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Re: New to group

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Hi ,

When I have my cp attacks my amylase and lipase are rarely elevated. So most

of the time the physician goes by my history and pain. I have had a few

uneducated doctors in different ER who asked the dumb question " What makes you

think you are having a pancreatitis attack, your amylase and lipase are normal "

Believe me when you have the pain of one attack you will never forget that

pain. Eventually my gastro doctor will be contacted and confirm my diagnosis.

What I am saying is that just because the amylase and lipase are normal

doesn't mean that pancreatitis should be excluded. I had elevated liver enzymes

after an ERCP that were very high so I would be persistant. Don't listen to one

md. Find another one. Keep you head up.

Take care

Patty J

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> One thing I am curious about is that how many have problems with lab

work? What I mean is, over the past two years I have had the exact

symptoms of CP ( I had my gallbladder removes 3 years earlier) and my lab

work that is done the day after my pain shows High liver function levels, high

cholestoral but no high lipase or amylase levels. The doctor thinks I have CP

but is not sure.

Dear ,

You'll see by our posts that many of us have " difficulty " with lab work. For

many of us, especially those of us in more advanced stages of the disease,

our amylase and lipase labwork will often come back as normal or lower than

normal. This isn't uncommon with advanced pancreatitis disease and is

acknowledged by many gastroenterology specialists, but unfortunately there

are still many doctors out there who attach too much relevence to what these

labs say. If you go to the Hopkins website that is listed in our Files

section, you will find verification of this.

I, personally, do not even get " normal " amylase or lipase values anymore

during an acute attack, but I'm fortunate enough to have a GI who is aware of

this and attaches no importance to my A & L levels. The last time I was

admitted for an acute attack he told the hospital physician that there was no

purpose in even doing that particular bloodwork, as he knew it would come

back either normal or low, and it did.

Your doctor needs to address other diagnostic tests or procedures in order to

find his diagnosis. Few professionals rely upon bloodwork alone to diagnose

chronic pancreatitis. This is when the doctor needs to look into ultrasounds,

CT-scans, MRI's or MRCP's to determine what is happening in your

pancreas. I hope that your doctor will consider this, and if he won't, you need

to find a gastroenterology specialist that will.

If he's just going to rely upon labwork to make his determination, you may

have a very long and frustrating time ahead of you before you get the help

you need. Please discuss this with him and see if he would perform some of

the other testing to make his diagnosis, it would save both of you a lot of time

and unnecessary frustration.

With hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina

SC & SE Regional Rep.

PAI, Intl.

Note: All comments or advice are personal opinion only, and

should not be substituted for consultation with a medical


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  • 2 years later...
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> Hello,

> My name is , and I am getting ready to start this crazy diet,

> with my family. My husband of 15 years, has occasional heartburn, and

> used to have other tummy issues fairly often. I have 3 kids, the

> oldest, is 13 and has an Asperger's label. He also has fought reflux,

> and a hiatal hernia. At 12, he tested positive for allergies to milk

> and soy. After being off these two, he has less reflux. My daughter

> is 11, and I also have an 8 year old who seems to have problems with

> constipation.

In my opinion, SCD will address these issues with positive effcts. No guarranty,

of course,

but I siad goodbye to heartburn six years ago after starting SCD, and the reflux



> Okay, so I've thought, many times about doing the Gfcf diet with ,

> but couldn't bring myself to make the change. Last year, my niece came

> down with something. She has a great many symptoms like celiac, but

> doesn't test positive for it. They have yet to find her dx. Meanwhile,

> she went off gluten and has done well. My sister, then, found the SCD

> diet, and told me enough to make me curious.

Since I started SCD before learning about the atarches included in tge GF it

made me more

furious than curious although each faction is entitled to their own belief in

their protocols.

I read Elaine's book, and

> believe that is not the ONLY one in our house that could benefit

> from this. I love to cook, and am hoping that summer time will be an

> easy time to transition to this very big change in our diets. I'm

> hoping the house will find it not so tough.


> I was still pretty skeptical about it all until I found the pecanbread

> website where there were many dairy free recipes listes. I am not

> ready to give him something that he's allergic to.

You will be able to determine whether there is a TRUE casein allergy. Many who

come here

find they tolerate the approved dairy as healing takes place. In any case dairy

is NOT

MANDATORY, but the recommended goat yogurt ius a very beneficial food.

