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Re: Hair test results

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> Hi-


> We've just gotten the results of my husband's hair test and would


> any comments. He's 64 and in reasonably good health,

>though his TSH was

> above 4 and he's cold much of the time.

Did the doctors prescribe thyroid medication for him? Armour would

likely be better than Synthroid.

He also has moderately severe hay

> fever allergies, digestive issues, moderate light sensitivity, and

has lower

> energy than I would expect for his age (has slowed down in the past

3 or 4

> years).

All of those things could be mercury related.

> He's had a mouth full of amalgams since childhood,

and there's the source.

though some have

> been replaced with composite as the old ones fail. We both take

" tons " of

> supplements (including mentylcobalamin) and have for many years.


His hair test doesn't meet any counting rules. This could be, in

part, due to the many years of supplements. There still could be a

significant quantity of mercury in the brain (and that doesn't show up

on hair tests).

I would see removing amalgams and chelation as an investment in his

future health. Once all amalgams are removed, the reaction he gets

with a trial of chelation will give him any evidence he needs to proceed.

With someone of this age I am reminded of my grandmother. She was in

good health until the age of 70 when she started having mobility

problems, which turned out to be Parkinson's. I cared for her for

most of age 70-90. I remember thinking that it wasn't " fair " that she

had to suffer so much. One of my uncles had all of his molars removed

at about age 40 (therefore no amalgam from then on). He was in good

health, productive and even had a decent memory, until he passed away

at about 91. Both my grandmother and uncle had hay fever, btw. My

uncle's hay fever cleared up mysteriously in mid life.


> Thanks so much,


> Dana B




> >>Toxic Elements (all no bar or green)


> Aluminum 2.4 (ref < 7.0) green


> Antimony 0.041 (ref < 0.066) green


> Arsenic 0.071 (ref < 0.080) green


> Beryllium < 0.01 (ref < 0.020) no bar


> Bismuth 0.040 (ref < 2.0) green


> Cadmium 0.010 (ref < 0.15) green


> Lead 0.08 (ref < 2.0) green


> Mercury 0.36 (ref < 1.1) green


> Platinum < 0.003 (ref < 0.005) no bar


> Thallium < 0.0001 (ref < 0.010) no bar


> Thorium < 0.001 (ref < 0.005) no bar


> Uranium 0.015 (ref < 0.060) green


> Nickel 0.08 (ref < 0.40) green


> Silver 0.03 (ref < 0.12) green


> Tin 0.24 (ref < 0.30) green


> Titanium 0.42 (ref < 1.0) green




> >>Essential and other elements


> Calcium 903 (200 - 750) high



> Magnesium 52 (25 - 75) high



> Sodium 120 (12 - 90) high

> yellow


> Potassium 26 (9 - 40) high

> green


> Copper 8.7 (10 - 28) low

> yellow


> Zinc 200 (130 - 200) high

> green


> Manganese 0.08 (0.15 - 0.65) low yellow

> (almost red)


> Chromium 0.34 (0.20 - 0.40) high green


> Vanadium 0.024 (0.018 - 0.065) low green


> Molybdenum 0.036 (0.025 - 0.064) low green


> Boron 1.2 (0.40 - 3.0)



> Iodine 5.0 (0.25 - 1.3)


> red


> Lithium 0.045 (0.007 - 0.023) high



> Phosphorus 189 (160 - 250) low green


> Selenium 1.2 (0.95 - 1.7) white


> Strontium 4.9 (0.30 - 3.5) high

> yellow


> Sulfur 47400 (44500 - 52000) low green


> Barium 0.74 (0.16 - 1.6)

high green


> Cobalt 0.003 (0.013 - 0.035) low red


> Iron 9.2 (5.4 - 13)

> high green


> Germanium 0.041 (0.045 - 0.065) low yellow


> Rubidium 0.031 (0.011 - 0.12) white


> Zirconium 0.081 (0.020 - 0.44) white




> >>Ratios


> Ca/Mg 17.4 (4 - 30)


> Ca/P 4.78 (0.8 - 8)


> Na/K 4.62 (0.5 - 10)


> Zn/Cu 23 (4 - 20)


> Zn/Cd > 999 (>800)













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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


> Hi i have recieved my hair tests results and have uploaded them

> following the link in the files section.


> Do i need to do anything else for you guys to see them also ?


