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Re: not digesting peas/corn/strawberries/blueberries...suggestions

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HI . i never had any results with psyllium > It pretty

well made me more constipated.

Are you taking hydrochloric acid.?? That could help with

the undigested food..

For the constipation how much magnesium are you taking?? It

was not until I went up to 1800 mg daily that I got

releif, It took me too long to increase it for fear of

taking too much. I have been on that high a dose now for a

year and am seldom contipated as long as I also take lots of

choline. { inositol goes along with it| with meals, in the form of

lecithin and phosphotidycholine. ANdy says some people do not

do well with choline.. If only we were all the same...

-- I think it is the lead for me that makes me so constipated...

So I will continue all the time with the DMSA.. It gave me

a big healing the first time I took it in frequent dosing..

IT made me very, very sick in single dosing.

Do you take an enzyme formula with ox bile.??.. I really need

that .. The company NOw carries it ,, you can buy it

through iherb.com ,I do not know about the sulfur content of

it though..

This is the first summer I have been able to eat corn in 33

years , and I made good use of our local sweet corn. ..

Something about it was too hard on me.. Strawberries I will

avoid pretty well as they and potatoes give me horrendous

arthritic pain in my knees.. Otherwise my knees never bother me.

I was surprised that Andy recommends on page 85 of AI to

eat corn and potatoes for a few days as they are simple and

safe. For me those were difficult..

What other things have you tried for you digestion.? Do you get

any other symptoms than the undigested food and constipation..

like gas, pain, nausea>> etc ??


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In frequent-dose-chelation mercurybeater wrote:

Hi all\

is there any specific enzymes that will help with these fruit and


--------Amylases is what digests starch. Are you taking any sort of digestive

enzymes and/or Betaine HCl now?

There is a website that someone from A-M put together, called

www.enzymestuff.com, that you may want to check out.

Also, strawberries and blueberries are on the high phenols/salicylates list I

got from , but not the corn and peas, so not sure if that would have

anything to do with it. Have you talked to about this? She would

probably have suggestions.----------Jackie

I do not know if its another mini dump phase or not,

but i am very constipated again and many things (sems to be everything

but celery/chicken) that is coming out the same way it went in (when it

does come out)

----------I get more constipated feeling if I don't take my digestive aids

with meals, like if I'm away from home. I'm not sure if the Betaine HCl or the

digestive enzymes would have more effect on how things come out, whether they

look digested or not. But you could try taking more.--------Jackie

i am doing double/triple doses of psyllium/magnesium and olive oil

(orally) and my enema's seem to be the only thing that wil loosen

things up..but stuff mentioned above is not getting digested

----------You don't mention Vit C, but if I remember right, you takes lots of

that, right? Maybe try more of that too, because it is supposed to help loosen

the bowels also.---------Jackie

i have had sulphur problems in the past so stay away from bromelain

and sulphur enzymes

--------If you don't get this figured out soon, I would really suggest you ask

about it.---------Jackie


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