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Re: Hormone problems

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> KAI ====While the amalgam was being put into your teeth or taken


> tiny bits got away or flew away with great force into your cheek


> into neighboring gums, into exposed bone nearby and down to the

bottom of newly made sockets.

=========Well, if that's the case, then it seems hopeless! How will

you know if there is mercury in sockets, bits in cheeks etc. And

how can you chelate at all if there's still mercury in you?

> If you have a digital copy , send it to Dean's websight and then

we can all have a look at it and comment.

> All dental issues are discussed from the Dental-Chelation group.

So we can take this discussion there, from here on.

====I just had a bunch of x-rays, I'll see if I can get a copy.

> >

> KAI ===== I feel for you Val. If it makes you feel a little

better ,after two and a half years of chelating

> with DMSA I can Barely handle 3mg ALA. The slower the better for


> Afterall Andy says that ALA is the real workhorse of chelation.

> You could lower your dose.

> You could make your rounds every 2 or 2 1/2 hours.

=====I tried every 2 hours this time, stretching to 3 at night. If

anything, made things tougher. But I didn't use dmps this time


> You could use DMSA with ALA.

=====How long does dmsa last? I have a pretty old bottle (4 yrs?).

And doesn't dmsa aggravate yeast? Can you still take it if you have

yeast issues?

> Keep experimenting with what works best for you with caution.

> Don't give up , I'm not about too. Good luck.


==========Well, if I have it in my pituitary/hypothalmus like I

suspect, wouldn't ala chelating it out of there aggravate my thyroid

and adrenals? That could account for all the symptoms I have on

round. So, does supporting thyroid/adrenals combat the constant hit

to them while chelating? Just seems like chelatin would be pouring

gasoline on a fire but I guess how else do you get well??? I'm not

giving up, but it does get mighty discouraging.

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From what you describe..they might have removed the Hg teeth, but not

the Hg from the body. And why did they pull them all? Unless they had

root canals. My Huggins trained dentist just removed the fillings and

replaced them with composite that she tested me for to be sure I

wouldn't react to?

Or maybe because they didn't want you to have the amalgam staining?

Huggins knows nothing about what to do with the mercury in the

body/brain. His natural detox is for people who are not sick I think.

If your body could dump all that by itself...it would. And none of us

would be here! His removal protocol is good for replacing amalgam, but

that's where it ends. I don't think he ever detoxed himself from the

brain Hg. Balancing body chemistry won't do squat for brain mercury. I

now my Huggins trained dentist who I love, does not do chelation

either, just natural supplements to help the body detox, saunas and

skin brushing. Well three months after removal...I got way worse..my

body was dumping but it wasn't getting out. I had to go on dmsa. That

natural stuff was doing anything for me.

Challenge tests..yes Andy has a section on that and how proper

chelation can fix whatever was done from that.

I just put up a long post about what to take and what to use for

mental side effects with chelation. It was addressed to Jen and her

questions on problems with ala. It's also on Onibasu Wiki.

I agree that using another chelator with ala is key for issues like

this. My dd and I both get the " mental " effects with ala use. I did

try rounds on my dd with just ala, but..bad idea. She was so moody,

explosive etc. What we found that worked is the following:

We do dmsa/ala. In your case dmps/ala is fine too. We just treat the

yeast is all.

but anyway. We have to dose the ala every two hours. And we have to

give her a lot of extra c. 3-4,000mg a day. Sometimes 500mg with each

chelator. As long as there is no diarrhea from it..it's fine. We have

not had that reaction with the high doses of C. it's like on

rounds..her body eats it up. And then what else helped..was that on

the last day of the round, we stop the ala around noon or 3pm. The

remaining 3 or 4 doses of the round we just use dmsa. Or in your case

the dmps. This eliminated the " crazies " that appear at the end of the

round and following the round.

The other important key is adrenal support. Which your working

towards. And if your adrenal and thyroid are messed up (likely they

are)...chelation will be rough until those are handled. My dd got

really depressed, moody, suicidal ideas, and introverted. The doctor

did not believe me that something was wrong. I had them run labs...the

labs were not normal by STTM (www.stopthethyroidmadness.com)

standards. her regular doc said..well there " in range " which means

nothing...whose range exactly?? A 50 year old man, a 20 year old

woman or half the country who also happen to have undiagnosed thyroid

disease??? Anyway I persisted and had more tests run and she had

antibodies to her thyroid. So I took her to a holistic doctor who put

her on more adrenal support and Armour. This alone helped the symptoms

we were seeing. The NTH group is good. So hopefully you'll get some

help with that soon. If you are hypopit that needs to be checked out,

because you'll need Armour and HC, and maybe some other hormones.

