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Re: Possibly gettin worse not better...

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> Itching could be a yeast reaction. Have you tried taking

> probiotics and antifungals? Hope you feel better..

Hey, yer im taking anti fungals, GSE + caprylic acid rotated each

month. IM going to order nystatin online now. As for probiotics i dont

seem to be able to tolerate them, so my guess if also have very low

good bacteria.

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You are probably in the dumping phase. Did you ever feel better than

you do now after getting amalgams out?

Sometimes the dumping phase comes earlier or later for different

people. Keep chelating to make this phase more tolerable, even if you

only take DMSA.



> > Itching could be a yeast reaction. Have you tried taking

> > probiotics and antifungals? Hope you feel better..


> Hey, yer im taking anti fungals, GSE + caprylic acid rotated each

> month. IM going to order nystatin online now. As for probiotics i dont

> seem to be able to tolerate them, so my guess if also have very low

> good bacteria.


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> Have you tested and treated your adrenals? Your itching, leaky gut,

> and increasing food sensitivities sound like they could be due to a

> candida yeast infection. Poor adrenal function can allow a yeast

> problem to develop and persist. Supporting the adrenals when they

> are struggling will help you fight the infection.


> --

My hair test results were interperetd as

Na/Mg = .71, low! ==> Adrenaline too low.

Na & K, Ca & Mg adrenal sign looks fine ==> cortesol looks ok

One says low and one says ok ? So not too sure.. what would you

reccommend for adrenals i will try to see if it makes some improvment.


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> It sounds like gut healing is needed. There is a plan for healing a

> leaky gut in the book " Protein Power Lifeplan " . It would have to be

> modified because of your limited diet. Could you survive on chicken

> soup for a week or so? See the chicken soup recipe at this link:






> and gradually add the supplements that are essential for healing the

> gut, like cod liver oil or fish oil plus vit A and D, lots of

> magnesium, glutamine, and then gradually add the other basic

> supplements that Andy recommends.


> After a week or so on chicken soup gradually introduce other things

> only as tolerated. Lamb and pears are often mentioned as foods that

> allergic people are likely to tolerate. Cooked carrots are part of

> the SCD chicken soup, and then other cooked vegetables are added,


> cooked squash.


> (When I was having gut problems cooked meats and cooked vegetables

> were the only things I could eat).


> Digestive enzymes and Betaine HCl can be used to help with digestion

> and absorption.


> An IgE, IgG food panel may help to find some food that you can eat

> while attempting to heal the gut.


> Just some ideas.


> J

Thanks for the recipe linda, i cant usually tolerate chicken or any

meat what soever, but within a soup it should be more easier to

tolerate/digest, i will give it a try over the weekend and see how it

goes along with some of the supplments.

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