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Re: Starting over - have a question---digestive problems

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, I am taking magnesium - I missed it on my list. I am took some

zinc but discovered that it had rice flour in it (I can't tolerate

anything with rice) so I am going to order a different brand. I plan

to order most or all of the supplements that have been recommended.

Right now I wish that I could find something I could take to speed up

the healing of my gut -- it really has me worried.




> From a quick look at your supplements, you are missing two of Andy's

> " top four " - magnesium and zinc.


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HI Terri..

I would start with the phosphatidylcholine for your gut


From my experience phosphatidylcholine and lecithin were my

savior for my aching and my gut.. Make sure you take enough..

I started with the lecithin but have been on

phosphatidylcholine for the past week and doing even better..

Andy says 5 gm { I imagine daily.?} I have been taking 1000

mg before each meal and may up it up a bit..

Just last week I had a crisis for many days just because I

missed one meal with lecithin.. Make sure you try it.>.





> Right now I still have the bowel pain and I am achy all over and

> lethargic. .




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Hi Terri,\

Taking a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of

water, 20 minutes before meals would be worth a try as well

for your digestion.. It can lead to a die off of yeast so if you

notice you are getting alot of gas, worse etc,, it could be

that.. It was for me and it took only two days to see big

improvements..I continue to take it daily..

But I would start with the phosphayidylcholine first.


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Thanks, Nanci - I am going to get some phosphayidylcholine and lecithin

today. How much lecithin should I take and when should I take it? Thanks.


> Hi Terri,\


> Taking a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of

> water, 20 minutes before meals would be worth a try as well

> for your digestion.. It can lead to a die off of yeast so if you

> notice you are getting alot of gas, worse etc,, it could be

> that.. It was for me and it took only two days to see big

> improvements..I continue to take it daily..


> But I would start with the phosphayidylcholine first.


> Nanci


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I have just started taking the phosphatidylcholine { I shall

call it PC for short} I was taking the lecithin on

directions from my doctor.. I was taking quite a bit before

each meal.. like 6000 mg in pill form = 6 pills, big ones!! ,

So I took the lecithin granules equal to that amount soaked

in water to make it a paste , which made it easy to get down..

Lecithin contains the choline and also inositol,lipotropic


Andy recommends the PC and I am about to figure out if I

just take the PC without the lecithin do I also need to

take inositol . ???

Will let you know if I find out , and I also will ask my

doctor who I see in a couple of weeks. Anyone know the


Here is a short blurb on it... http://www.diagnose-


Choline helps move fats out of cells so helps the liver process

things better. It also helps the cells in the brain.. There is

a warning of taking too much in which case you would smell

like a fish...Yuchh

So these past two weeks I have been taking the 6000mg

lecithin plus 1000 mg PC before starting to eat.. with

every meal.. Fruit is better and I do not need to take so much..


I had a crisis where everything in my gut got very bad with

nausea and pain so I did some new experimentings and added on

the PC ,,This week I have stuck to the lecithin, plus added on

1000mg of PC before each meal... The higher choline amounts

has made me feel even better.

I have bought some inositol and plan on figuring out the

right ratios..

Also I am also working with my manganese levels as I am having

those symptoms again--ie pain in my liver area particularly

during chelation.. I am also having pale poop which means my

bile is very low ,, THis is something that has not been so

pronounced so I need to work on this.. with trials of the

minerals and of amino acids..

I sure hope the choline helps you. I would start with the PC

1000 mg just before eating each meal.. .Nanci.



> Thanks, Nanci - I am going to get some phosphayidylcholine and


> today. How much lecithin should I take and when should I take it?


> Again!


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SOmething else good for the gut is glucosamine... Page 154 of

AI ... Is this in the form of glucosamine sulfate.. ie is it

the sulfate that is helping heal the gut?? He says " By healing

the gut it may alleviate candida and food allergy problems "

I find epsom salts and glucosamine sulfate rids me of

endometriosis pain and maybe if I took more it might improve

my chances of healing my gut totally.. I am looking forward to

the day of only a few supplements.. What we do do to get better



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I went to the HF store to purchase lecithin and after talking to the sales

clerk, I ended up buying the phosphatidylcholine. Thinking that more is

better, I purchased it in triple strength 1200mg. I took one with my dinner

last night and have been running to the bathroom since 4AM with watery

diarrhea. Assuming that it was caused by the phosphatidylcholine - I

wonder if I started with too large of a dose or if I should have started

with the lecithin and worked my way up to the phosphatidylcholine?



-------Nanci wrote:


I have just started taking the phosphatidylcholine { I shall

call it PC for short} I was taking the lecithin on

directions from my doctor.. I was taking quite a bit before

each meal.. like 6000 mg in pill form = 6 pills, big ones!! ,

So I took the lecithin granules equal to that amount soaked

in water to make it a paste , which made it easy to get down..

Lecithin contains the choline and also inositol,lipotropic


Andy recommends the PC and I am about to figure out if I

just take the PC without the lecithin do I also need to

take inositol . ???

Will let you know if I find out , and I also will ask my

doctor who I see in a couple of weeks. Anyone know the


Here is a short blurb on it... http://www.diagnose-


Choline helps move fats out of cells so helps the liver process

things better. It also helps the cells in the brain.. There is

a warning of taking too much in which case you would smell

like a fish...Yuchh

So these past two weeks I have been taking the 6000mg

lecithin plus 1000 mg PC before starting to eat.. with

every meal.. Fruit is better and I do not need to take so much..


I had a crisis where everything in my gut got very bad with

nausea and pain so I did some new experimentings and added on

the PC ,,This week I have stuck to the lecithin, plus added on

1000mg of PC before each meal... The higher choline amounts

has made me feel even better.

I have bought some inositol and plan on figuring out the

right ratios..

Also I am also working with my manganese levels as I am having

those symptoms again--ie pain in my liver area particularly

during chelation.. I am also having pale poop which means my

bile is very low ,, THis is something that has not been so

pronounced so I need to work on this.. with trials of the

minerals and of amino acids..

I sure hope the choline helps you. I would start with the PC

1000 mg just before eating each meal.. .Nanci.

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In frequent-dose-chelation Terri G wrote:


I went to the HF store to purchase lecithin and after talking to the sales

clerk, I ended up buying the phosphatidylcholine. Thinking that more is


---------Well, I think we have all made that mistake! But a good general rule

of thumb is to start low and build up, with any new supplement. We are all

different, and some people will tolerate much more than others. And some people

really have to build up slowly.---------Jackie

I purchased it in triple strength 1200mg. I took one with my dinner

last night and have been running to the bathroom since 4AM with watery

diarrhea. Assuming that it was caused by the phosphatidylcholine - I

wonder if I started with too large of a dose or if I should have started

with the lecithin and worked my way up to the phosphatidylcholine?

----------If this was the only new thing you added, then it probably was the

problem. In AI on page 161, Andy says it helps the liver move fats around. So

it must have had some effect on your liver, and maybe it dumped alot of fat

and/or toxins or whatever into your digestive tract, causing the diarrhea.

That's my guess. So it was probably just too large of a dose for you. You

could also tell the person at the HFS what happened, and see what they have to





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