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adrenols/ thyroid/ starting chelation Help please

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i have just seen a dr in the uk that deals with adrenols and thyroid.

i did this because in the AI book, and on this group they say it is a

mistake to start chelation without sorting these out.

The dr has suggested that i have some tests done to determine if i

have a problem or not,and he also said, that if i do, i shouldn't

start any chelation until this is sorted out.

If thats the case it could be weeks and weeks before i get started or

even months.i'm only trying to do things right but i really want to

get things going, I feel very unwell at the moment and cannot

work,all this extra stress is making things worse.

As it was i couldn't start chelating straight away as i had to have a

front bridge off,even though the chances of mercury under there was

slim. The dentist that was originally going to do this, when

questioned about the protocol did not use enough safety,so now i have

to wait another 3 weeks before that can be done with another dentist

who follows all the iaomt protocol.This has taken a long time to sort

out as i have not had the money , But have now sold my house and can

afford it.

The dr also didn't seem to believe, that it was mercury that was

making me ill. And seemed to think that it was the thyroid and

adrenols that were causing the problem. He said to wait and see if i

get better after treatment. But i never had any problems until a

dentist took my fillings out unsafely. I know its mercury and lead as

my hairtest 194 showed.

All this is making me more anxious and confused.Please help me if you

can, look at the problem more logically as my head is so foggy that i

can't think what to do.

I so desperately want to get started thankyou Dudley.

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You are just like me. You are making the terrible mistake I made that sent my


careening down a cliff this summer. I understand not being able to start

chelation because

of unfinished dental work. My amalgams came out 12/07. My health began declining


months later, becoming it's worst 7 months later, and I finallly got my

amalgam-filled root

canal out last week, and am feeling good again and chelating now.

It took forever for me to convince my doctor to put me on Hydrocortisone for


support, but as soon as I did, I started feeling a lot better. I hear anxiety in

your " voice. "

That's one of your symptoms, and it will probably get worse along with your


symptoms unless you get on Adrenal and Thyroid support first. You must start


Adrenal support, like hydrocortisone (20 mg per day total, in divided doses. Any

less than

that is unlikely to make any difference. Often people need more, or they often

need a

longer-lasting version--like I did--I'm on Medrol). Don't add Thyroid support


Adrenal support is at the right dose.

Don't worry about convincing the doctor of Hg poisoning. That is the cause of

your adrenal

and thyroid problems. Wasting time trying to convince him of that will only add

to your

stress. You need adrenal support NOW. You're probably already entering the


dump phase, if not already in the midst of it. For me, very bad things happened

in this

phase, especially pre-hydrocortisone.

One other word of advice, if you're not on all of Andy's recommended supplements

( the

ones he says are essential for all mercury poisoned people, even pre-chelation),

**get on

them now!** I was at my very worst when I was not taking the need for


seriously. Andy says to use these supps because he knows how much Hg messes you


and he takes Hg seriously. I started getting better as soon as I got myself on

all those

anti-oxidants, etc. I regret I had to learn about the need for the supps the

hard way.

I really want to know all the details once you get your bridge removed, because,

due to

lack of funds, we're holding off on that very thing for my Hg-poisoned husband.


holding up on lots of supps in the mean-time. I reallly want to know whether

there are any

amalgams under your bridge, too, and your dental history with those bridged

teeth. Maybe

you could post those details on the dental-chelation webgroup.

You must take the reigns away from your doctor for your own good. Respect his

knowledge, but you also have knowledge of your own. Especially from Andy's book.


yourself in the driver's seat. The doctor works for you, not the other way

around. You

don't have time to waste.


> hi,

> i have just seen a dr in the uk that deals with adrenols and thyroid.

> i did this because in the AI book, and on this group they say it is a

> mistake to start chelation without sorting these out.

> The dr has suggested that i have some tests done to determine if i

> have a problem or not,and he also said, that if i do, i shouldn't

> start any chelation until this is sorted out.


> If thats the case it could be weeks and weeks before i get started or

> even months.i'm only trying to do things right but i really want to

> get things going, I feel very unwell at the moment and cannot

> work,all this extra stress is making things worse.

> As it was i couldn't start chelating straight away as i had to have a

> front bridge off,even though the chances of mercury under there was

> slim. The dentist that was originally going to do this, when

> questioned about the protocol did not use enough safety,so now i have

> to wait another 3 weeks before that can be done with another dentist

> who follows all the iaomt protocol.This has taken a long time to sort

> out as i have not had the money , But have now sold my house and can

> afford it.


> The dr also didn't seem to believe, that it was mercury that was

> making me ill. And seemed to think that it was the thyroid and

> adrenols that were causing the problem. He said to wait and see if i

> get better after treatment. But i never had any problems until a

> dentist took my fillings out unsafely. I know its mercury and lead as

> my hairtest 194 showed.

> All this is making me more anxious and confused.Please help me if you

> can, look at the problem more logically as my head is so foggy that i

> can't think what to do.


> I so desperately want to get started thankyou Dudley.


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