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A few strange symptoms...

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I believe I had mercury toxicity. Being health conscious I had my one

mercury filling drilled out over a year ago. I didn't know that you

were supposed to have a special dentist or procedure for taking out

fillings so he just drilled while the assistant had some sort of

suction to catch what he drilled out. I became very sick soon

afterwards. HUGE brain fog and depression a week or so after.

Digestive problems. Sinus pain. These symptoms are now not as bad, but

I still feel very unwell. I have started to chelate with DMSA and ALA

and feel slightly better, but I seem to go up and down in terms of

feeling well. I have the doctors data hair test ordered and on the

way. In the mean time, I was wondering if anyone can comment on these

symptoms that I still seem to have.

- Sediments in my urine. When I urinate I can see dark sediments

quickly gather and sink to the bottom of the bowl. Could this be

mercury/metals of some sort?

- Weird sinus pain. I have constant, but changing sinus pressure/pain.

Mostly it comes from the roof of my mouth but I can feel it near my

ears as well. Could the mercury vapor seeped into the roof of my mouth

and affected my sinuses?

- Pulling/pressure from above the tooth that was drilled for my silver

filling. Could this be because mercury floated up into this area while

it was drilled? Or is this a sign that there is still some that he

didn't drill out?

Thanks for any help. I searched but didn't find much info for these


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You get extra exposure not just from your own amalgam being drilled

out, but also the fact you have entered a dental office. Dental

offices are full of mercury vapor from the removals/replacments that

go on almost daily. Mercury apparently can even affect an entire

office building, not just the room the removals are done in. Even

outside of the dental office and down the hall etc.

The stuff seems to permeate almost anything. And it seems, for some,

to take a LONG time to get out of the system. Even with chelation,

it may not be a smooth or fast road. And some, like myself, tend to

retain mercury, rather than readily excrete it. It often takes me a

long time after a new exposure for my body to start doing anything

about it. As far as chelation goes, Cutler's protocol gave me the

most tolerable road than anything else at that stage.

I would imagine that you were already toxic and perhaps your system

was just 'hanging in there' and this unprotected removal with the

vapor from your own amalgam, plus the vapor already in the office

from other people may have been the tipping point.

Add that to what also occurs after amalgam removal - the dumping

stage (where the stored mercury starts to leak back out and fill you

up, often kicks in a few months after amalgam removal) and this might

be why you are experiencing what you are going

through. The up and down is normal. They sometimes refer to it as a

roller coaster ride. As you get rid of some mercury, more is still

leaking into your system from storage. So no sooner do you get

a " breathing space " (a patch of improvement), then you feel

repoisoned again. This scenario was experienced by me for a few

years until I got rid of enough mercury to start actually feeling

well again.

Are you taking the suggested supplements in the suggested

manner?(the particular ones 3-4 times daily for effectiveness - e.g.

the vitamin C, B complex, magnesium, milk thistle are the ones

apparently that need to be taken this frequently etc) and vitamin E,

zinc once or twice daily? You may even find a multi vitamin/mineral

base powder helpful (I take one of those also). I also find iodine

quite helpful as my country's soil is very low in iodine and mercury

apparently competes with it. Replacing more iodine can erupt a

number of detox symptoms (at least it did with me), so caution is

advised. Selenium is another one.

I also have a very good diet. Excluding sugars/wheat/gluten/yeast

and sticking to low carbohydrate foods, protein from meats and good

fats (animal fats, mostly according to Dr Weston Price's findings).

That plus olive oil, organic flaxseed oil, and mercury free fish oil.

Is very helpful to mercury poisoned people. I also make sure I have

enough salt in my diet. Hal Huggins also mentions the diet side of

it and how necessary it is.

I recommend the same. It is definitely not a

replacement for chelation, but an aid. Candida causes many problems

with mercury toxic people. I have had to treat both. The toxins

from both of these was enough to create suicidal thoughts/urges and

cause me to be bedridden. Treating one without the other, may not

produce enough results. Because you may not know which is

responsible for which symptom. They for me, caused similar symptoms

and I never knew which one was responsible.

I am not sure about the pulling sensation you're experiencing. You

may want to check with a biologic dentist and get a panoramic xray to

see if there is any remaining amalgam left behind, or some other

issue going on. It's not usually recommended to chelate with any

remaining amalgam! It can also hinder the excretion of stored

mercury that you already have apparently and may stand in the well of

proper and full successful healing.

Sediments in the urine may well be indicative of metals, but I'm not

sure enough so say either way. Do you smell metal on yourself or

after you urinate? Do you notice it after you heat

up/exercise/sweat? Do you taste metal? I used to get all of that

and I had no doubts I was metal toxic.

