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Re: Worse in the morning-Darren

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High and low cortisol can feel very similar. You mentioned that

your test showed that you're high in the morning and your symptom is

nausea/feeling lousy. For me, I am low in the mornings and before I

supplemented HC I was extremely nauseas/non-verbal/can't make a

sentence and had to eat to bring my blood sugar up.

Another reason your adrenals could be high in the morning is b/c they

are low at night. When things go too low (ie blood sugar) the body

gets the message to make more, but when it makes more it over

compensates into a binge and then the spikes form and the body can't

regulate things.

I hope you're supplementing your cortisol in addition to your DHEA.

One of the reasons DHEA is low is b/c the body converts it to cortisol

when the adrenals can't make enough cortisol.

With your low cortisol at night, do you have trouble falling asleep?

Do you wake up early/or starving? Do you have repetitive thoughts that

don't stop (low blood sugar=low cortisol)?



Still have bad

> brain fog most mornings, lasting many hours. Also, many mornings I

> just feel horrible in nonspecific ways -- hard to describe -- almost

> nausea like.


> I think this is adrenal related, and I have done saliva testing that

> shows my adrenals are dysfunctional, which I ascribe to mercury

> toxicity. I was expecting to see my cortisol level spike upon awaking

> and then quickly fall to below normal. HOWEVER, my saliva test shows

> HIGH CORTISOL in the morning and throughout the day, until the last

> reading drops below normal at bedtime. But my DHEA is very low. So

> this is definitely adrenal fatigue, though it seems like it's in the

> early stages, thankfully. http://www.chronicfatigue.org/ASI%202.html


> But I'm still a bit confused why I feel so lousy in the morning, given

> my adrenals are pumping out a lot of cortisol. Maybe it's the low

> DHEA. I've been supplementing DHEA at 200mg per day for several weeks

> now.

> Darren


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