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Re: Hair test results changed to normal without chelation?!! Lyme, ocular migr

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Agreeing that the hair tests are a tool, to help with diagnosis. Having spent

some time

over at Autism-Mercury, I can tell you there are plenty of affected kids whose

hair tests

did not meet the counting rules but who recovered with and/or benefited from


My kids are neuro-typical (NT), and their hair tests met the counting rules.

I find it more helpful to think of it this way: look at the hair test and see

what useful info

can be gained from it. Look at the history of ,or ongoing exposure to, toxic

metals. Look

at symptoms.

If you're not sure, then do a trial of chelation. 10 rounds or so. For older

kids, it may take

more rounds to see any " wows " , or the wows may be more subtle.

One reason we decided to chelate the kids was to help prevent future problems.


NT, we had concerns, esp. with my youngest kid's moods. They were most


exposed to mercury---my fillings, Rhogam shots during my pregnancies, and their

childhood vaxs.

One thing about the Lyme and GI problems...Hg messes with the immune system, and


think many people will agree it will be hard for your kid to wrestle back that


infection (or any other infection, viral, etc.) or have a healthy gut without

removing the Hg.


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Hi again,

Thanks for analyzing this some more.

> You need to consider both the clinical picture and the hair test

> result. The hair test is " close " and he has symptoms (eg, vision

> problems) that can be caused by mercury. A trial of chelation

> makes sense in this case. Response to chelation would confirm the

> diagnosis.


> What happened on the three rounds you did previously? Did you see

> any response, positive or negative? Any problems on the day after

> the round? What chelator(s), dose, and timing did you use? The


> that he developed gut problems at that time suggests you did move

> some mercury.



I had significant problems on the first three rounds which is why I

stopped the chelation. He developed nausea and cramping on the first

round, and I decreased the amounts. The next two rounds the nausea

and cramping started even earlier so I terminated the rounds early. I

was quite disappointed since he had been on an abx break, and I was

trying to take advantage of this.

Subsequent to that he developed a non-stop round of intermittent

abdominal cramping, new food sensitivies, reflux, etc ... which

lasted for about 6 months - had all sorts of GI testing, etc ...

stomach medication. I tried to treat for yeast but nothing was

seriously addressing the problems until he got back on a a new

protocol of septra + zithromax this April and his stomach symptoms

mysteriously went away. Go figure. I certainly could not see any

improvements because of the rounds when there is a first-order effect

of this magnitude going on.

I have the same problem now with the abx - he is much improved

cognitively, overall, but the headaches are so debilitating it is

hard to track the abx response.

Unfortunately, around the time of the GI testing, and AFTER he had

been removed from the moldy room, he developed these new vision

symptoms and headaches which we are trying to sort out.

He is a veteran of vision therapy for 2 years when he was younger

which was helpful. In fact, it was the vision therapist who first

detected a slight strabismus which had been missed by the

opthalmologists (or perhaps, it is an acquired thing). His vision

therapist did not think his current bouts of double vision were

something that could be addressed by therapy and thought that

something else was going on. I have numerous other opinions from

other opths - but most latch onto the strabismus diagnosis and

suggest surgery. Hard to know if this problem is decoupled from all

others and/or the new " ocular migraine " symptoms are related or not.

No one is sure at this point.

I suspect that he has so many things going on - e.g., the mold

exposure, tick-born infections, abx, that has been affecting the

treatments I have been attempting.

I do give him lots of probiotics, saccromyces b. (haven't given

biotin yet), to try to support him throughout all this, but it is

certainly like playing " whack-a-mole. "

Unfortunately, all the data I have suggests that he has food

allergies, IgG an IgE (although these aren't reliable) to a lot of

natural antifungals (coconut/caprylic acid GSE/citrus). I feel like

I'm striking out on all fronts lately.

Liver support is a must - that is why I was interested in adding ALA

to the mix, but wanted to do so safely. He is currently taking milk

thistle for this as well.

Thanks for the reference to . I'll look into this.




> > ==============================

> >

> > Given all of the careful statistical analysis done by Andy, on


> > you would obtain abnormal bands to support the counting rules, I

> > still think there is something else at play here that needs to be

> > better understood.



> There is really nothing surprising here. You are noticing the

> improvement in hair test results that can occur with helpful

> interventions.


> Andy has said that repeating the hair test tends to cause confusion

> rather than providing any useful information. He recommends doing

> the hair test only once in most cases.




> > My son is really struggling with a lot of different symptoms and

> > there are so many variables at play here.



> I understand you are dealing with a lot, and I think a lot of these

> problems would likely be improved by getting the mercury out.


> can certainly cause vision problems and it can certainly compromise

> immune function, liver detox, endocrine function, and other body

> systems that are needed to fight and recover from infections.


> If you are going to try some more chelation you will need to be


> he is on the basic supplement program (see the supplement file in


> autism-mercury group). He will need lots of probiotics and an

> appropriate diet (see the diet file) to prevent the problems that

> happened before. Some other supplements like biotin, sacch b., and

> antifungals are usually needed as well.


> You will want some type of treatment for his headaches. Andy has

> suggested that behavioral optometrists are good at diagnosing and

> treating vision problems (look for his comments in A-M archives).

> This might prove helpful for the headaches.


> With lyme disease and the other pathogens that go with it, getting

> rid of the mercury that is impairing his immune system, liver


> and other body systems will give him the best chance of fighting


> infections, ridding his body of the toxins they produce, and


> well. In the meantime, you will need to include appropriate

> supplements to manage the problem.


> I know that , ARNP, is familiar with both Andy's

> protocol and lyme disease. If you want a practitioner who can help

> you work on both problems, you may want to contact her:


> http://www.npjulie.com


> --





> > Any other comments?

> >

> > Deb

> >


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