Sadly after recent visits to dentists (unrelated to amalgam removal)

I am very metal toxic again. Not sure why I'm not responding to

chelation anymore, when I used to everytime!

It's good you're on a good protocol, but I'd definitely get the tooth

checked out by a holistic or biologic dentist with an xray.



> I believe I had mercury toxicity. Being health conscious I had my


> mercury filling drilled out over a year ago. I didn't know that you

> were supposed to have a special dentist or procedure for taking out

> fillings so he just drilled while the assistant had some sort of

> suction to catch what he drilled out. I became very sick soon

> afterwards. HUGE brain fog and depression a week or so after.

> Digestive problems. Sinus pain. These symptoms are now not as bad,


> I still feel very unwell. I have started to chelate with DMSA and


> and feel slightly better, but I seem to go up and down in terms of

> feeling well. I have the doctors data hair test ordered and on the

> way. In the mean time, I was wondering if anyone can comment on


> symptoms that I still seem to have.


> - Sediments in my urine. When I urinate I can see dark sediments

> quickly gather and sink to the bottom of the bowl. Could this be

> mercury/metals of some sort?


> - Weird sinus pain. I have constant, but changing sinus


> Mostly it comes from the roof of my mouth but I can feel it near my

> ears as well. Could the mercury vapor seeped into the roof of my


> and affected my sinuses?


> - Pulling/pressure from above the tooth that was drilled for my


> filling. Could this be because mercury floated up into this area


> it was drilled? Or is this a sign that there is still some that he

> didn't drill out?


> Thanks for any help. I searched but didn't find much info for these

> symptoms.


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Thanks for the reply! I am taking all the supplements and have a

pretty good diet. After being on the DMSA for a few solid weeks I am

definately improving, slowly though. I notice when I take the ALA I

get a little spaced out and depressed, so I think I need to chelate

out of my tissues first. I don't notice any metal smells or tastes. I

still have the strange pulling sensation in the jaw/sinus area above

the tooth that was drilled. I am also noticing warmth/swelling from my

knees. I remember my knee's used to be very painful when I was young

and I was just told it was growing pains. I'm assuming the mercury

made it's way to my joints. I'm 23 now and I remember those pains when

I was about 7 or 8 so I guess I've been toxic for a long time.



> You get extra exposure not just from your own amalgam being drilled

> out, but also the fact you have entered a dental office. Dental

> offices are full of mercury vapor from the removals/replacments that

> go on almost daily. Mercury apparently can even affect an entire

> office building, not just the room the removals are done in. Even

> outside of the dental office and down the hall etc.


> The stuff seems to permeate almost anything. And it seems, for some,

> to take a LONG time to get out of the system. Even with chelation,

> it may not be a smooth or fast road. And some, like myself, tend to

> retain mercury, rather than readily excrete it. It often takes me a

> long time after a new exposure for my body to start doing anything

> about it. As far as chelation goes, Cutler's protocol gave me the

> most tolerable road than anything else at that stage.


> I would imagine that you were already toxic and perhaps your system

> was just 'hanging in there' and this unprotected removal with the

> vapor from your own amalgam, plus the vapor already in the office

> from other people may have been the tipping point.


> Add that to what also occurs after amalgam removal - the dumping

> stage (where the stored mercury starts to leak back out and fill you

> up, often kicks in a few months after amalgam removal) and this might

> be why you are experiencing what you are going

> through. The up and down is normal. They sometimes refer to it as a

> roller coaster ride. As you get rid of some mercury, more is still

> leaking into your system from storage. So no sooner do you get

> a " breathing space " (a patch of improvement), then you feel

> repoisoned again. This scenario was experienced by me for a few

> years until I got rid of enough mercury to start actually feeling

> well again.


> Are you taking the suggested supplements in the suggested

> manner?(the particular ones 3-4 times daily for effectiveness - e.g.

> the vitamin C, B complex, magnesium, milk thistle are the ones

> apparently that need to be taken this frequently etc) and vitamin E,

> zinc once or twice daily? You may even find a multi vitamin/mineral

> base powder helpful (I take one of those also). I also find iodine

> quite helpful as my country's soil is very low in iodine and mercury

> apparently competes with it. Replacing more iodine can erupt a

> number of detox symptoms (at least it did with me), so caution is

> advised. Selenium is another one.


> I also have a very good diet. Excluding sugars/wheat/gluten/yeast

> and sticking to low carbohydrate foods, protein from meats and good

> fats (animal fats, mostly according to Dr Weston Price's findings).

