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Re: Chelation report

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> KAI ==== , how many rounds have you done at 200mg ALA ?

> Did you increase from 12,5mg directly to 200mg or did you increase

gradually ? And over what period ?


I've done two rounds at 200 mg, one of seven days and I am right now

at the 9th day of the second.

I increased as follows: 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 (so I broke the rule of

not to increase more than 50% each time). I removed my amalgams last

December and started chelation with DMSA in January.

There is an incomplete chelation log at

http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1rn3URE-BLLRA & output=html

There is also a blog at


with more details, but it is in Spanish, sorry!

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all i can say is be careful going up that fast

I went from 3-50 mgs in probably 4 months and then had to cut back to

where I cannot handle any ALA rght now. I tried a very low dose of 6

mgs last night and boom... headache/heart pressure, in fact I think

coincidentally or not i even had a burst blood vessel in my eye

I believe I have read somewhere (thought it was AI) that ALA in

particular can have a cumulative effect ..ie one minute your doing

fine and the next the cumulative effect of higher doses catches up

and you can have some significant problems

I think I am dumping a lot of mercury again as my stools are runny

and I am geting up to urinate 3-4 times through the night. My

thoughts are that the 25-50 mgs really did their job digging out

mercury and it has sort of buried me in it

thoughts only. I hope you are close to clean of this poison :)




> I am doing rounds of ALA only. I increased from 12.5 mg to my

current 200 mg of ALA each two hours.


> I feel very fortunate for being able to tolerate such dose. I know

> it is not necessary to go so high, but I couldn't resist the

> temptation.

> Of course, I don't claim to be doing things right: 200 mg/2 hours is

> equivalent to 300 mg/3 hours, and given that I weight around 160

> pounds I am clearly using a dose which is supposed to be too high

for me.


> I've been ON with ALA for about 80 days and I did several rounds of

> DMSA before introducing ALA. I think that two corner stones for me

> have been the use of ALA each 2 hours instead of 3 and to manage

> yeast using nistatine, probiotics and a quite restrictive boring

> diet with no-sulfur, no sweet things, no bread...


> I know there is still a long way to go but know I think there is a

> reachable exit out there.


> Hope that this (errors included) may be of help to someone,




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> I increased as follows: 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 (so I broke the rule of

> not to increase more than 50% each time).

Sorry, I forgot the 37.5 mg step, so I didn't break that rule all the


Actually, I think I am a good example of what NOT to do albeit I think

I've been quite lucky so far.

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10 rounds and you have already increased to 200 mg? This is not what

Andy advises. Andy advises to find the dose that is _comfortable_ and

stay at that dose for several _months_ before increasing. He also

advises not to rush chelation.

What has been happening with side effects? (I can't read Spanish).

Side effects can creep up on you.

The _top_ end of the dose range is 1/2 mg per pound (that would be for

someone who has chelated for a considerable length of time) (see

Moria's web pages) and he advises not to go above 1 mg per pound (see




> >


> I've done two rounds at 200 mg, one of seven days and I am right now

> at the 9th day of the second.


> I increased as follows: 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 (so I broke the rule of

> not to increase more than 50% each time). I removed my amalgams last

> December and started chelation with DMSA in January.


> There is an incomplete chelation log at


http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1rn3URE-BLLRA & output=html


> There is also a blog at

> http://miquelacion.blogspot.com/

> with more details, but it is in Spanish, sorry!




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It's good to hear that your cognitive abilities are recovering. It

gives me hope. You are fortunate that you are one of a minority that

tolerates high doses. (Incidentally, Moria was taking similarly high

doses too.)

I've tried rounds of 90 minute dosing and noticed that I had less

mental side effects as compared to 3 hour dosing. It definitely is

worth experimenting with more frequent dosing.





> I am doing rounds of ALA only. I increased from 12.5 mg to my


> 200 mg of ALA each two hours.


> I feel very fortunate for being able to tolerate such dose. I know


> is not necessary to go so high, but I couldn't resist the


> Of course, I don't claim to be doing things right: 200 mg/2 hours is

> equivalent to 300 mg/3 hours, and given that I weight around 160

> pounds I am clearly using a dose which is supposed to be too high

for me.


