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Re: OT - special ed and chelation --- long post!

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I'm sorry to say Val, but I think this all goes back to nobody can admit the

link between vaccines and autism, because of the liability and all the lawsuits

it would cause. The people of authority are all sticking together. And the

children lose. It is very depressing.----------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

I just came from a rather depressing class tonight. There was a

parent of a severely autistic child discussing her experience with

special ed. When she was discussing his initial diagnosis at 2, I

asked if she saw any change after he was vaccinated. She said her

husband did, but she didn't and commented that he never really had

any receptive language skills. My professor visibly grimaced at my

question and then made a forceful speech about how recent studies

have shown there is NO link between vaccinations and autism and then

launched into a speech about the importance of vaccinations. She

said that initially people thought mercury in the vaccinations was

the problem but now that mercury is out of vaccinations, there has

not been any change in the incidence of autism. Case closed!

Yet one of my fellow students discussed how one of the parents

she works with is doing chelation " not the IV kind " . She (my fellow

student) said the child initally got better, than regressed and now

she's not sure what to think of it. But the child tested full of


This school I'm atttending is one of the topranked schools in the

country for Special ed as well as other degrees. Yet I repeatedly

hear the vaccination/autism connection shot down. I really want to

combine my spec ed training with my knowledge of chelation therapy

to help the kids I work with. Alot of parents in the school system

*are* exploring chelation and supplements to heal their kids. I

don't get the refusal of the university profs to be open to the


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> I'm sorry to say Val, but I think this all goes back to nobody can

admit the link between vaccines and autism, because of the liability

and all the lawsuits it would cause. The people of authority are all

sticking together. And the children lose. It is very depressing.-----



=======I was watching the Matrix last night and there was a line about

people being so attached to the system and some other stuff I can't

remember but it really rang true for this situation. Its like people

have let gov't,corporations,doctors,etc take the place of a higher

power in their lives. It's scary.

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This has been my experience, as well, with the mental health system.  Very much

influenced by dogma and Big Pharma.  Got a mental health issue? No

problem...we've got a drug for you!


I have questioned why they are not more pro-active in checking for physical

causes to the mental issues...it seems there is a disconnect between what goes

on in the body affecting the brain.  They dismiss my concerns as not being



With chelation, I know better.  But I had to go through it to undestand it.


The problem is helping others to understand...







In frequent-dose- chelation@ yahoogroups. com seashell_555 wrote:

I just came from a rather depressing class tonight. There was a

parent of a severely autistic child discussing her experience with

special ed. When she was discussing his initial diagnosis at 2, I

asked if she saw any change after he was vaccinated. She said her

husband did, but she didn't and commented that he never really had

any receptive language skills. My professor visibly grimaced at my

question and then made a forceful speech about how recent studies

have shown there is NO link between vaccinations and autism and then

launched into a speech about the importance of vaccinations. She

said that initially people thought mercury in the vaccinations was

the problem but now that mercury is out of vaccinations, there has

not been any change in the incidence of autism. Case closed!

Yet one of my fellow students discussed how one of the parents

she works with is doing chelation " not the IV kind " . She (my fellow

student) said the child initally got better, than regressed and now

she's not sure what to think of it. But the child tested full of


This school I'm atttending is one of the topranked schools in the

country for Special ed as well as other degrees. Yet I repeatedly

hear the vaccination/ autism connection shot down. I really want to

combine my spec ed training with my knowledge of chelation therapy

to help the kids I work with. Alot of parents in the school system

*are* exploring chelation and supplements to heal their kids. I

don't get the refusal of the university profs to be open to the


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I'd like to tell my story which shows that things can change

and thankfully people do not remain stuck in the dark ages


Here is my story... something I am very proud of. About 8 years

ago , I had decided that I just needed to do something. I was

extremely ill , but I was going crazy without a lot of support

from family , and friends who were also ill.I needed to feel

that I had accomplished something in my life.. I had been ill

just after graduating from university and never got to work at

what I loved. I had studied science and was interested in the

environement and animal ecology.

So I joined an environmental group wanting to get rid of

pesticide use within the city.. To make a long story short ,

we got a bylaw after 8 years of work , here in Ontario

Canada criminalising the use of pesticides for the cosmetic use

on city lawns. It is now going provincial { state in US


Our little group of only 6 people got the ball rolling.

The first few years we did talks, went to fairs and public

events with a booth with info about what we were wanting.

The first year we were a voice in the dark We had people

avoiding us and silly city councillors saying that they would

be happy to put pesticides on their corn flakes , they felt

so confident about the non-toxicity of pesticides.

By the third year people were coming to us with their stories in

support of banning pesticides. A pet killed because pesticides

were sprayed while the pet was left in the yard { the

pesticide company sprayed this neighbours yard by mistake},

people putting the link between cancer and pesticide use, etc.

By year 6 our group had expanded to around 15 and it was

full force at city hall with petitions and city wide education

with pamphlets in the mail delivery and a couple of great big

billboards with slogan against pesticide use. That itself got

press across the country.

.. We had a public forum and the place was packed with people

speaking for 5 minutes each.. Doctors, the college of

physicians and surgeons and even the cancer society came out

to share there opinions against the use of pesticides and

advocating a by law against there use. !!!

As of Oct 1 we now have city by law against there use. In

January the provincial Ontario bylaw comes into affect..

SO remember thinks do change from the grassroots up.. !!!


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