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Lost twins

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In a message dated 9/24/01 7:12:29 PM W. Australia Standard Time, Vicki


> With Freya, I miscarried at nine weeks - it was definitely

> a miscarriage, large heamorrhage with clotting which was tested :( - but

> when I was scanned the following day, there was Freya so it seems I lost her

> twin, which I thought was miraculous, but Winston reckons it happens

> in about 1 in 6 twin pregnancies (which would mean an awful lot more of us

> are twins than we ever realised...)


My Mum and Dad have always told me how, when she was pg with me (at about 12

weeks) she was rushed into hospital with a miscarriage - and again everyone

was fairly definite (but remember this was 40 years ago) - to the extent that

they took her into theatre for a D & C. When she came round they told her

that, in the process of doing the D & C, they had noticed that she was still

pregnant. Dad always tells that, as Mum was in hospital and having being

told they'd lost their baby (their first), he told his colleagues at school

(he's a teacher), and they all prayed at school assembly. Not long after he

was told that Mum was still pregnant. " A miracle " were the words he used.

It wasn't until years later that I considered that I might have been one of


Debbie Slater

Perth, WA

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- to the

extent that

> they took her into theatre for a D & C. When she came round they told


> that, in the process of doing the D & C, they had noticed that she was


> pregnant.

I've always wondered about this. (1) How can they tell you are still

pregnant when it's that small and there's bleeding going on? And

presumably they don't do a D & C at all then?


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Debbie - what a wonderful story although it makes shivers go down my

back to think what a close shave it was for *you* - presumably they

had already dilated the cervix to realise that you were still in

there, unless the pregnancy-colour of cervix disappears as soon as the

miscarriage happens and they noticed it was still pregnancy coloured?

I also bled during pg with Toby - on day period was due (which would

have been the due date of one I had lost the previous summer) had a

three hour period which then stopped - then bled on and off from 14-20

weeks which was very scary and involved lots of bedrest so we were

expecting a very frail little thing and were rather surprised at the

9lb...that eventually appeared week 41...



> It wasn't until years later that I considered that I might have been

one of

> twins.


> Debbie

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In my case, I lost three really quite large clots, which they tested and

confirmed it was 'foetal material'. Then I had a scan the following day, as

they were fairly sure from the amount I'd lost that I'd lost everything,

iyswim, but they wanted to make sure there were no 'retained products'

(lovely terminology!) in which case they'd have done a D & C. When we saw a

little baked bean on the screen with a definite heartbeat, even the midwife


Vicki Portman


Re: Lost twins

> - to the

> extent that

> > they took her into theatre for a D & C. When she came round they told

> her

> > that, in the process of doing the D & C, they had noticed that she was

> still

> > pregnant.


> I've always wondered about this. (1) How can they tell you are still

> pregnant when it's that small and there's bleeding going on? And

> presumably they don't do a D & C at all then?


> Ruthie




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