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Trying to finish my first round of DMSA + ALA

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Dear friends,

I am three months after amalgam removal and I've been trying to finish

my first round of DMSA + ALA

unsuccessfully. I've used 12.5mg of each substance each three hours

together with what I think is a reasonable assortment of supplements

(for details, see

http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html)

I have been unable to finish a round of three days. After the second

day, I didn't manage to program my cellular phone properly and I

missed the night doses so I stopped the round.

The second day I felt really exhausted. Extremely tired. The tiredness

reminded me a lot the worst periods of tiredness I have had previously

quite a number of times in my life. I could stand up some times and

try let some things done only due to an immense effort of willingness.

The day after the round I recovered a lot and today, second day after

round, I

feel only a little bit tired. The extreme on-round tiredness is not

compatible with my normal life.

My plans are:

1. To try a round once again at the same dosage but taking the

capsules each two hours instead of each three hours. Don't know if it

makes sense to try to take doses even more often, each hour for example.

2. If I have the same side effects, I will stop the round and after a

break period I'll consider my root canals to be removed. It is

supposed to be only guttapercha inside them, but I cannot think of any

other hidden source of mercury. Then I will try a round again.

I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before to

pull out the teeth, just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.

Any comments or ideas would be very welcome.

Thank you in advance,

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If you look at TKs recommendations in the files section you will find

that he suggests several rounds on 12.5 mg DMSA before introducing ALA

and trying each chelator separately so that you know what side effects

you are getting from chelation with which chelator before combining them.

I suggest several rounds of 12.5 mg DMSA. When it does come time to

introduce ALA I suspect that you will find that you are more

comfortable to start at a lower dose like 5-6.25 mg. I think that you

will be able to resolve the problem that you are describing by

lowering the chelator doses.

Fatigue is an adrenal symptom. Adrenal support might help.


> Dear friends,


> I am three months after amalgam removal and I've been trying to finish

> my first round of DMSA + ALA

> unsuccessfully. I've used 12.5mg of each substance each three hours

> together with what I think is a reasonable assortment of supplements

> (for details, see


http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html)


> I have been unable to finish a round of three days. After the second

> day, I didn't manage to program my cellular phone properly and I

> missed the night doses so I stopped the round.


> The second day I felt really exhausted. Extremely tired. The tiredness

> reminded me a lot the worst periods of tiredness I have had previously

> quite a number of times in my life. I could stand up some times and

> try let some things done only due to an immense effort of willingness.


> The day after the round I recovered a lot and today, second day after

> round, I

> feel only a little bit tired. The extreme on-round tiredness is not

> compatible with my normal life.


> My plans are:


> 1. To try a round once again at the same dosage but taking the

> capsules each two hours instead of each three hours. Don't know if it

> makes sense to try to take doses even more often, each hour for



It is ok to take chelators more frequently, but I don't think that

will resolve your problems.

> 2. If I have the same side effects, I will stop the round and after a

> break period I'll consider my root canals to be removed. It is

> supposed to be only guttapercha inside them, but I cannot think of any

> other hidden source of mercury.

When you had your amalgam revision did the dentist look to see if

there was amalgam used in the root canals. I think a dentist only has

to remove the crown and look to know. I wouldn't take their word for

it if they didn't look.

It is possible to have the amalgam removed from a root canal and the

root canal redone with mercury free materials. It would be up to you

to decide whether to do that to save the tooth or remove the tooth.

Everyone will have a different opinion. My own opinion is that it

depends entirely on the circumstance.

Then I will try a round again.


> I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before to

> pull out the teeth,

Yes, it is reasonable, if you know for sure that there is no amalgam

in the root canals. I suggest trying 5-6.25 mg ALA first. I suspect

that 12.5 mg ALA will give you fatigue much like on your first round.


>just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.



> Any comments or ideas would be very welcome.

