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Re: OT--detox week

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I would take a week off of chelation. It is so difficult to travel

plus keep chelators and supplements straight (I also have medications

to keep straight).

Double check whatever you are about to receive at each step of the

detox week to be sure that there is nothing harmful in it. The big

things that I can think of that would be harmful and might be there

are ALA in large infrequent doses, cilantro, chlorella. The juice

fasts, and too much or inappropriate use of saunas, could be hard on

your adrenals depending on what state they are in.

Good luck


> Hi,

> I booked and paid to go on a detox week in Spain ages ago before I

> started chelation. It's in September and am just wondering if it

> makes any difference whether I am chelating on or off a round of DMSA

> or not that week or if it's best to stop for a while?


> I have only done 3 rounds of 12.5mg of DMSA, (3 days on and 3 days

> off) and seem to feel better whilst on a round rather than off it. I

> won't be starting the ALA until October.


> I was also thinking about increasing to 4 days on and 4 days off but

> dont want to do anything too quick as I still feel down and snappy on

> my off days and even at the begining of my on days now.


> The detox week includes coffee enemas, mineral broths, juicing fasts,

> yoga, and some alternative therapy such as accupuncture etc and I

> just want to know if it's best to detox whilst you are on a round or

> off a round or if I should have a break that week?


> If I know now then I may be able to time it better so that I do the

> right thing that week.


> Any advice appreciated. Thanks

> Josie


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Josie , this is such a personal decision.

With all that detox for a week , I personally would take a break from

chelation for that week and see how I feel when I return home to see when I

can resume chelation. Others might feel different about it.

Detox'ing can also be taxing on the body, and so is chelation.

Hope you come to the right decision.

Any comments from others ?



Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 2:11 PM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: OT--detox week

> Hi,

> I booked and paid to go on a detox week in Spain ages ago before I

> started chelation. It's in September and am just wondering if it

> makes any difference whether I am chelating on or off a round of DMSA

> or not that week or if it's best to stop for a while?


> I have only done 3 rounds of 12.5mg of DMSA, (3 days on and 3 days

> off) and seem to feel better whilst on a round rather than off it. I

> won't be starting the ALA until October.


> I was also thinking about increasing to 4 days on and 4 days off but

> dont want to do anything too quick as I still feel down and snappy on

> my off days and even at the begining of my on days now.


> The detox week includes coffee enemas, mineral broths, juicing fasts,

> yoga, and some alternative therapy such as accupuncture etc and I

> just want to know if it's best to detox whilst you are on a round or

> off a round or if I should have a break that week?


> If I know now then I may be able to time it better so that I do the

> right thing that week.


> Any advice appreciated. Thanks

> Josie



> ------------------------------------



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> Any comments from others ?

> Kai

>> The detox week includes coffee enemas, mineral broths, juicing fasts,

>> yoga, and some alternative therapy such as accupuncture etc and I

>> just want to know if it's best to detox whilst you are on a round or

>> off a round or if I should have a break that week?

Hi Josie,

My issue with detox'es in general would be the limiting of protein (and fat)

that usually goes along with a detox.

Most mercury toxic people have adrenal issues and eating frequent protein

meals is crucial to recovery and feeling strong.

That is why I would have to say (having tried it and failed) that the

vegetarian/vegan route can be very challenging for a mercury toxic people.

Most of us will need to stay on some animal protein (fish or chicken is

fine) to cope.

Once the mercury is out and the adrenals recovered, I have no issue with it.

Vegetarians can tend towards a lot of protein vegetable e.g lentils, quinoa

and nuts (but take care not to overdo nuts as they feed Candida and the

pro-inflammatory pathways by providing excess Omega 6).

Here flax oil becomes essential and you have to hope you can convert the fax

into the essential fatty acids that fish oils provide naturally (hence the

suggestion to choose fish over flax, as mercury often poisons the necessary


If you feel bad while you are detoxing it may have something to do with lack

or protein.

Make sure you take a lot of fish oils with you, and if you feel

progressively worse, then start including more protein

In fact, if it were me, I would insist that I be provided with extra protein

(especially if you suffer from hypoglycaemia).