Muscle cramping..you need more water, magnesium and calcium. I totally

understand about swallowing pills. My ds dose not take any pills.

Everything we use for him is in powders that we mix into juice. You

can get powdered C, Powdered calcium, Powdered Mag, Powdered

multivites, etc. The rest can be crushed into powder and drank in

smoothies or what. Sort of our own " Vitamin Water " essentially.

The only exception is that if you need Armour...but those are really

tiny. Nothing like the hawking vitamins. I put the adrenal cortex in

this juice too. Pricey but we purchase a lot of this from Kirkman

Labs. They make powders that are hypoallergenic as well as flavored

but nothing artificial.

Hopefully metal free bridges as Huggins with his faraday cage should

know better than to give you metal ones. I do recall feeling

seriously dehydrated on rounds for a while. I could not get enough to

drink. The kids seem to down a ton of water too. Oh and yeast can make

rounds miserable too. We still see yeast on A-M with dmps. Look at

treating that with probiotics (also come in powders or nicely flavored

chewables) and natural antifungals. Yeast on rounds makes irritable,

moody, depressed people at our house too.

Lots to consider, as I found it's matter of trial and error. What

worked for my ds does not work for my dd and not for myself. Eeek!

I do recall odd sensations at times too, like a fog lifted, or

suddenly the tinnitus in my ear would change pitch while on

rounds...weird things...probably hg draining out..hee hee





> -----------They pulled alot of teeth, I just had a bridge for the

> bottom quadrant and will need another for the top. I checked in the

> mirror and I didn't see anything that looked like an amalgam tatoo -

> so I think I'm ok. I'm pretty confident all the mercury is out of my

> mouth.


> > By upset on rounds do you mean adrenal symptoms or ala/mercury

> symptoms.

> -----------Well, the round started with me getting a jolt, I felt

> kind of hyper. Then it got rougher with my body feeling like all

> the moisture was going away (?), muscle cramping, then on the last

> day I felt very irritible, hopeless, depressed, mad...argh. So I

> stopped a few doses before I was done with day 3. I take

> supplements 2x a day. Swallowing alot of pills is hard for me.

> Anyway, I felt almost immediate relief when I stopped the round. I

> do have adrenal/thyroid issues. I still don't know if I have both

> or just one of them and I don't know which one? Probably both. One

> doc told me thyroid was fine, another said my pituitary was messed

> up causing thyroid issues. Both said adrenals needed support. Not

> good about taking support -- again so many pills to swallow.


> Anyway, all the suffering made me contact an endo who was

> recommended by Natural Thyroid group - so hopefully I'll get back on

> support full-time.



> -----I was taking dmps with ala but my dmps ran out. dmsa

> aggravates yeast which I have alot of so not sure about taking

> that. Need to call doc to see if he'll renew my script for dmps.

> >

> ----------Yeah, I hear ya. I'm definitely one of the " sensitive

> ones " too. I really think all this is generally harder on women

> because of all our hormone issues.


> ---------------Sorry to hear that. I've never gotten headaches with

> ala - just feel like an emotional wreck towards the end of round. I

> do think I need another chelator with ala.



> I will assume there have been no vaccines used since 2003??

> -----------NO! I will never get another vaccination again. Never

> had the flu shot either.



> > I am not sure how you could have blood levels too high

> still..unless

> > their protocols did not really remove enough of it.


> ---------Huggins believes in balancing body chemistry with

> nutrition - frankly, I think the guy is half nuts/poisoned still.

> Very, very into conspiracy theories, claims " someone " tried to kill

> him...yeesh. He snapped at me during the post removal " seminar "

> which cost $5000! Yeah I was so gullible. I asked a question he

> didn't like and he yelled " what planet are you from? " So, of course

> I said Mercury. He has no clue how to use dmps/dmsa - told us to

> use dmsa 3 times a day or some other crazy protocal, can't remember.

> I did get suckered into the dmps injections/challenge tests so they

> may have messed me up. I have gotten significantly worse since

> removal so something went wrong somewhere. However, I do feel better

> than I did the last 2 years.


> I guess if I had to guess what is going on, it would be

> adrenal/thyroid issues and the residual fallout from dmps

> injections/IVs. After several years of reading these forums and

> following Andy Cutler, I'm convinced he is the authority on heavy

> metal removal and I would not trust anybody else. He's been so

> right about so many things, that I have verified, and I have yet to

> hear of 1 person severely,permanently damaged by his protocal.