> The length of my rounds range from 7 to 10 days. The first 2 or 3


> of the round are more difficult and I feel tired. The tiredness is

> unpleasant but affordable. After that I use to improve a lot and


> pretty well along the round. The after-round use to be great. Last

> round, for example, I enjoyed several days of great cognitive

> improvement (vivid dreaming, easy recalling, etc.).

> I could recall easily images of events of the day, while normally my

> very scarce memory tend to be nothing more than verbal -or more

> usually, nothing at all.


> These improvements faded very quickly, but is encouraging to see


> this brain has the potential to work properly. I think that this

> pattern of waxing and wanning of improvements is quite typical.


> I have had several other improvements that seems to be somewhat more

> solid: I don't feel hypo at all. Now is summer in Spain, so until


> winter I will not really know, but these days I can be at the


> pool with my kids for quite a long time. Last summer I barely


> a couple of minutes! It seems that very frequent urination has ended

> too, even on round.


> Brain fog is not an issue anymore for usual life, but part of what

> should be my usual life should be to do mathematics and right now I

> don't seem to be able to do sustained hard intellectual work.


> I am able to read some non-mathematical stuff which previously was

> impossible for me to focus on.


> Fatigue seems to be gone but for the beginning of each round.


> Muscular pain is somewhat better. Previously while on round I

> experimented a marked increase of neck and back pain. Now there is

> still some pain around, but it does bother me much less than before.

> Sometimes I feel that some strength is coming back to my arms, but I

> am still quite weak.


> Libido is coming back, also with amazing periods of back and forth.

> After having no libido for such a long time I find strange to have


> back!


> I don't know what of these apparent progresses are due to chelation,

> what just to supplementation, diet or simply amalgam removal. But

> certainly I find new progress at the end of each round.


> I've been ON with ALA for about 80 days and I did several rounds of

> DMSA before introducing ALA. I think that two corner stones for me

> have been the use of ALA each 2 hours instead of 3 and to manage


> using nistatine, probiotics and a quite restrictive boring diet with

> no-sulfur, no sweet things, no bread...


> I know there is still a long way to go but know I think there is a

> reachable exit out there.


> Hope that this (errors included) may be of help to someone,





> KAI ==== , how many rounds have you done at 200mg ALA ?

> Did you increase from 12,5mg directly to 200mg or did you increase

gradually ? And over what period ?


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Hi ,

Thank you for your answer. I've been looking for in AI and onibasu

about this topic.

For example, in the wiki of onibasu one can find message

http://onibasu.com/archives/am/111370.html, of which I quote some lines:

> " Dosage is a lot more flexible than adminstration schedule. There are

>fundamental scientific realities that dictate the need to use

>adequately frequent administration and in a technical sense make a

>chelation protocol RIGHT or WRONG to an extent that it is really just

>about a moral issue. There is no such thing with amount of chelator.

>This is not based on any fundamental principle, it is based on what

>level of side effects each particular individual experiences.

>Experimenting with higher dosages is not something there is a hard >and

>fast rule against and it is OK to do it under appropriate >circumstances

>with reasonable care, thought and precautions. Experimenting with

>longer times between doses than stated is something there is a hard >and

>fast rule against and should almost never be done. "

It is also very interesting for me this answer to a message from Moria:


I think the basic idea is not to obsess too much about ramping up the

dose, given the infamous linear/square root problem with side

effects/excretion. Specially, one should try not to make oneself too

miserable trying to go up. However, if you can go up, GO AHEAD! Don't

think there is a hidden truck waiting anywhere to smash you!

This said, I am sorry to know about your particular experience with

ALA and really have no idea about how is that this has happened to

you. Hope you recover soon and thank you for sharing it with us.

Please, keep us informed about it.

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I don't see any problem. This sounds like good news to me. It may

mean you aren't as toxic anymore and are getting close to being done.

You probably just never were as toxic as a lot of other people on here.

Andy mentions that's how you know your done chelating is when you can

tolerate high doses of chelator(200mg+ ALA) without side effects.

Reading a lot of the chelation success reports, it seemed many of

finished off after several rounds of 200mg after many rounds on lower


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