> Thank you in advance,




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In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:

Dear friends,

I am three months after amalgam removal and I've been trying to finish

my first round of DMSA + ALA

unsuccessfully. I've used 12.5mg of each substance each three hours

together with what I think is a reasonable assortment of supplements

(for details, see

http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html)

I have been unable to finish a round of three days. After the second

day, I didn't manage to program my cellular phone properly and I

missed the night doses so I stopped the round.

The second day I felt really exhausted. Extremely tired. The tiredness

reminded me a lot the worst periods of tiredness I have had previously

quite a number of times in my life. I could stand up some times and

try let some things done only due to an immense effort of willingness.

----------This is what happened to me when I tried 6mg of ALA, knocked me out,

I couldn't stay awake very long, so I stopped. So if this was a new symptom for

you with your first time using ALA, then I would suspect the ALA.-------Jackie

The day after the round I recovered a lot and today, second day after

round, I feel only a little bit tired. The extreme on-round tiredness is not

compatible with my normal life.

---------No. You want to find the right dosages and combinations of chelators

that will still allow you to function. It sounds like the ALA was too much for

you right now. It's only been 3 months since amalgam removal, so maybe it's too

soon for you to use it. You may need to do more rounds of DMSA


My plans are:

1. To try a round once again at the same dosage but taking the

capsules each two hours instead of each three hours. Don't know if it

makes sense to try to take doses even more often, each hour for example.

------------Some people do have to take ALA every 2 hours, but that's usually

when they take ALA alone. I don't recall any? taking DMSA/ALA together every 2

hours? (Somebody respond, if I don't have that right.) And I don't think every

hour is going to help either. And if you did try every hour, you would want to

lower your dosages, because otherwise, you would in effect be tripling your

total daily dosage, which would probably be too high for you. I would also

suggest lowering dosages if you try every 2 hours.

My suggestion would be to lower the dosage of ALA and still try every 3 hours,

and keep the DMSA at a dose you have tolerated in the past. I think your

problem comes from either the dose of ALA being too high for you, or it's just

too soon for you to use it at all.---------Jackie

2. If I have the same side effects, I will stop the round and after a

break period I'll consider my root canals to be removed. It is

supposed to be only guttapercha inside them, but I cannot think of any

other hidden source of mercury. Then I will try a round again.

----------How did you feel on DMSA alone? I believe others with hidden

mercury felt bad with any chelator, not just ALA. (Again, someone correct me if

I don't remember this right.) If you felt good on DMSA and bad on adding ALA,

then I suspect that its because either the dose is too high or your body burden

of mercury is still too high, so you need to do more chelating with just DMSA

alone, before you'll tolerate ALA.

But with that being said, if there is any chance of there being mercury in

your root canals, then yes, you'd want them out. And I have heard/read lots of

bad things about them anyway, so personally, I'd want them gone.--------Jackie

I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before to

pull out the teeth, just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.

----------I couldn't tell for sure how many rounds of just DMSA you have done

from your chart, but it looks like a few. How did those rounds go? If you

tolerated DMSA alone just fine, and then had problems when adding in ALA, then I

would suspect the ALA. But it doesn't hurt to try a round of ALA alone, to see

how it feels by itself.----------Jackie

Any comments or ideas would be very welcome.

-----------This is what I think. You are only 3 months post amalgam removal.

I'm not sure how many rounds of DMSA only you have done. But if the symptoms of

trying ALA for the first time are intolerable, to me that says that either the

dose was too high, or it's too soon for you to use it. Everybody is different,

and we're not all magically ready to use ALA at exactly 3 months post amalgam

removal. It is very possible that your body burden of mercury is still too

high, and needs to be lowered more with just DMSA.

My suggestion, if you want to try ALA again, then try it at a lower dose. I

see from your chart that you had done 25mg of DMSA alone, so maybe try a round

of 25mg DMSA / 6mg ALA. If you still get the bad side effects, then I think its

too soon for you to use ALA, and you need to do more rounds of just DMSA.