> Can't say that about the others. Plus, he did it on himself so he

> knows what we're going through.


> --One thing I noticed at the beginning of this ala round was that it

> felt like something cool was draining inside of my head. Crazy stuff.


> Thanks for your help - just keep plugging away.


> Val


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Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:21 PM

To: <frequent-dose-chelation >

Subject: Re: Hormone problems

How will

> you know if there is mercury in sockets, bits in cheeks etc. And

> how can you chelate at all if there's still mercury in you?

KAI === Mercury will show up on your Panoramic X-Ray (full mouth X-ray)

However , not under crowns. Are you sure you have checked under all your

crowns ?

Do you have rootcanals still?

> ------------------------------------



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> =====How long does dmsa last? I have a pretty old bottle (4 yrs?).

If it has been kept in a cool dry place, it should be ok. You can

tell if it is still potent by dividing some to the appropriate dose

and trying a round.

> And doesn't dmsa aggravate yeast? Can you still take it if you have

> yeast issues?


The most talk about DMSA aggravating yeast comes from people who were

using it on an inappropriate chelation protocol (too high a dose,

every 8 h or once per 2 days, some of the DAN community). When used

on Andy's protocol yeast aggravation is still there, for those who

already have a problem with yeast, but is minimal.

See Andy's file " Neutrophils, Yeast, and DMSA " in the files section.

> > Keep experimenting with what works best for you with caution.

> > Don't give up , I'm not about too. Good luck.

> >

> ==========Well, if I have it in my pituitary/hypothalmus like I

> suspect, wouldn't ala chelating it out of there aggravate my thyroid

> and adrenals?


That could account for all the symptoms I have on

> round. So, does supporting thyroid/adrenals combat the constant hit

> to them while chelating?


Some people can get by without replacing these hormones while

chelating and others really need to replace them so that they can heal.

The doctor who prescribed cortisol and thyroid hormone for me told me

that I would not heal without them.

Just seems like chelatin would be pouring

> gasoline on a fire but I guess how else do you get well???

Chelate very, very slowly, like dropping the dose to 3 mg as Kai has

suggested, and adding a small dose of DMSA to see if it helps with

side effects.

I'm not

> giving up, but it does get mighty discouraging.


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This will not happen if a dental dam is used and a Clean Up suction

tip to suck up the parts...not to mention a properly trained dentist

to section out the amalgam in chunks..not grind it into pieces. But as

for having the amalgam installed..anything was possible.


> >

> > KAI ====While the amalgam was being put into your teeth or taken

> out,

> > tiny bits got away or flew away with great force into your cheek

> folds,

> > into neighboring gums, into exposed bone nearby and down to the

> bottom of newly made sockets.


> =========Well, if that's the case, then it seems hopeless! How will

> you know if there is mercury in sockets, bits in cheeks etc. And

> how can you chelate at all if there's still mercury in you?




> > If you have a digital copy , send it to Dean's websight and then

> we can all have a look at it and comment.

> > All dental issues are discussed from the Dental-Chelation group.

> So we can take this discussion there, from here on.


> ====I just had a bunch of x-rays, I'll see if I can get a copy.

> > >

> > KAI ===== I feel for you Val. If it makes you feel a little

> better ,after two and a half years of chelating

> > with DMSA I can Barely handle 3mg ALA. The slower the better for

> me.

> > Afterall Andy says that ALA is the real workhorse of chelation.

> > You could lower your dose.

> > You could make your rounds every 2 or 2 1/2 hours.


> =====I tried every 2 hours this time, stretching to 3 at night. If

> anything, made things tougher. But I didn't use dmps this time

> either.


> > You could use DMSA with ALA.


> =====How long does dmsa last? I have a pretty old bottle (4 yrs?).

> And doesn't dmsa aggravate yeast? Can you still take it if you have

> yeast issues?


> > Keep experimenting with what works best for you with caution.

> > Don't give up , I'm not about too. Good luck.

> >

> ==========Well, if I have it in my pituitary/hypothalmus like I

> suspect, wouldn't ala chelating it out of there aggravate my thyroid

> and adrenals? That could account for all the symptoms I have on

> round. So, does supporting thyroid/adrenals combat the constant hit

> to them while chelating? Just seems like chelatin would be pouring

> gasoline on a fire but I guess how else do you get well??? I'm not

> giving up, but it does get mighty discouraging.


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