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Re: checking Adrenals after starting chelation.

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In frequent-dose-chelation dudley.smith89 wrote:

Hi all,

I am starting chelation on monday, but have not done anything re

adrenals, as my hair test didn't show anything pointing towards

them.And also i did't feel as though i had any symptoms.

But now having read a post on a guy that wasn't getting any better i

now think i should get them looked at.

I still want to start chelation tomorrow, but would it be ok to check

them while i am chelating (ie temps ect)or should i do it in between


--------I agree with , since you plan on starting with a low dose, 6mg I

believe, then go ahead and start, especially since you don't feel you have any

adrenal symptoms. You can always look into this, as you go along. That's what

I did, learned as I went along. If you were pretty certain you had adrenal

problems, then it would probably be best to address them first, and I know Dean

feels strongly this way. But I'm sure many people start chelation without

adrenal support. Just be aware of the symptoms, and if things get worse as you

go along, then do something about it.-------Jackie

Also what symptoms do people experience when they say there adrenals

have crashed.

---------I know gave you some, and I would like to add anxiety, and

jumping out of your skin, like being easily startled. Very hard time waking up

in the morning and getting going, and then crashing again in the afternoon,

usually feeling best at night. There are lots of links in the Links section

under Adrenal and Thyroid information, and this link is a good short recap of

adrenals, that I suggest you print out and keep.---------Jackie


thanks Dudley.

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