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Re: Re: adrenal support - high cortisol cautions

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In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:


> ------ I would like to caution people on this board encouraging

> everybody to take HC or ACE. I had all the adrenal symptoms people

> mention like fatigue,inability to handle stress, severe aches and

> pains, etc. But I was high cortisol and taking HC was not good!

> Please don't assume everybody is low cortisol and advise them to take

> cortisol replacement. Everybody is not dealing with the same issues.


> Val


You are correct Val, that it does get talked about alot, but that is because

alot of people *do* have adrenal problems, but everyone is different *and*

people can be at different *stages* of adrenal fatigue, some needing cortisol,

and others not. That is why I suggest that people read, read, read, and do

saliva testing before deciding on adrenal support. I don't think or I

have *ever* told anyone to take HC without doing testing first. And we have put

umpteen number of links in the links section about this, and how many times have

I given these links in posts? People do need to take responsibility for

themselves, do their own research, and decide what is best for them, based on

reading and testing, and will hopefully find a doctor who understands this, and

can help.

Back to your high cortisol, you are correct, taking HC then is not good. I

would not suggest anyone take HC based on no testing or old testing. You should

always test before considering taking it. I have given the link to the 7 stages

of adrenal fatigue *many* times, which explains and shows that cortisol is

*high* in the early stages. People need to read and understand that. And

another link I give frequently, the compounder one, tells what to do for *high*

cortisol and low cortisol, and I have told people to print this out many times.

And it does not suggest taking HC for high cortisol, but rather to take

Phos-serine to help lower it. Here are the links *again*.



And the links to ZRT and the Canary Club are in the links section too. How

many times have I told people to check out the symptom check lists at some of

these sites, and to consider getting testing based on this? I always suggest

reading, educating, and testing. We give links for many good books too. So

people need to take some responsibility and at least do some reading on the

subject, and not expect us to be able to diagnose everyone over the internet,

based on a few lines of information! Sorry for the rant, but I believe we have

provided adequate information.

The adrenal stuff was all new to me when I joined these groups, and people

like TK and helped me to start understanding it. And one of the best

things did was to suggest I read Jefferies " The Safe Uses of Cortisol " .

She did not tell me to go out and get some HC and just try it. And then

somebody gave the link to the 7 stages of adrenal fatigue, and that made alot of

sense, and I could look back and see me going through the stages. And finally,

I had some testing done, confiming I had weak adrenals and low cortisol. Then I

pursued adrenal support. So that's what others need to do, spend some time

reading and educating themselves, ask questions, do testing, and then consider

what type of support is best, based on your own personal situation. Not based

on ours. Ok, off my soapbox now :)

But you are correct Val, and bring up a very good point, that some people have

high cortisol, and adrenal support isn't the same for everyone, and testing

needs to be done.------------Jackie

Very good point, Val. For some cortisol is essential. Others don't

need it at all.

I guess the saliva test would be best before starting on cortisol

replacement. If you had all the adrenal symptoms but found that your

cortisol was high, yours is a good example to show that one cannot go

on symptoms alone.

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