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RE: New member - Janice.

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Posted by: " sailraisers " sailraisers@... sailraisers

Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:29 pm (PDT)

>Hi all -

>I'm a new member of the group, getting ready to start chelating using

DMSA then DMSA/ALA. I'm nervous, having had a very frightening

reaction to a DMPS challenge my doctor did on me 6 years ago. This

was a doctor who specialized in chelating metals,

Very few doctors know how to do this. They learn about DMSA injections in

medical school and residency, but they never look into reasons for what they

are doing so they don't understand that while that might work in cases of lead

poisoning, it will be disasterous in cases of mercury intoxication.

Then, believe it or not, a lot of medicine revolves around cult figures, like

the guy who started the DMPS injections.

I'm sure that at this point you have come across DMPSBackfire.Com (org?)

>but it hit me so

hard that I have been sick ever since. Became chemically sensitive as


Here, we try to warn people against this, but for some reason, a lot won't

listen to good advice.

>I haven't tried any other things to chelate since then, as I

barely tolerate most foods and supplements any more. But my body is

so run down - I just think my only hope is to try to chelate the

metals once and for all.

Yes, but do it right this time. Given your past experience, it will be a

little slow going at first, but if you are patient and take time, you will be

able to make progress.

>PS - Had my amalgams removed using proper protocols six years ago.


Was that before or after the IV?

>Mercury tested off the chart on the challenge,

Was the IV the challege you are talking about?

>and subsequent hair

analyses show low mercury, but severly deranged mineral metabolism

and other indicators of mercury toxicity. And arsenic. Plus the

symptoms are all there.

Mercury + arsenic often ==> chemical sensitivity.

>I've got 25mg DMSA caps. Thought I'd start with 12.5mg every 4 hours

at first; see how that goes. I'm on a good nutritional

supplementation protocol and diet. But very run-down, with little

room to be knocked down further.

Ya, that's certainly familiar to me.

Why don't you show us the hair test? There may be other things we can get out

of it which might be of help.

>Any thoughts from any of you on things I absolutely must do or must

not do - would be much appreciated. I'm still not clear about how

many days I should take the DMSA and then how many days off. Cutler's

book is, alas, not an easy read for someone with a metal head!

Yes, it can be confusing. Use it as a reference, not a novel!

Try 3 days on and 3 off. You can do longer rounds (wiht longer times off) if

things go well.

>Thanks in advance. My hat is off to all of you. This is not an easy

path to walk.

And to you - you're walking it.


Here are the basic supps. Ask people here for suggestions on what to do for

chemical sensitivity. Also, search for " methylation enhancers " on this list

using onibasu.com, and take that for the arsenic.

B50 or B100 once or twice /d

Buffered C, 4g/d

Mg, 100mg 4x/d and increase to 200 in a few weeks

Avoid the oxide form, it's not absorbable.

Magnesium citrate, malate, aspartate, or amino acid chelate are best.

Mg Supps is done by taking 100-200mg (adult) with each meal and possibly at

bedtime. The amount used is adjusted to the max level that is not laxative.

Ca should also be given so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake from all sources

(food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 and 2:1.

Vit E, 1600IU/d

CoQ10, 75-200mg/d

Zinc, 20mg + 1mg/lb

Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO (1/2 - 1 tbsp)

Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal

Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d

Make sure any selenium is in some form like selenomethionine or selenium yeast.

AIp. 162: 50-300mcg a day total.

Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.

(Careful of the lecithin/choline if you have MCS. It might make you a bit

speeded up.)


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