Here are the results, Any help reading these would be so much

appreciated Thanks Alot!

element result ref range color

Aluminum 4.7 < 7.0 Green

Antimony 0.025 < 0.066 Green

Arsenic 0.24 < 0.080 Red

Beryllium < 0.01 < 0.020

Bismuth 0.038 < 2.0 Green

Cadmium < 0.009 < 0.15

Lead 0.06 < 2.0 Green

Mercury 2.8 < 1.1 Yellow/Almost red

Platinum < 0.003 < 0.005

Thallium < 0.001 < 0.010

Thorium < 0.001 < 0.005

Uranium 0.16 < 0.060 Yellow

Nickel 0.04 < 0.40 Green

Silver 0.01 < 0.12 Green

Tin 0.20 < 0.30 Green

Titanium 0.62 < 1.0 Green

element result ref range color under/over 50%

Calcium 547 200- 750 Green Over

Magnesium 55 25- 75 Green Over

Sodium 39 12- 90 White level

Potassium 37 9- 40 Green Over

Copper 12 10- 28 Green Under

Zinc 240 130- 200 Yellow Over

Manganese 0.05 0.15- 0.65 Red Under

Chromium 0.21 0.20- 0.40 Green Under

Vanadium 0.013 0.018- 0.065 Yellow Under

Molybdenum 0.031 0.025- 0.064 Green Under

Boron 0.44 0.40- 3.0 Green Under

Iodine 0.65 0.25- 1.3 Green Over

Lithium 0.018 0.007- 0.023 Green Over

Phosphorus 259 160- 250 Yellow Over

Selenium 0.85 0.95- 1.7 Yellow Under

Strontium 0.57 0.30- 3.5 Green Under

Sulfur 50300 44500- 52000 Green Over

Barium 0.32 0.16- 1.6 Green Under

Cobalt 0.007 0.013- 0.035 Red Under

Iron 11 5.4- 13 Green Over

Germanium 0.039 0.045- 0.065 Yellow Under

Rubidium 0.012 0.011- 0.12 Green Under

Zirconium 0.58 0.020- 0.44 Yellow Over



Ca/Mg 9.95 4- 30

Ca/P 2.11 0.8- 8

Na/K 1.05 0.5- 10

Zn/Cu 20 4- 20

Zn/Cd > 999 > 800

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Guest guest


> Hi i have recieved my hair tests results and have uploaded them

> following the link in the files section.


> Do i need to do anything else for you guys to see them also ?


You are hair test 174.

You can let the group know and ask for help.

Any help appreciated!

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Steve -

8 outside the green zone.

2 reds

9 high, 2 borderline

Minerals orderly!

(They even look reasonably normal, that's unusual!)

Hg lapping on the red zone.

Arsenic quite elevated.

You are toxic, my friend! Do you have multiple chemical sensitivity? Often

present when both mercury and arsenic are elvated.

Co red low

<<maybe>> try B12

U red high ==> Could be regional OR could be low iron.

Consider checking Ferritin levels (should be 30-70)

If low, do not supplement with iron.

Use ascorbic acid with meals to help absorb iron from green veggies, consume

drippings from red meat.

Na/Mg = .71, low! ==> Adrenaline too low.

Tyrosine & Phenylalanine (Red meat)

Methyl donors (as with arsenic, below)

B6 (see below)

All this can improve mood and energy.

Na & K, Ca & Mg adrenal sign looks fine ==> cortesol looks ok.

Na/K fine

K/Ca .07, fine

==> Thyroid looks ok.

Here is the word on B6:

B6 does not agree with everyone.

Adult: 100-250mg with meals and at bed-time (3-4x/day).

If it works, worth experimenting with amounts. If not, don't jack it up.

If > 500mg 4x/day can get tingling & numbness in hands & feet.

If happens, stop and it will cease in a few days.

Ok, for the arsenic, you should start with methyl donors (will also help with

adrenaline production):

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

folic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d);

(Too much methl donors can cause anger, aggression and lack of motivation, so

pay attention.)

Since arsenic is so high, you will also need to chelate. Luckily mercury and

arsenic are both chelated by ALA. (Make sure you understand not to use this

until you know that you have not had any exposures for minimum of 3 months.

Also, make sure you understand to use it on the proper dosing protocol, which

involves using the chelator _every three hours_, even at night, at low dose.

This will minimize redistribution by keeping blood chelator levels reasonably



Here are the basic supplements you will need while chelating:

B50 or B100 once or twice /d

Buffered C, 4g/d

Mg, 100mg 4x/d and increase to 200 in a few weeks

Mg Supps is done by taking 100-200mg (adult) with each meal and possibly at

bedtime. The amount used is adjusted to the max level that is not laxative.

Ca should also be givven so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake from all sources

(food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 and 2:1.

Vit E, 400-1000IU/d

CoQ10, 75-200mg/d

Zinc, 20mg + 1mg/lb

Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO

Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal

Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d

Make sure any selenium is in some form like selenomethionine or selenium yeast,

50-300mcg a day total.

Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.


Finally, if you are dealing with MCS, then you should look into approaches to

deal with this (recent couple of posts on this list went into it). And in this

case, _be careful_ with the lecithin/choline (could make you a bit racy).


If you want to report on symptoms or what your present exposure is, then I'd be

interested in know. Where did you get all this mercury, anyway?



Posted by: " H " stehendie@... stehendie

Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:13 am (PDT)

> Hi i have recieved my hair tests results and have uploaded them

> following the link in the files section.


> Do i need to do anything else for you guys to see them also ?

You are hair test 174.

You can let the group know and ask for help.

Any help appreciated!

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