> That plus olive oil, organic flaxseed oil, and mercury free fish oil.

> Is very helpful to mercury poisoned people. I also make sure I have

> enough salt in my diet. Hal Huggins also mentions the diet side of

> it and how necessary it is.


> I recommend the same. It is definitely not a

> replacement for chelation, but an aid. Candida causes many problems

> with mercury toxic people. I have had to treat both. The toxins

> from both of these was enough to create suicidal thoughts/urges and

> cause me to be bedridden. Treating one without the other, may not

> produce enough results. Because you may not know which is

> responsible for which symptom. They for me, caused similar symptoms

> and I never knew which one was responsible.


> I am not sure about the pulling sensation you're experiencing. You

> may want to check with a biologic dentist and get a panoramic xray to

> see if there is any remaining amalgam left behind, or some other

> issue going on. It's not usually recommended to chelate with any

> remaining amalgam! It can also hinder the excretion of stored

> mercury that you already have apparently and may stand in the well of

> proper and full successful healing.


> Sediments in the urine may well be indicative of metals, but I'm not

> sure enough so say either way. Do you smell metal on yourself or

> after you urinate? Do you notice it after you heat

> up/exercise/sweat? Do you taste metal? I used to get all of that

> and I had no doubts I was metal toxic.


> Sadly after recent visits to dentists (unrelated to amalgam removal)

> I am very metal toxic again. Not sure why I'm not responding to

> chelation anymore, when I used to everytime!


> It's good you're on a good protocol, but I'd definitely get the tooth

> checked out by a holistic or biologic dentist with an xray.


> Cheers.



> >

> > I believe I had mercury toxicity. Being health conscious I had my

> one

> > mercury filling drilled out over a year ago. I didn't know that you

> > were supposed to have a special dentist or procedure for taking out

> > fillings so he just drilled while the assistant had some sort of

> > suction to catch what he drilled out. I became very sick soon

> > afterwards. HUGE brain fog and depression a week or so after.

> > Digestive problems. Sinus pain. These symptoms are now not as bad,

> but

> > I still feel very unwell. I have started to chelate with DMSA and


> > and feel slightly better, but I seem to go up and down in terms of

> > feeling well. I have the doctors data hair test ordered and on the

> > way. In the mean time, I was wondering if anyone can comment on

> these

> > symptoms that I still seem to have.

> >

> > - Sediments in my urine. When I urinate I can see dark sediments

> > quickly gather and sink to the bottom of the bowl. Could this be

> > mercury/metals of some sort?

> >

> > - Weird sinus pain. I have constant, but changing sinus

> pressure/pain.

> > Mostly it comes from the roof of my mouth but I can feel it near my

> > ears as well. Could the mercury vapor seeped into the roof of my

> mouth

> > and affected my sinuses?

> >

> > - Pulling/pressure from above the tooth that was drilled for my

> silver

> > filling. Could this be because mercury floated up into this area

> while

> > it was drilled? Or is this a sign that there is still some that he

> > didn't drill out?

> >

> > Thanks for any help. I searched but didn't find much info for these

> > symptoms.

> >


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>still have the strange pulling sensation in the jaw/sinus area above

> the tooth that was drilled.

######### Pain by a tooth, in the jaw can be related to the

organ that represents the organ.. sort of like acupuncture

meridians .. Our teeth are a map of our bodies. I know and

am a firm beleiver now as I in my last crisis my tooth

bothered me, going into my jaw was so painful I was ready

to think it must be a tooth dieing..The tooth became loose,

the pain was at the bottom of my jaw into the tooth. My

whole mouth was bothersome with some canker sores coming out.

I seldom get canker sores.

I was not well enough to make it to the dentist , so I had

to wait a few days .I was taking things like alot more

phosphatidyl choline , and NAC to calm the digestion. MY

poop became pale and I started taking glycine. Within three

days I knew I was going to improve again. My tooth also was

calming down. By the time I was ready to go for my dental

appointment the pain had gone away ,,

I went to my dentist and he pulled out this chart showing

that this tooth was connected to my gallbladder meridian.


I see now that it was totally related to my digestive /

gallbladder problems. .

This totally fit in with my crisis symptoms of nausea and

digestive poblems. I was impressed. ######### nanci

I am also noticing warmth/swelling from my

> knees. I remember my knee's used to be very painful when I was young

> and I was just told it was growing pains. I'm assuming the mercury

> made it's way to my joints.

####### I have to avoid potatoes and stawberries or my

knees are so painful I am ready for the morphine. I have had

good results using homeopathic arsenic for the pain in my

shins, so think the knee pain may also be arsenic

related..??? ######### Nanci




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