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Hi Dean

Thank you and others fr replying to my post. I think I will e-mail

them and say the importance of protein and to go slowly etc with me

so I get extra support. I e-mailed them as soon as I started to say I

have started chelation and that I am underweight and poss

hypoglycaemic too. They said they can add somethign extra for me -

will just have to find out what!

Funny you mention vegetarians as I have been vegetarian my whole life

and so will only use flax seed oil capsules. I am used to balancing

my diet and used to work in animal nutrition so it gives me a good

start. I do eat milk, cheese and eggs so maybe this would count for

some animal protein? I also eat lots of quinoa, lentils, seeds, beans

and eat 3 brazil nuts a day for their selenium content. I don't eat

much soya as I have heard that it can interfere with the thyroid

hormone which is the last thing I need right now.

I do find that between rounds my body temperature lowers and gets

right again when I start taking the DMSA. I would have thought it

would be the other way round - the good thing with this is I look

forward to taking the DMSA even if it means my sleep interrupted at


Would you suggest taking a free-form amino acid supplement generally

and whilst on detox?

I think I will stop the chelation possibly more than a week before to

help my body to recover and re-stabilise my adrenals before going on

the detox week and then see how I feel when I am back home before

starting the DMSA again - perhaps waiting a week after.

It's something I paid a lot of money for and have been looking

forward to so I don't want to not do it but I am aware I need to be

extra careful. I'll have no room for anyhting except supplements in

my suitcase!

Thanks for your help.



> >> The detox week includes coffee enemas, mineral broths, juicing


> >> yoga, and some alternative therapy such as accupuncture etc and I

> >> just want to know if it's best to detox whilst you are on a

round or

> >> off a round or if I should have a break that week?


> Hi Josie,


> My issue with detox'es in general would be the limiting of protein

(and fat)

> that usually goes along with a detox.

> Most mercury toxic people have adrenal issues and eating frequent


> meals is crucial to recovery and feeling strong.

> That is why I would have to say (having tried it and failed) that


> vegetarian/vegan route can be very challenging for a mercury toxic


> Most of us will need to stay on some animal protein (fish or

chicken is

> fine) to cope.

> Once the mercury is out and the adrenals recovered, I have no issue

with it.

> Vegetarians can tend towards a lot of protein vegetable e.g

lentils, quinoa

> and nuts (but take care not to overdo nuts as they feed Candida and


> pro-inflammatory pathways by providing excess Omega 6).

> Here flax oil becomes essential and you have to hope you can

convert the fax

> into the essential fatty acids that fish oils provide naturally

(hence the

> suggestion to choose fish over flax, as mercury often poisons the


> enzymes).

> If you feel bad while you are detoxing it may have something to do

with lack

> or protein.

> Make sure you take a lot of fish oils with you, and if you feel

> progressively worse, then start including more protein

> In fact, if it were me, I would insist that I be provided with

extra protein

> (especially if you suffer from hypoglycaemia).

> Dean


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While not an " expert " on this particular thing. I don't think I'd be

doing a round while doing all this. Your body is going to dump a lot

of other chemicals with these therapies..you don't want to add

chelated metals to that load.

Fasting is hard on the liver for those with Hg toxicity. So be

careful, usually it's not recomended.

But yeah..fasting, juicing, enemas...I'd skip the dmsa that week.

I do juicing at home and it does funny things to me..so I have to be

cautious with it. It's more powerful that one would think.

I'd wait to chelate till you got home.


> Hi,

> I booked and paid to go on a detox week in Spain ages ago before I

> started chelation. It's in September and am just wondering if it

> makes any difference whether I am chelating on or off a round of DMSA

> or not that week or if it's best to stop for a while?


> I have only done 3 rounds of 12.5mg of DMSA, (3 days on and 3 days

> off) and seem to feel better whilst on a round rather than off it. I

> won't be starting the ALA until October.


> I was also thinking about increasing to 4 days on and 4 days off but

> dont want to do anything too quick as I still feel down and snappy on

> my off days and even at the begining of my on days now.


> The detox week includes coffee enemas, mineral broths, juicing fasts,

> yoga, and some alternative therapy such as accupuncture etc and I

> just want to know if it's best to detox whilst you are on a round or

> off a round or if I should have a break that week?


> If I know now then I may be able to time it better so that I do the

> right thing that week.


> Any advice appreciated. Thanks

> Josie


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