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Re: Reply for Jackie --- Pregnenolone----Sunny's test results

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In frequent-dose-chelation sfhsuperman wrote:

Thank you Jackie for your response. My doctor did blood level

testing for other hormones

---------Sorry it took me awhile to respond, just can't keep up lately! And

just to let you know, I am by no means an expert in this stuff, just learning

how important all this hormone stuff is to us toxic folks, so I am only giving

my opinion based on what I have learned so far and my own personal experience.

And I am not familiar with blood testing for hormones, as my understanding is

that the saliva testing is recommended because it shows more what's going on in

the cells, as compared to what's floating around in the blood. You could have

normal levels in your blood, but it may not be getting into your


----------Also, when we're these tests done, and what has your doctor

recommended you take/do?-----------Jackie

DHEA-Sulfate 106 range 32- 240

--------Again, not familiar with blood tests for this, and many of those seem

to have *very* wide ranges, so you do look on the lower end of this range. DHEA

is made by the adrenals, so could be a sign of adrenal fatigue.--------Jackie

vitamin D 23.7 range 32- 100

----------Not a hormone, but a good thing to have tested, since many people

are low in this too. I have had to supplement at high levels to bring mine up.

I hope based on this result, that your doctor has you taking Vit D. What dosage

are you taking?----------Jackie

progesterone 1.5

Estrogen 360 according to doc this is high

-----------Do you have lab ranges for these? Without those, it's hard to

comment, but based on what you said below, it looks like your progesterone is

very low and your estrogen may be high, making you estrogen dominant, and may be

contributing to your symptoms. You would probably benefit from using

progesterone cream. Go to this link and read the symptom checklist, and see if

you fit the description of estrogen dominance. www.johnleemd.com


Cortisol AM 8.4 range 4.3- 22.4

--------Again, I'm used to saliva results, but you do look on the lower end of

the range, so another possible sign of adrenal fatigue. The 4X/day saliva test

is what is recommended to get a good idea of how your adrenals are doing

throughout the day. Are you doing/taking anything for adrenal


Pregnenolone 38 range 20-150

-----------This also looks on the lower end of the range, so supplementing may

help, especially since pregnenolone is a precursor to other hormones. And I

think this is one of the relatively safe ones to try, according to


She also did neurotransmitter test through neuroscience and it

showed all of them to be low.

-----------I have never had a neurotransmitter test done, so not familiar with

them. Did she suggest any supplementing, based on the results?-------Jackie

Couple of years back I did saliva testing for hormones and had low

cortisol and high Estrogen.

----------Was this with the same doctor? Has she done anything to treat

these? If you have low cortisol (and DHEA), then you should be treating for

adrenal fatigue. There are a number of links in the links section under

adrenals that you should read, and you may want to read some books about these

hormone problems. Dr. Lee's books should talk about estrogen dominance,

and this is often caused by low progesterone.----------Jackie

My problem is lack of focus, sluggishness, feeling exhausted, PMS,

getting up after 4 hrs of sleep to Urinate and then not being able

to go back to sleep. I am turning 41 this year but half of my head

is grey. I have lost most hair below my knees. Have several food

allergies especially to dairy and chicken.

-----------Check your symptoms to the hormone symptom checklists found at some

of the links in our group. Maybe consider saliva testing again to get a current

picture of things. And tell us what your doctor has recommended, based on these

results, and what kind of a doctor is it? Has she ever checked your thyroid,

especially Free T3, Free T4, and antibodies?

Hormonal imbalances is very common with mercury poisoning, and you will feel

better if you work on these. I know I have been sleeping better since I've been

taking some hormones, and my over-all sense of well-being improved also. But, I

know I'm still not all balanced, and need to do some retesting myself, and

probably need to adjust and possibly add some others. But it is definitely

worth working on.

I'm no expert on food allergies, so hopefully others will comment, but also

seems to be a common problem for many of us. So I assume you've done testing

for that and are avoiding those foods? Do you take any digestive aids?

Also, have you done a hair test and is it posted at Dean's website?

Hopefully I was somewhat helpful, but I would really like to know more about

your doctor and what she has recommended to you based on your test results. And

I would encourage you to do more reading on these topics yourself, because

that's the best thing you can do is to educate yourself. Good


Look forward to hear from you....

Thanks in advance!!!!


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