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Re: Breast Cancer and chelation

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Hi. I can't offer a lot on the cancer front, but here is what I get out of

your hair test.

FWIW, I've been told that the Gerson folks down in Mexico, send their patients

first thing for dental remediation for mercury exposure. So, I think you may

well be on the right track.


5 low - One counting rule

9 outside the green zone.

0 red.

Meets one counting rule.

Mercury mildly elevated.

High probability of mercury toxicity.

Arsenic & Titanium mildly elevated.

Antimony moderately elevated.

These may be real, even given the all high pattern, given that mercury

causes the body to accumulate these metals.

The silver may be an artefact of the disordered mineral transport.

Ca/P low ==>

Could do well with digestive enzymes, high vit D

Try a high fat diet.

Na/Mg = 1.75 ok

Na/K ok

K/Ca = .107

Thyroid looks ok.

For the Arsenic:

Naturally cleared by methylation:

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

folic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d)

NB: Too much methl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation.

Often do not handle carbs well -

high protein or even Atkins can be tried.

If chemical sensitivity: avoid carotenes,

eat grapefuit & niacinamide .5gm 4x/d

You are doing ALA anyway, which will help clear it.

for the Antimony:

Consider washing cotton cloths and bedding in borax washing powder,

five times, to remove the flame retardant. Replace matress by an

organic mattress or cover it with a plastic cover.

Methylating supps improve clearance.

(eg same as with arsenic)

Mg, potassium,

Heart supps: Carnitine, hawthorne extract, CoQ10.

If skin problems: High vit content skin cream.

Consider high protein, restricted carbs.

So, there are a number of indications that you might consider a lower

carbohydrate diet. I don't know how that will fit in with your cancer

treatment, though.

My instinct would be that if ALA is helping, then you aught to keep it up.

Good luck to you!



Posted by: " llamabb " llamabb@... llamabb

Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:21 pm (PDT)

I recently got a diagnosis of breast cancer. I am trying to figure

out how my chelation regimen for mercury, silver, and lead is going to

work with cancer treatment. I feel much better when chelating with

ALA. Furthermore, I believe my heavy metal toxicity has surely not

helped keep a tumor from growing in my breast. I searched for

information on this in Andy's books and through Onibasu and on this

group. I really did not find anything specific to my questions and


Is there anyone else on this group that has gotten a diagnosis of

cancer while chelating? Anyone have any suggestions on how I can make

chelation work with cancer treatments? Has Andy addressed this

somewhere I missed?

I finished my amalgam removal in November 2006. Began chelating with

DMSA frequent low dose soon after. Had awful side effects; it was a

tough winter. Added ALA 3 to 4 months later which helped with side

effects but did not eliminate them. Found out 8 months after

beginning chelation (July 2007) that one tiny amalgam was missed. Got

it out right away. DMSA made me really sick even after that. I

figured the lead was the culprit perhaps. Switched to ALA only and

have tried DMSA a couple of times since but always found it caused

problems. So I have continued with ALA low dose every three hours

with appropriate rest breaks. I have been comfortable with it and

feel better on chelation than off. I have continued to battle

depression and adrenal problems. Ironically, those have gotten a lot

better just lately. AND NOW THIS CANCER THING!

My hair test from October 2006 is Number 25.

Any thoughts, suggestions, supports will be greatly appreciated.

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Here's my take on Dad:


11 outside of the green zone

2 red

Counts as " suspicious "

There is some chance of mercury intoxication. At this point, you look

into symptoms. What are they?

Lead mildly elevated. That might actually be relevant. Chelate with

DMSA, 3 days per month.

Copper red high. Go on the copper protocol for 3-4 months, and then

retest hair.

Give zinc, molybdenum (1-3mg/day) & Milk thistle. Avoid all high

copper foods (eg nuts) and avoid supps with copper in them.

Na/K fine

K/Ca = .008, very low.

TEST Thyroid

Na/Mg = .15, very low ==> adrenaline too low.

Give Tyrosine, Phenylalanine (red meat or supplement)

Give methylation enhancers:

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

folic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d);

NB! Too much methl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation.

Try B6.

Here is the scoop on B6:

B6 does not agree with everyone.

Adult: 100-250mg with meals and at bed-time (3-4x/day).

If it works, worth experimenting with amounts. If not, don't jack it


If > 500mg 4x/day can get tingling & numbness in hands & feet.

If happens, stop and it will cease in a few days.


And son:


3 red

8 outside green zone

6 high, 2 borderline.

ONe " suspicious " and one " unusual " to " suspicious " .

That's very close to a counting rule.

Antimony mildly elevated.

Li below measurement tolerance.

(Try lithium orotate or aspartate).

High prob of mercury tox.

Ca/P low ==> Fast oxidizer.

Consider high fat diet.

Try digestive enzymes and high vitamin D.

Na/K fine

K/Ca = .14 ok.

Thyroid looks ok.

Na/Mg = 2.15 ok.

A little bit of adrenal stress showing, but not too bad.



Every one of you has highly elevated silver. This may be an artifact of

mineral disorder, or it may not. Are you using " colloidal silver, silver

nitrate sticks or silver nitrate for other medicinal use, silver protein and/or

photographic chemicals " ? (HTI p.248).

The problems that silver causes, and treatment approaches, are:

" The impulsivity and emotional chaos that silver causes can be reduced by

rigorously excluding hydrogenated fats from the diet, and by the use of

carnosine and mood stabilizing medications. Sometimes a ketogenic diet such as

the Atkins diet also brings relief. The use o nutritional supplements

carnitine or acetyl-l-carnitite may make an Atkins style diet more comfortable

and well tolerated. " (HTI p.248).


Posted by: " llamabb " llamabb@... llamabb

Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:19 am (PDT)

Thank you, Dave, so much for taking the time to look at my hair test.

I should have told you that my son and husband are numbers 26 and 27

in case you want to see the whole family.

I really appreciate your interpretation of my test. It is most

helpful to get another opinion.

I am on a low to no carb diet now. This started out last October with

cutting out all glutin containing foods. Then I recently expanded it.

I eat lots of low carb veges and meat and fat. I do very little fish

(maybe once a week Alaskan wild salmon) because of the mercury and

other things. One thing that I have ramped up in the past year is

iodine. Now I am ramping it up even more. I also have been rubbing

it on my breasts for a couple of months now. I have just started

taking the green tea extract and fractionated pectin. I will be

adding other things one by one in the days ahead.

I will enter another separate post on this forum to share my

experience with gadolinium which was given to me on Monday for MRI


In the meantime, I am considering my options for the breast cancer.

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