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Re: intestinal gas

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I am on the SCD, but there are many SCD legal foods that I must avoid

because of this problem.

I did have a stool test, btw, and Candida is not a problem for me. My

problem seems to be low numbers of most beneficial bacteria. I am

taking lots of probiotics, but that hasn't helped yet.

I have to avoid all dairy products that might contain a trace of

lactose. I make yogurt from goat milk and ferment it even longer than

usual. I do use some SCD legal cheeses.

I have to avoid honey, and anything that contains any refined sugars

(difficult for someone what craves sugar).

There are some legal SCD fruits that are high sugar, like dates for

example, that I must avoid. I can tolerate some of the low sugar

fruits, like apples and blueberries. I'm still in the process of

determining which ones I can and can't tolerate.

If I'm really good about avoiding sugary things then the problem is

not there.

The sugars just don't get absorbed where they are supposed to and they

go on to get fermented anaerobically by gut organisms, which leads to

the gas.



> This is not like anything i have had before

> other than a meal or two and very seldom . . It has been

> continuing now for over a week and I wonder if it is going to

> improve. I am still experimenting trying to figure out which

> meals it is with and what supplements are helpful..


> I do well with sulfur foods , and sulfate .IT does not feel

> like candida as I do not have any brain fog nor nausea like

> I would have before.. I have increased my enzymes and that

> does not get rid of it. I increased my sulfite intake, it

> seems to have helped the most with glucosamine,


> ..ANyways before another day I would appreciate any input

> thanks..Does anyonr have any suggestions as to my next step in

> experimenting.


> I am going to start doing single foods to see .. Fruit

> meals so far seemed the least likely to cause problems. Tea

> with sweetener does not cause the usual candida problem. Whey

> protein powder by itself was fine and I got a burst of

> lovley energy from it.


> help.. nanci


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> On my last round , I started getting huge amounts of smelly ,

> intestinal gas.

In my case that is always a symptom of candida. The other candida

symptoms use to follow it closely.

I think the easiest way to check if candida is the problem is to try

an anticandida diet and to use lots of probiotics and antifungals. My

understanding is that testing for candida is not worth because those

test usually are not very reliable.

I believe that many people feel exhausted while chelating because of

yeast infections, being unaware of the underlying cause.

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I seem to be fighting yeast as well. There is some concern about

redistribution when you fight it (I also feel I have experienced

that). If it is just gas, then you might not have a big problem. I

had a lot of other symptoms, and decided fighting it with natural

anti-fungals was necessary to be able to eat normally again. I got

mine from the local Vitamin Shoppe. It had cyprillic acid, garlic,

grapefruit seed extract and fennel. Apparently some of those

ingredients are anti-parasite. Not sure what others would say about

what symptoms would require you to start trying to treat it during

active chelation.



> =================Kai


> On my last round , I started getting huge amounts of smelly ,

> intestinal gas.



> ==================Nanci, this is what I too experience if I have

enough/too much dairy products. Could it also maybe the cause for you?



> This is not like anything i have had before

> other than a meal or two and very seldom . . It has been

> continuing now for over a week and I wonder if it is going to

> improve. I am still experimenting trying to figure out which

> meals it is with and what supplements are helpful..


> I do well with sulfur foods , and sulfate .IT does not feel

> like candida as I do not have any brain fog nor nausea like

> I would have before.. I have increased my enzymes and that

> does not get rid of it. I increased my sulfite intake, it

> seems to have helped the most with glucosamine,


> ..ANyways before another day I would appreciate any input

> thanks..Does anyonr have any suggestions as to my next step in

> experimenting.


> I am going to start doing single foods to see .. Fruit

> meals so far seemed the least likely to cause problems. Tea

> with sweetener does not cause the usual candida problem. Whey

> protein powder by itself was fine and I got a burst of

> lovley energy from it.


> help.. nanci


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It seems to be candida. It had me fooled as before with

candida I would get nausea and brain fog. BUt now my liver/

gallbladder is working better with the supplements and chelation

so I do not feel worse.. I just am not that pleasant to be


I have increased my apple cider vinegar, eating only yoghurt

for the day and adding high doses of acidophilus. I had

extremely little gas , so it must be candida..

thanks for all of your input.. another catastrophy quickly

remedied.. what would I do without you..??!!!!


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> I did have a stool test, btw, and Candida is not a problem for me. My

> problem seems to be low numbers of most beneficial bacteria. I am

> taking lots of probiotics, but that hasn't helped yet.


I just wanted to add a quick comment. I had a stool analysis done and

had the same result; no candida with low beneficial bacteria. I am

now wondering how accurate that was as it was not a purge test.