>Anyway, I'm looking

> forward to getting to know people on here, and finding others who are

> doing this diet with success. We'll be starting the intro soon. (I'm

> trying to use up stuff in the fridge and pantry.)

> -


My advice--don " t waste time using up stuff. Give it to a food bank or a neighbor

and dive

in. Illegal foods just prolong damage to the gut which in turn affects the

brain conection.

Your family's tummies will thank you collectively


Warning; be prepared for possible unpleasant die off symptoms at the beginning

as the

bad bacteria mount a last ditch campaign for supremacy.

This is a real " People Place. " You'll get sage advice, hear inspiring stories

and become the

best cook on the block, at least that was my experience.

Welcome .

Carol F.

celiac, MCS, latex Allergy, SCD 6 years

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I am relatively new to the group, too. I asked about activated charcoal last

week. Now, we are going to start the diet this week, as I have bought all of

the cooking stuff and foods recommended by the book and the pecanbread website.

My question is, I do not think my six-year old son will do well to start with

the intro diet. He is GF/CF now for three years, but he only drinks orange

juice, pineapple juice (sometimes), and orange gatorade (I know, not anymore).

Getting him to drink anything hot or lukewarm like chicken broth would be


He will eat grilled or broiled meat, baked chicken, and the almond flour

pancakes. He loves bananas (probably have to test if he is allergic now), and

oranges and pineapple. This is the extent of his diet, that would be SCD-legal.

He loves Tostito and rice...Any suggestions on other foods I should try with him

first? He is so resistant to veggies. When we gave him rice pasta, we would

sneak veggies and meats in the sauce. And he would pick out the meats.

Familiar? Now that I have a food processor, that will be difficult.

Thank you for any advice you can provide.


Mom to , almost six, diagnosed with autism and dyspraxia

" Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you

are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe

that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an

end requires...courage. " Ralph Waldo Emerson


Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

starting at 1¢/min.

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Welcome to the list. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't actually do the

GF/CF diet before SCD. For many kids, it has actually made things worse in the

long run.

You might think of SCD as " this crazy diet " right now... but before long, you'll

be thinking of the " Standard American Diet " of processed, refined starches and

sugars, damaged fats, chemicals and additives as a VERY crazy diet, compared to

the oh-so-sane common sense of SCD. :)

Patti, mom to Katera

New to group


My name is , and I am getting ready to start this crazy diet,

with my family.

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I assume you have looked at the section on pecanbread.com for the " ASD Intro " ?

There are lots of ideas for adapting the intro diet. My daughter would never

have taken more than a spoonful or two of the chicken broth either, so I just

pureed her carrots and added broth to that.

I actually know a parent who added a bit of cooled chicken broth to the grape

juice jello. It was undetectable! (I know... sounds gross!)

Do remember that the intro is only two days. It will REALLY help give him a jump

start on healing if you can make it through. If it's simply impossible to stick

to only intro foods for two days, you can go back and re-do intro later. It's

just ideal to do it at the beginning.

And you've read the " Picky Eaters " section under " Overcoming Difficulties " ? The

" sneaky " pancakes and muffin recipes might work well.


Re: New to group

My question is, I do not think my six-year old son will do well to start

with the intro diet. He is GF/CF now for three years, but he only drinks orange

juice, pineapple juice (sometimes), and orange gatorade (I know, not anymore).

Getting him to drink anything hot or lukewarm like chicken broth would be


He will eat grilled or broiled meat, baked chicken, and the almond flour

pancakes. He loves bananas (probably have to test if he is allergic now), and

oranges and pineapple. This is the extent of his diet, that would be SCD-legal.

He loves Tostito and rice...Any suggestions on other foods I should try with him

first? He is so resistant to veggies. When we gave him rice pasta, we would

sneak veggies and meats in the sauce. And he would pick out the meats.

Familiar? Now that I have a food processor, that will be difficult.

Thank you for any advice you can provide.


Mom to , almost six, diagnosed with autism and dyspraxia

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  • 2 years later...

Welcome ,

I think that the most important thing for you to know right now is

DON'T take ANY chelator, or anything anyone claims will chelate, when

you have any amalgam in your mouth at all!!! The naturopath and the

MD both could have caused serious harm with their methods.

