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Re: A Way to Get DMPS (to help with dumping phase)

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> I'm pretty desperate to try something to help reduce symptoms while

> chelating right now. I'm 9 months post-amalgam removal, 15 rounds in

> (5-6 days on / 5-6 days off), using DMSA and ALA. I think I'm in the

> dumping phase, since I'm getting noticeably worse lately: cognitive

> symptoms worsening, very anti-social, depression (which is new for

> me), basically no frontal lobe activity. Hard to function at work.

> And I cannot function socially -- just faking to get by. Feeling

> horrible all-around. I'm hoping this is the dumping phase and that

> DMPS will help me plow through it. Wish I knew for sure, though.


> Darren



Sounds like your brain worked pretty well to figure out how to get

dmps. If you live near Philly, there's a doc there that you have to

see once, and then he'll call the script. His name is in the

links/files section.

Sorry to hear your feeling so bad. How's your diet? Have you

tried a sulfur free diet? You could be having alot of candida - that

can make you feel like dying. Caprylic Acid and Probiotics help along

with diet. Also, if you have yeast issues, dmsa can aggravate it. I

don't know, you shouldn't be feeling this bad - are you taking the

supplements? All this stuff does help. Just have to find the right



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Maybe something else would help. My daughter had a lot of the symptoms

you describe and I started giving her L-Histidine(500mg). Andy

recommends it in AI for dark moods, etc. He said it helps in three

days and that's how long it took for her mood to brighten amazingly.



> I've been searching for a doctor to prescribe DMPS. > I'm pretty

desperate to try something to help reduce symptoms while

> chelating right now. I'm 9 months post-amalgam removal, 15 rounds in

> (5-6 days on / 5-6 days off), using DMSA and ALA. I think I'm in the

> dumping phase, since I'm getting noticeably worse lately: cognitive

> symptoms worsening, very anti-social, depression (which is new for

> me), basically no frontal lobe activity. Hard to function at work.

> And I cannot function socially -- just faking to get by. Feeling

> horrible all-around. I'm hoping this is the dumping phase and that

> DMPS will help me plow through it. Wish I knew for sure, though.


> Darren


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--- and Darren, please see comments below:

In frequent-dose-chelation , " mercurybeater "



> E) Jodi's comments

> This is not how i understand things. I agree with your comments Darren

> In fact I think its the opposite of some of Jodi's comments below (My

> opinion only not trying to sound obnoxious), ; Maybe what she (Jodi)

> is saying after reading this again, is you have to find the right

> dosage of chealtion and if you are dosing too high I agree it will

> cause problems and more movement, But in my mind the only way to deal

> with mercury whther its not moving or moving is to chelate


> the chelators do gather up mercury (re andy's talk on two thiols).

> Thats why we chelate right after removal as your body releases

> mercury. If you are not chelating during mercury dumps... that stuff

> is just moving around. Its just a matter of finding out what

> combination of chelators and their schedule works for you..then

> chelate chelate chelate and make sure other problems are addressed

> (adrenals.thyroid.diet.food allergies.supps.etc etc

This is exactly what I was saying :-) - not that one should

stop chelating! Just lower the dose to a more comfortable one. The bit

where I said " it's not easier to chelate when dumping is going on " was

referring to one of Darrens earlier questions! He was asking if it

shouldn't be easier to chelate when the dumping is going on - you need

to read his earlier post to understand this comment.

Just wanted to clarify that! As says....chelate chelate

chelate! BUT at a more comfortable dose for the dumping period so that

you don't stir up more mercury than your body can handle.



> per Jodi

> " Yes your organs are dumping but the chelators stir up more mercury

> too and are not capable of just mopping up the extra that is being

> dumped.


> The chelators don't just pick up the mercury and take it away - they

> also cause MORE to be circulated. So it's not easier to chelate when

> the dumping is going on because there is just plain more going around

> the body - that's why the dumping phase makes you feel worse! And

> that's why it is recommended to lower the dose of chleators during the

> dumping phase to make things more bearable, not increase them.




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This is what I would do.

If you can get DMPS (and I hope you can, because I love it) then

experiment with dosage until you find a comfortable dose that you can

stay at for a while. Andy usually suggests staying at the dose that

is working for several months. With DMPS rounds can be longer because

at 6-8 h intervals sleep is not disrupted.

Then experiment with a round of very low dose ALA with the DMPS, and

be sure to continue to take DMPS after the ALA round has stopped. If

too many side effects, then lower the ALA dose for the next round. If

you find that you can only tolerate 5 mg ALA, then you can either do

some rounds at that dose of ALA or continue with DMPS alone until you

are able to tolerate more ALA.

My experience is that the longer I chelate with DMPS, the higher dose

of ALA I can tolerate. I only have the problem with waking at night

(and am currently collecting a million alarms, but not sure that will


As long as it has been 3 months since amalgam removal or exposure then

it is ok to use ALA. The problem for many is to find a dose that is

low enough to use without major side effects. For some that means

using DMSA or DMPS to take the body burden down a bit so that they can

tolerate at least 5 mg or so of ALA, because it is difficult to make

up doses lower than that.



> Thanks for responding, .


> Yeah, I just did a round of DMSA-only and am considering doing a bunch

> of rounds of DMSA-only, or DMPS-only if I can get it. (Made an

> appointment with an MD who supposedly does both IV and oral chelation;

> I'm hoping I can get him to prescribe oral DMPS for me.)


> But if I'm truly in the " dumping " phase, what is the best approach?

> Firstly, I would think that it makes sense to continue chelating,

> since it's the prime time to remove mercury from the body, as organs

> are dumping it and (theoretically) making it easier to eliminate. But

> should ALA not be used during the dumping phase, too? I don't recall

> Andy or anyone else recommending to avoid ALA during the dumping



> I can think of logical reasons in both directions (logical to me,

> anyway):

> - Don't use ALA during the dumping phase because organs are dumping

> mercury into bloodstream and ALA will move mercury into brain

> - Do use ALA because the dumping phase is the prime time to grab

> mercury from the brain and organs and escort it out of the body.


> But that brings me back to the fundamental question of what stage I'm

> in, and how to tell: is my body burden still high, or am I in the

> dumping phase (or both)? How do I know? I guess because I am getting

> slammed by even much lower doses than I was previously using, and I'm

> experiencing new and rapidly changing symptoms, that it probably

> indicates the dumping phase.


> Thanks again,

> Darren



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