My gut feeling is that going to every 2 hours isn't going to solve your

problems. You'll just have more ALA in you, and will probably make you feel

worse yet. Unless you want to try this at a lower dose.

And the root canals, I would do some more reading about those, and decide

whether you want to leave them in your mouth, regardless if they have mercury in

them or not. JMO---------Jackie

Thank you in advance,

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TK--- go back to just using dmsa and see how you do. your body

burden may still be too high to use ALA. Please read through my

suggestions in the files section.


> Dear friends,


> I am three months after amalgam removal and I've been trying to


> my first round of DMSA + ALA

> unsuccessfully. I've used 12.5mg of each substance each three hours

> together with what I think is a reasonable assortment of supplements

> (for details, see

> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-

U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html)


> I have been unable to finish a round of three days. After the second

> day, I didn't manage to program my cellular phone properly and I

> missed the night doses so I stopped the round.


> The second day I felt really exhausted. Extremely tired. The


> reminded me a lot the worst periods of tiredness I have had


> quite a number of times in my life. I could stand up some times and

> try let some things done only due to an immense effort of



> The day after the round I recovered a lot and today, second day


> round, I

> feel only a little bit tired. The extreme on-round tiredness is not

> compatible with my normal life.


> My plans are:


> 1. To try a round once again at the same dosage but taking the

> capsules each two hours instead of each three hours. Don't know if


> makes sense to try to take doses even more often, each hour for



> 2. If I have the same side effects, I will stop the round and after


> break period I'll consider my root canals to be removed. It is

> supposed to be only guttapercha inside them, but I cannot think of


> other hidden source of mercury. Then I will try a round again.


> I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before


> pull out the teeth, just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.



> Any comments or ideas would be very welcome.

> Thank you in advance,




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- comments, below.

Posted by: " " JuliusLulaby@...



juliusllb <http://profiles.yahoo.com/juliusllb>

Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:20 am (PDT)

>Dear friends,

>I am three months after amalgam removal and I've been trying to finish

>my first round of DMSA + ALA

>unsuccessfully. I've used 12.5mg of each substance each three hours

>together with what I think is a reasonable assortment of supplements

>(for details, see

>http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html

<http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=p1dnn2rh-U1qQajG6Fm8kAw & output=html>)

- I would suggest that you try chelators separately, before

combining them. So, try ALA on its own, first, before mixing with DMSA.

>I have been unable to finish a round of three days. After the second

>day, I didn't manage to program my cellular phone properly and I

>missed the night doses so I stopped the round.

Two comments on this. First, this is what I tend to do when I am

getting too tried out. I have learned to take it as a signal to myself

that it's time to think about whether I need to take longer breaks

between the next round or two. Second, I was only able to figure that

out, once I had in place a fool-proof system for reminding me to take,

and helping me keep track of, my dose. At first, I was sleeping through

my alarm and missing doses, thereby causing myself serious side-effects,

without even noticing that I had forgotten to take the dose. Sometimes,

I would even miss a dose during the day, as I was able to turn off my

alarm and even take out my bottle of ALA, and then completely forget

whether I had just taken a dose or not. So, in case it will help, this

is the alarm system that I developed.

(1) At night I have an alarm by the bed

(http://www.control3.com/5048p.htm). This is a lab alarm that will go

off twice, once 5 min before the hour for only 5 beeps, and then again

on the hour, for 1 minute.

I also have a standard morning wake-up alarm in the next room, where I

keep my chelator stocked pill minder. The alarm is set to ring 2

minutes after the lab alarm goes off and it's really obnoxious. It also

will not turn off by itself. That 2 minutes gives me the chance to get

up, get take the dose, and move the alarm forward 3 hours without having

to be jarred by it going off. If I don't get up in time, then it goes off.

(2) I use a pill minder that I label: 2AM, 5AM, 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, ...