For now, you need to concentrate on getting a good supplement plan,

possibly diet modifications, and working on getting the amalgams

safely removed.

There is a new dental-chelation group on yahoo where you will find

lots of super help with the dental questions. The people there also

follow Cutler's chelation protocol.

Cutler's protocol is the only safe one around for chelation. We can

explain why to you when you are ready for chelation.

You can chelate yourself with the help of Cutler's two books (see the

links section) and internet support. Be sure to check things out as

you go along. Look through the information in the links and files

section carefully.

The supplements that you will need are all explained in

Cutler's " Amalgam Illness " book. I think that there is a short list

of supplements in the files section.



> Hi, I am new to the group. In April I had a progesterone IUD put

in which caused an

> allergic reaction that resulted in migraine which seemed to never

leave, by May diagnosed

> with transformed migraine / inflamed trigeminal nerve

(photosensitivity (flashing lites,

> sunlite too brite), I hear sounds that are not there, bruxism and

tmj, extreme tooth

> sensitivity, etc). I've also suffered other neurological issues as

well prior and had

> uncontrolled anxiety that started a year ago as well as

debilitating unexplained panic

> attacks that I felt were physiological and not physchological.


> Wondering if what is happening to me is partially caused by my

amalgams so went to a

> mercury free dentist who follows hal huggins protocol. He put me

in touch with an MD as

> well as told me to get in touch with naturopaths and to find

someone I can work thru with

> the " process " of detoxification, and now I am feeling overwhelmed.

Talked to four

> different people, all saying four different things and I dont know

wht to do. One

> naturopath gave me a challenge test along with 100mg and 250mg of

DMSA to be taken at

> once in two different days. The MD told me not to do it, so now I

am stuck with an

> expensive test I paid for that I have not taken (stressful), but

she uses a DMPS push for

> chelation which I just read elsewhere is dangerous? As for

diagnosis she uses a quantum

> physic biofeedback tool which i am guessing is probably a SCIO or

some sort. My

> neurologist just told me to get the work done and not worry about

getting tested bc they

> are all inadequate. Do I need to work with a naturopath or MD or

can I do this myself with

> the help of this forum and some books? Any advice would be most

appreciated as some

> of the teeth have cavities under the amalgams and need to be worked

on in the next few

> weeks so its sort of an emergency to figure this stuff out very

very quickly. I dont want to

> exascperate the inflamed nerve is mercury is what is inflaming it

to start with, or at least

> playing some sort of a role. On the other hand, I do want to get

it removed if it is, and in

> the case of the ones with the cavities, I have no choice, it has to

be done ASAP. Can I

> remove then take my time and decide to chelate much later? Or is

it best to chelate right

> away? Does it matter?


> -


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-Hello ,

You have found a great wealth of intormation through this group

and Andy Cutlers books/// Your symptoms are just like the

alot of mine... Panic attacks for me was hypoglycemia and liver

and hormonl problems. THe hypoglycemia got better for me with

chromium and the dgiestive stuff many of the supplements

recommended by Andy..My mouth has been so sore that I

feared root canals. This was from stress again on my organs

from the many deficiencies , bactreial overgrowth , toxins,


I would get Andys books and they have so much information.

Unfortunately our bodies may need alot of supports , It is

not an easy job.. but it is soooo worth the work... Getting

all of the mercury out of our mouths is essential, Getting rid of

the mercury that has ended up in storage is vital . You have

come to the right place to start working at hetting well..

See you around.



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In frequent-dose-chelation marymkrefting wrote:

Hi, I am new to the group.

--------Hi , and welcome! You've already got some great advice, so I'll

just add a few things.--------Jackie

In April I had a progesterone IUD put in which caused an

allergic reaction that resulted in migraine which seemed to never leave, by

May diagnosed

with transformed migraine / inflamed trigeminal nerve (photosensitivity

(flashing lites,

sunlite too brite), I hear sounds that are not there, bruxism and tmj, extreme


sensitivity, etc). I've also suffered other neurological issues as well prior

and had

uncontrolled anxiety that started a year ago as well as debilitating

unexplained panic

attacks that I felt were physiological and not physchological.

