sure I'm mercury toxic, and just had my last of 7 amalgams

replaced at the end of

> April. (Have not posted hair test yet, but will soon.)


> Have not started Andy's chelation program yet (scared because I'm

super-sensitive to most

> supplements), but did something STUPID & need some advice.


> Took 1 tsp. of " green food " powder 2 weeks ago to help my horrible

digestion, then

> realized the stuff has cracked-cell chlorella in it. I think the

amt. of chlorella I took was

> 400mg.


> Felt horrible the day I took the " green food, " then 5 days ago,

started having bad adrenal

> fatigue/hypothyroid symptoms again, including bad " air hunger "

(feeling like every breath

> I take gives me too little oxygen.) I went through these symptoms a

year ago before I was

> put onto adrenal meds, and it's SCARY!!


> Problem is, I'm on medication for both adrenals (hyrdocortisone or

HC) and hypothyroid

> (Armour). I should not be having these problems - the meds have been

working since

> March. 2007.


> I know it's something to do w/adrenals because when I take my

hydrocortisone, the air

> hunger gets better for a few hours until the HC wears off.


> Could the chlorella have stirred up my mercury, and made the Hg fill

in whatever cell

> receptors usually process the hydrocortisone and/or thyroid meds?



> Does chlorella react w/ adrenal/thyroid meds, and will starting

chelation w/DMSA

> (Captomer) immediately help the issue??


> Thanks!


> Becky


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Posted by: " Becky C-M " mochadoo@... kiwideee

Wed Jun 4, 2008 9:00 am (PDT)

>Pretty sure I'm mercury toxic, and just had my last of 7 amalgams replaced at

the end of April. (Have not posted hair test yet, but will soon.)

You should be taking the spectrum of supps that Andy suggests, since you were

inevitably more exposed during the removal of the amalgams.

>Have not started Andy's chelation program yet (scared because I'm

super-sensitive to most supplements),

Allergy Research Foundation has good supps for highly sensitive people.

>but did something STUPID & need some advice.

>Took 1 tsp. of " green food " powder 2 weeks ago to help my horrible digestion,

then realized the stuff has cracked-cell chlorella in it. I think the amt. of

chlorella I took was 400mg.

Felt horrible the day I took the " green food, " then 5 days ago, started having

bad adrenal fatigue/hypothyroid symptoms again, including bad " air hunger "

(feeling like every breath I take gives me too little oxygen.) I went through

these symptoms a year ago before I was put onto adrenal meds, and it's SCARY!!

Have you ever had panic attacks? That's a not untypical mercury poisoning


>Problem is, I'm on medication for both adrenals (hyrdocortisone or HC) and

hypothyroid (Armour). I should not be having these problems - the meds have

been working since March. 2007.

>I know it's something to do w/adrenals because when I take my hydrocortisone,

the air hunger gets better for a few hours until the HC wears off.

Good, so you have a treatment for the immediate symptom.

>Could the chlorella have stirred up my mercury,

Yes, that's what happened. The removal of the amalgams plus the chlorella have

produced a lot of mercury redistribution through your body.

>and made the Hg fill in whatever cell receptors usually process the

hydrocortisone and/or thyroid meds?

I don't know the exact effect in the organ, but it does block the signal from

the brain that tells the adrenals to make HC (along with other hormones). It

could be that the stirred up mercury has blocked the production of whatever

amount your body was making.

>It's getting harder to breathe well because of this, and I'm thinking I might

have to start chelation ASAP.

No, what you want to do is (1) help the body with the damage the mercury is

causing. That means, consume as much in the way of antioxidants as you can:

vitamin C, vitamin E, coq10, and also take CLO and/or flax for it's

anti-inflammatory properties. (2) Help your liver get rid of as much mercury

as it can by giving bile support - milk thistle, along with perhaps lecithin,

and glycine+taurine. (3) Do something for the specific symptoms. It seems

you've already worked this out: up your HC intake. If your doc won't do it,

then Isocort (otc) has HC in it. You could get some of that.

>(Dr. wants me to go for an electrocardiogram for possible mitral valve

prolapse, but I think it's overkill @ this point!)