That way, in case I forget, I can check and see immediately if I have

taken my dose or not. I can also see if I missed a previous dose and

should stop. (Eg. sometimes it's 5AM and I see that mysteriously my

2AM dose is still there.)

(3) When I go out of the house, the lab alarm does not work so well.

The buttons are such that they turn off the alarm without my noticing.

So, I use this: http://www.invisibleclock.com. This thing is small and

can be set to vibrate - so I clip it onto my belt during the day. It's

not very good at night, since in alarm mode only rings once (rather than

twice in succession), and not for very long.

Now, with that system, if I start missing doses (usually because I

improperly reset my wake-up alarm late at night), then I know that I'm

just too exhausted to keep it up.

>The second day I felt really exhausted. Extremely tired. The tiredness

>reminded me a lot the worst periods of tiredness I have had previously

>quite a number of times in my life. I could stand up some times and

>try let some things done only due to an immense effort of willingness.

Yes, that's not an un-typical response to mercury poisoning - and since

detoxing moves mercury, which causes symptoms, then you should expect

symptoms when you detox. I would suggest (1) try ALA on its own, (2)

you may have to decrease the dose, (3) since you can take only small

amounts of chelator, you are likely to be a person who retains sulfur in

your bloodstream - so try a low sulfur diet and see how it works, (4)

make sure to take anti-oxidants, particularly vitamin C, around the

clock, to help with the ongoing damage, (5) make sure that your bile

production is good (do you have nice brown or even green bowel

movements?) and if not, supplement with milk thistle and possibly

lecithin, glycine & taurine.

>The day after the round I recovered a lot and today, second day after

>round, I feel only a little bit tired. The extreme on-round tiredness

is not

>compatible with my normal life.

>My plans are:

>1. To try a round once again at the same dosage but taking the

>capsules each two hours instead of each three hours. Don't know if it

>makes sense to try to take doses even more often, each hour for example.

Try cutting the dose before you do this. In my experience, symptoms of

exhaustion are chelator-dose related, but symptoms of agitation, lack of

focus, sensory problems (for me, on the skin), incapacity to sit still

or attend, are more related to dose timing. That could just be me, but

somehow I don't think so. [Anyone else want to comment on this?]

>2. If I have the same side effects, I will stop the round and after a

>break period I'll consider my root canals to be removed. It is

>supposed to be only guttapercha inside them, but I cannot think of any

>other hidden source of mercury. Then I will try a round again.

Yes, this should be absolutely clear before you do more chelation.

Sometimes the dentists put in root fillings or they build up the inside

of the (now dead) tooth with amalgam. Make sure this is all gone, or

you could make yourself a lot worse.

I'll point out, by the way, that guttapercha has cadmium.

>I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before to

>pull out the teeth, just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.

If it were me, and I were sure that there was no amalgam in the root

canals, then I would wait on any thoughts of pulling the teeth until you

have made some headway with detox. Your system is under a lot of strain

as it is, and it takes months to a year to completely heal from an

extraction. Furthermore, mercury makes it difficult for bone to heal

which can lead to osteonecrosis (see pictures here:

http://www.maxillofacialcenter.com/). So, if you take the teeth out

now, you may find yourself with unhealed " cavitations " from the removal

of the teeth.

On the other hand, if there is a clear infection in the tooth/jaw, then

you really should have one or more of the teeth removed. Once you are

detoxed, you may want to consider it anyway. The guy who designed the

root canal, Weston Price, came to the conclusion later in his life that

they were very dangerous. You might want to have a look at a synopsis

of his large two-volume tome on the subject

(http://www.ppnf.org/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=23_43 & products_id=193),

by Meinig


>Any comments or ideas would be very welcome.

>Thank you in advance,


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

> I don't know if it is reasonable to try a round of only ALA before to

> pull out the teeth, just in case DMSA is what is causing problems.

Yes, try this.

Also try simply halving your doses.

Also try a sulfur food restriction diet starting several days before chelation.


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