---------My anxiety got better just with amalgam removal. After learning alot

more here, I also realized that anxiety is often a symptom of weak adrenals. So

that is something you can explore, as you start learning more.----------Jackie

Wondering if what is happening to me is partially caused by my amalgams so

went to a

mercury free dentist who follows hal huggins protocol. He put me in touch with

an MD as

well as told me to get in touch with naturopaths and to find someone I can

work thru with

the " process " of detoxification, and now I am feeling overwhelmed. Talked to


different people, all saying four different things and I dont know wht to do.

----------I think this is the most difficult part about this, because there is

so much conflicting information about chelation out there, and it is hard to

know what to do. But I can honestly say that I feel that Cutler's protocol is

the safest, and that he has the best handle on this than anyone. The fact that

he is a chemist and can understand this at that level, AND that he was sick

himself and figured out how to get well, means alot to me. So please spend alot

of time reading in the Links and Files section, and order his books. It will be

time and money well spent, and you will learn what is harmful and what is



naturopath gave me a challenge test along with 100mg and 250mg of DMSA to be

taken at

once in two different days. The MD told me not to do it, so now I am stuck

with an

expensive test I paid for that I have not taken (stressful), but she uses a

DMPS push for

chelation which I just read elsewhere is dangerous?

-----------Yes, do not do any kind of challenge test. They are basically

uninformative and can be dangerous. Many people are made worse by them. We

have collected some adverse reaction reports in the Links section of this group,

and you can also read at dmpbackfire.com.

What we do recommend doing is a Hair Elements test through DDI. It can be

ordered without a doctor from Direct Labs. Info in Links and Files. Cutler has

developed a way to help determine mercury toxicity through a hair test, by

looking for deranged mineral transport. And many other things can be learned

from the hair test. You may find you're toxic in another metal besides mercury,

and it also points to other things, such as adrenal, thyroid, and blood sugar

problems. So a very useful test.----------Jackie

As for diagnosis she uses a quantum

physic biofeedback tool which i am guessing is probably a SCIO or some sort.


neurologist just told me to get the work done and not worry about getting

tested bc they

are all inadequate.

----------You're neurologist is correct about going ahead and getting the work

done, I assume he means replacing your fillings. And the test I would recommend

is the hair test. If you can get some type of doctor to order it and insurance

to pay for it, you could ask for a urine porphyrins test. It can show toxicity,

but it is very sensitive to handling, so could give false negatives too. But it

is not harmful, and might be covered by insurance.----------Jackie

Do I need to work with a naturopath or MD or can I do this myself with

the help of this forum and some books?

-----------Many people do chelation without a doctor, and just the help of

these forums and Andy's books. Usually what people need a doctor for is if they

have related problems, such as adrenals and other hormones, and may need

prescription meds for that.----------Jackie

Any advice would be most appreciated as some

of the teeth have cavities under the amalgams and need to be worked on in the

next few

weeks so its sort of an emergency to figure this stuff out very very quickly.

I dont want to

exascperate the inflamed nerve is mercury is what is inflaming it to start

with, or at least

playing some sort of a role. On the other hand, I do want to get it removed if

it is, and in

the case of the ones with the cavities, I have no choice, it has to be done


remove then take my time and decide to chelate much later? Or is it best to

chelate right

away? Does it matter?

---------I agree you need to get the dental work done soon, and you can learn

more about chelation as you go. I highly recommend you get Andy's books, and

start getting on the basic supplements, and learn what is safe to take and what

isn't. If you don't feel comfortable with chelation, then it is better to do

nothing than to do the wrong thing, so spend more time reading here and getting

comfortable with it. You don't have to chelate right away, but it would

probably be better to not wait too long. Once you get Andy's book, you can

study the graph on page 52 of AI, so you understand the natural pattern of

mercury detox. Their is a period of time about 6 months after amalgam removal

that you will naturally feel worse, and it is better to be chelating through

this time. But, people have started chelation at all different points, so if

you don't feel ready right after amalgam removal, then it would be ok to wait a

little while, until you do feel ready to try it. Like I said, I rather see you

do nothing, than to try a bad chelation protocol, and make yourself


----------If you haven't yet, I highly suggest you read the Links to the ANDY

INDEX and the onibasu.com/wiki, Cutler Protocol.----------Jackie


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