It probably is. What you have described is consistent with being exposed to

mercury in april and then stirring it up with chlorella. The half life of the

mercury in your blood is going to be about 77 days, so it is only coming down

slowly since the amalgam removal. Furthermore, it appears that you have a

treatment for the symptoms. Unless your doc can explain why HC would improve

mitral valve prolapse, then I think the test is probably not necessary.

Of course, it's always possible that something _in addition_ is going on and

that there is some reason that HC would have an effect on it. I give that a

smaller likelyhood given the changes you have made recently.

>Does chlorella react w/ adrenal/thyroid meds,

Not with the meds, but it does effect your body's production the hormones.

>and will starting chelation w/DMSA (Captomer) immediately help the issue??

I think that from what you have described of both your symptoms and the effect

of chlorella, you have a good chance of being mercury toxic. The best way to

tell that, and the final diagnosis, is a trial of chelation. If mercury is not

the issue, chelation will not have any effect. You will still want to do a

hair test, since there are other things we can get out of it, but trying

chelation seems certainly in order.


What will not help is doing things off the cuff. Let's make sure that you have

everything in order before you do this.

(1) Are you sure, sure, sure that there is no more amalgam in there?

(2) Please put all supps in place before doing the chelation:

B50 or B100 once or twice /d

Buffered C, 4g/d

Mg, 100mg 4x/d and increase to 200 in a few weeks

Mg Supps is done by taking 100-200mg (adult) with each meal and possibly at

bedtime. The amount used is adjusted to the max level that is not laxative.

Ca should also be given so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake from all sources

(food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 and 2:1.

Vit E, 400-1000IU/d

CoQ10, 75-200mg/d

Zinc, 20mg + 1mg/lb

Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO

Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal

Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d

Make sure any selenium is in some form like selenomethionine or selenium yeast.

50-300mcg a day total.

Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.

(3) Make sure you are aware that you should not make use of ALA until at least

3 months after the last amalgam was removed.

(4) Be aware that the dose starts at 1/8mg per lb bodyweight. If you are

sensitive, you might want to start lower.


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You need to be very careful with iron. It should be given _only_ if ferritin

levels are low, and in that case you should start with taking ascorbic acid

(acidic form of vitamin C) with meals, eating green leafeys and taking the

drippings form beef/lamb. The body will then increase the level of iron when

it is ready to do so. Iron is a pro-oxidant, and it appears that iron is often

low due to the body's deliberate attempt to decrease oxidative stress.

(Liberally lifted from Andy.)



Posted by: " belinda_312 " belinda_312@... belinda_312

Wed Jun 4, 2008 7:28 pm (PDT)

> fatigue/hypothyroid symptoms again, including bad " air hunger " (feeling like

every breath

> I take gives me too little oxygen.) I went through these symptoms a year ago

before I was

Personally, a Ferritin/Folic acid supplement helps me with that symptom.


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Thanks everybody for your responses. Looks like I've got a lot of supplement

shopping to

do this weekend - just hope my body can handle them!!

Dave, I'm positive there is no more mercury in my mouth. If there is, I'm

kicking the butt of

the Huggins dentist that just replaced my amalgams!! 

And thanks for the " Allergy Research Group " supplement info - I've got major

issues with

vitamin C, so I'm going to see if I can take their Cassava-Source Vitamin C

without hurting

myself. Your info's going to help A LOT!!

Jada, I appreciate your sharing your experiences with air hunger & incorrect

testing for it.

Really stinks that you had to go through all that!! Thank God for the Stop the


Madness forums - they're what made me realize I had hypoadrenal & hypothyroid 2

springs ago after my first amalgam was replaced. I would've wasted a lot of time

going to

doctors that know jack about adrenal fatigue!!

TK - thanks for the info! Does cilantro also do what chlorella does to


people? I'm growing cilantro in my garden & it's going to kill me if I can't eat

it (and

possibly kill me if I DO eat it, I guess!!) Ergh!!

Belinda, thanks for the ferritin/folic acid info. Kinda nervous about messing

with iron


I e-mailed my hair test PDF to the Living Network person this afternoon, so

hopefully they

can help me figure out what's going on here!!

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