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Re: Molybdenum, uric acid connection

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Thank you so very much for your input!!!! Few years ago my hair

analysis showed high level of Urea or Uric acid and I still remember

my doctor comments, " Don't know why so many chemically sensitive

people have high levels of this... "

My current physician uses ARL lab for hair analysis, Is it OK to use it?

How can I order DD hair kit? Do I need a doctor to order this?

Thanks in adavnce!!!




> I have never noticed it making me sleepy. But your post about only

tolerating a small dose reminded me that I forgot to comment on the

uric acid connection, and totally spaced this out in my earlier

discussions about this! Duh!


> Anyway, when I mentioned my concern to that maybe I

have now taken too much molybdenum, she mentioned that the next time I

have lab work done, that we can test my uric acid levels, which

evidentally has some correlation to molybdenum levels/needs. And Andy

also talks about this in the Mark Schauss interview, when he talks

about testing.


> So here are the links to the interview, which can be found in the

Links section of our group, and we also now have it in pdf format in

the Files section, thanks to Ross and for getting this

done! And I copied the part where Andy talks about uric acid levels

and molybdenum, and there relationship to mercury and lead.


> So Sunny, I'm wondering if you have a lead problem, and it would

probably be good to get your uric acid levels tested. And this might

be something you could get your regular doctor to do, because uric

acid is related to gout, and is something they will test. And just a

sidenote, in HTI, And does say that gout is common with lead

poisoning. And so, according to this, molybdenum *isn't* good for

everyone, but probably for alot of us, and the uric acid test is one

way of determining this.-------Jackie



> http://labinterpretation.com/content/track01-mark-schauss-andrew-cutler








> Quoting Andy Cutler, from page 10 of the above interview.


> " Serum uric acid is very, very helpful. It tends to go low with


> most heavy metals, but high with lead. So when you have someone with


> mercury, you'll typically see it below 4 [mg/dL]; they'll feel a lot

better if you


> give them a bunch of molybdenum. If they have some lead, you'll see

it up


> above 6 - it may not be frankly high but then you don't want to give



> molybdenum, you want to suspect lead and make sure you use DMSA. "








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