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Has anyone tried Threelac to treat candida? I have done 3 wks of

Diflucan & am quite miserable, so felt that candida must be an issue

for me & am starting another round. I'm concerned about liver

compromise & also never-ending cycle of fighting this stuff & it sounds

like Threelac may be a better choice. Any input appreciated!


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I tried ThreeLac and had some good results to begin with, ie. I

increased my tolerance to 5 sachets a day. I then switched to Fivelac,

thinking that, as it is stronger, it would be even better. I got up to

5 sachets of Fivelac, and somehow had a perverse response - it seemed

to worsen my candida. I had bloating and grumbling when I took the

Fivelac, and nothing when I didn't.

Confirmation that Fivelac worsened my candida came with my monthly

cycle - which has always been badly affected by candida, particularly

the high progesterone phase. That month my high progesterone symptoms

were horrendous - I felt fluey, extremely irritable, blood sugar

problems, extreme fatigue. So I stopped the Fivelac. There are some

dubious ingredients in there - lactose, yeast - supposedly to feed the

good bacteria, but maybe it was simply too much for me.

I am now using Samento to candida-bust. This is powerful stuff - one

drop gave me big die-off, but I can tolerate more now. Treating the

yeast is an ongoing thing while I chelate, and I have tried most

things. It's a journey ...

I guess what I am saying is that small quantities of Three/Fivelac

worked for me, larger quantities gave me problems for reasons I am not

quite sure about, and Samento is better than either, for me anyway.

Everyone is different.





> Has anyone tried Threelac to treat candida? I have done 3 wks of

> Diflucan & am quite miserable, so felt that candida must be an issue

> for me & am starting another round. I'm concerned about liver

> compromise & also never-ending cycle of fighting this stuff & it


> like Threelac may be a better choice. Any input appreciated!

> Joy


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I took Diflucan a while back, my doc gave me a 5-day round, 100mg once

a day. So I was surprised to see that you've been on it for three

weeks. But I looked it up and apparently, it can be prescribed for up

to a month at a time.

I found Diflucan to be really strong stuff. My liver took a beating

while I was on it. My doc told me to expect this and to stop if it

got to be too much, even after a couple of days. At the same time, he

told me to expect die-off symptoms, which I should put up with as far

as possible.

It might have been all in my head, but I felt that I was able to

distinguish between die-off symptoms (diarrhea, gurgling stomach) and

liver distress (yellow tinge to my skin, ache under my right ribs,

fatigue). The die-off symptoms decreased and the liver symptoms

increased over the course of the (very short) round.

I know your question was about Threelac, but now I'm all trying to get

to the bottom of the Diflucan mystery.

What daily dose of Diflucan are you on?

Are you taking Milk Thistle or other liver support while on it?

Are you still experiencing candida symptoms while on the Diflucan?


> Has anyone tried Threelac to treat candida? I have done 3 wks of

> Diflucan & am quite miserable, so felt that candida must be an issue

> for me & am starting another round. I'm concerned about liver

> compromise & also never-ending cycle of fighting this stuff & it sounds

> like Threelac may be a better choice. Any input appreciated!

> Joy


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