I had intermittent bouts of terrible fatigue/fog as well as poor

reactions to glutamine + elevated ammonia levels (which can be a sign

of yeast according to Cutler) that led me to suspect candida despite

my test result. I cut out the glutamine and eventually started high

dose probiotics (approx 15x dose for 6 weeks) after just taking one a

day for a few months. The result is that my fatigue attacks are now

gone while my brain fog is greatly reduced or gone 90% of the time. I

did have an initial worsening as I started too high on the dosage but

backed off and then built up again. For refference I eat a healthy

diet but do not restrict fruit or carbs, only sulfur foods as much as

reasonably possible.

I think one has to look at a stool analysis with a bit of skepticism

when it comes to candida unless it was a purge test. I'm certainly

not trying to plant any unnecessary worries in your head, just sharing

my opinion/experience. If the high doses of probiotics you are taking

aren't causing any die off symptoms or noticeably helping, maybe it is

just low levels and it will take some time for them to build up.


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I'm not sure what you mean by a purge test.

The test I had was this one:



They use DNA analysis, so it is very specific. It's not going to

miss anything, and the numbers should be accurate.

I am only trying to point out that sometimes people think that

Candida is the problem when it could just as easily be bacterial

dysbiosis or insufficient bacteria.

If problems resolve with high doses of probiotics it could be because

they are displacing bacteria just as easily as yeast.

It doesn't really matter unless the person is thinking of using

antimicrobials. At the time of the test I was thinking of using

antimicrobials and the test result showed me that neither antibiotics

nor antifungals would be beneficial, in fact both would likely have

caused further harm.




> > I did have a stool test, btw, and Candida is not a problem for

me. My

> > problem seems to be low numbers of most beneficial bacteria. I am

> > taking lots of probiotics, but that hasn't helped yet.

> >


> I just wanted to add a quick comment. I had a stool analysis done


> had the same result; no candida with low beneficial bacteria. I am

> now wondering how accurate that was as it was not a purge test.


> I had intermittent bouts of terrible fatigue/fog as well as poor

> reactions to glutamine + elevated ammonia levels (which can be a


> of yeast according to Cutler) that led me to suspect candida despite

> my test result. I cut out the glutamine and eventually started high

> dose probiotics (approx 15x dose for 6 weeks) after just taking one


> day for a few months. The result is that my fatigue attacks are now

> gone while my brain fog is greatly reduced or gone 90% of the

time. I

> did have an initial worsening as I started too high on the dosage


> backed off and then built up again. For refference I eat a healthy

> diet but do not restrict fruit or carbs, only sulfur foods as much


> reasonably possible.


> I think one has to look at a stool analysis with a bit of skepticism

> when it comes to candida unless it was a purge test. I'm certainly

> not trying to plant any unnecessary worries in your head, just


> my opinion/experience. If the high doses of probiotics you are


> aren't causing any die off symptoms or noticeably helping, maybe it


> just low levels and it will take some time for them to build up.


> Ross


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> I had intermittent bouts of terrible fatigue/fog as well as poor

> reactions to glutamine + elevated ammonia levels (which can be a sign

> of yeast according to Cutler) that led me to suspect candida despite

> my test result. I cut out the glutamine and eventually started high

> dose probiotics (approx 15x dose for 6 weeks) after just taking one a

> day for a few months. The result is that my fatigue attacks are now

> gone while my brain fog

Hi Ross , Were you able to reintroduce the glutamine after???


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> I'm not sure what you mean by a purge test.

Just means they induce loose stools. The thought is that yeast might

not adhere to a regular stool sample but if you purge the system you

get a 'deeper' (for lack of a better term) sample as well as

forcefully dislodge anything that might more inclined to stay stuck to

the wall of the intestine. At least that's how it was explained to me.

> The test I had was this one:


> http://www.metametrix.com/content/DirectoryOfServices/2100GIEffectsSto

> ol


> They use DNA analysis, so it is very specific. It's not going to

> miss anything, and the numbers should be accurate.


Cool. Like I said, not trying to plant any ideas in your head, just

sharing my experience as it seemed relevant. Dysbiosis alone could

easily explain your circumstance as you point out, and given the

sensitivity/specificity of your test and results it sounds like you

have the matter well in hand.

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> Hi Ross , Were you able to reintroduce the glutamine after???


> Nanci



I never tried as my digestion was good and I started to put weight

back on. That said (and keep in mind I am not yet chelating...finally

getting my first order of DMPS this week), I seem to be having some

kind of horrible redistribution (or else I have some kind of

concurrent infection right now, or it's both) and I am wondering if

the idea that killing the yeast frees up the Hg, as I have seen

discussed here, is starting to hit me. Whatever it is, it sucks.

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