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Still toxic? Yet chelation proves fruitless.

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I have had the experience of becoming further toxic after entering a

dental office. This I believe is because I have a lowered immunity

from persistant viral infection that has lasted 6 years or more.

I have had a few visits last year and this year to replace composites

with cerec porcelain. I had biocompatibility testing done to make

sure I was replacing my plastics with something compatible.....I had

symptoms after the first visit, but they got worse. Then I had

another later visit for check-up and clean at a " metal free " dentist.

I usually don't notice the symptoms always immediately, but I notice

them as time goes on. Now, this is months ago and I'm extremely

toxic. I notice if I do anything (exercise or other hard work), I am

REALLY ill. I find I become almost bedridden and I start getting

tearful and my viral symptoms act up big time. I also feel there are

metals there. I have muscle tics/twitches, metal taste, itching,

drowsiness, drooling, nightmares, insomnia or oversleeping,

nervousness, nausea, burning sensations in my throat, swollen tongue


I have tried both DMSA and ALA, even at high doses and NOTHING

happens. I mean nothing. It's almost like I'm that ill, I cannot

even respond to chelation. I have tried them both a few times and

wound up using ALA at very high doses because I was desperate for

some kind of effect, whether worsening or improvement. All I got was

a worse case of yeast for my efforts.

Yet, I had have been eating garlic and finding I am feeling more

metals being shifted around. I feel like it's trying to push them

out or something, but I cannot excrete them as I should. Again hard

work or exercise is a nightmare for me too. But if I don't do

anything, they stay where they are.

Has anybody got a clue what's going on here? I have been amalgam

free for 12 years. I also chelated my mercury many years ago. Yet

once I got a viral infection, my immunity crashed. Since then, I

have felt that I have no resistence and visits to dentists are almost

a nightmare. I have in the past successfully chelated with DMSA

after dental visits, yet this time nothing works. It's almost like

I'm non responsive, yet it is the same DMSA, the same lab and I even

opened a capsule up and smelt/tasted it and it's definitely the same

stuff. Due-by-date well within time.

If anybody can understand this, let me know.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> I have had a few visits last year and this year to replace composites

> with cerec porcelain. I had biocompatibility testing done to make

> sure I was replacing my plastics with something compatible.....I had

> symptoms after the first visit, but they got worse. Then I had

> another later visit for check-up and clean at a " metal free " dentist.


> I usually don't notice the symptoms always immediately, but I notice

> them as time goes on. Now, this is months ago and I'm extremely

> toxic. I notice if I do anything (exercise or other hard work), I am

> REALLY ill. I find I become almost bedridden and I start getting

> tearful and my viral symptoms act up big time. I also feel there are

> metals there. I have muscle tics/twitches, metal taste, itching,

> drowsiness, drooling, nightmares, insomnia or oversleeping,

> nervousness, nausea, burning sensations in my throat, swollen tongue

> etc.


Often mercury toxic are sensitive to aluminum as well (Huggins). Cerec's are


oxide, apparently it's not the same thing according to a dentist I spoke to, I'm

no expert

in the science of it all. Cerec's (and aluminum) were ruled out in my blood test


Scientific Health Solutions, I'm not sure if the Clifford test would rule it out

or not. Vega

testing might be able to pinpoint if your fillings are bothering you. You can't


anything you read on the internet, in my research I have come across statements

claiming that no one reacts to Cerec (by the guy who runs the Clifford lab) and


another dentist claims that they won't use it as too many patients react to it.

It could be

the glue or cement etc, not necessarily the filling.

After my amalgam removal last year I'm also having issues that last for months


visiting the dentist, I think I might have to visit one that has some sort of

air filtration,

have the bare min done and schedule the first appointment for the day to avoid


into the toxic vapors generated from the previous patient. Perhaps not go at

all. Maybe

you need to explore the idea of amalgam tattoos, perhaps there are remnants of

of old

fillings imbedded in the surface of our teeth, or bacteria or something that get

stirred up

during cleaning?


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