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Re: DMSA causing red weals on neck

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Hello Dudley,

I had a similar red spot appear on my right shoulder about 2-3 weeks ago after

my 6 or 7th round. I figured it was some kind of skin fungus and started

treating it with grape seed extract (I had it in the cupboard). It cleared up

after about 5 days turning to a flaky scab. I stopped treating at this point

and about two days later it was back as bad as before. I again treated with GSE

and it is again clearing up more slowly this time. I will keep treating for a

while after it clears. If you don't have GSE you could try an anti-fungal




i am currently on my third round of DMSA 6.25mg every 4hrs.

3 days on 4 off. Today is the last day of chelation. I woke up this

morning and noticed 5 or 6 red weals around my neck and top of shoulder

area. These looked like i had been scratched and are between 1 " to

2inches long and slightly raised. I am worried that it is the DMSA

causing this.My previous rounds have caused no prblems.

The only thing i did this morning was take 2 paracetomol which i never

have a problem with. These weals are a little bit sore to touch but not

much. Has anybody else had this problem?

I am really unhappy, as its been going so well, and i have been waitng

so long to start. I will carry on with the round as i only have two

more doses to take. Can anyone shed any light on this. I can't think of

anything else thats caused this. Will have to wait and see what happens

when i stop. I was hoping to add ALA in a few weeks time.

thanks Dudley.

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Hi Dudley,

I have had some skin problems while chelating with DMPS. I have

assumed that it is my body's reaction to the moving mercury. The red

spots always cleared up, and I took them as an indication not to

increase dose.



> Hi,

> i am currently on my third round of DMSA 6.25mg every 4hrs.

> 3 days on 4 off. Today is the last day of chelation. I woke up this

> morning and noticed 5 or 6 red weals around my neck and top of shoulder

> area. These looked like i had been scratched and are between 1 " to

> 2inches long and slightly raised. I am worried that it is the DMSA

> causing this.My previous rounds have caused no prblems.

> The only thing i did this morning was take 2 paracetomol which i never

> have a problem with. These weals are a little bit sore to touch but not

> much. Has anybody else had this problem?

> I am really unhappy, as its been going so well, and i have been waitng

> so long to start. I will carry on with the round as i only have two

> more doses to take. Can anyone shed any light on this. I can't think of

> anything else thats caused this. Will have to wait and see what happens

> when i stop. I was hoping to add ALA in a few weeks time.

> thanks Dudley.


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In frequent-dose-chelation dudley.smith89 wrote:


i am currently on my third round of DMSA 6.25mg every 4hrs.

3 days on 4 off. Today is the last day of chelation. I woke up this

morning and noticed 5 or 6 red weals around my neck and top of shoulder

area. These looked like i had been scratched and are between 1 " to

2inches long and slightly raised. I am worried that it is the DMSA

causing this.My previous rounds have caused no problems.

---------I agree with , that the process of moving the metals can cause

all sorts of things, and skin problems is one of them. People often report

strange symptoms that come and go as they chelate. And remember, the skin is

your largest detoxing organ your body has, and it is quite common for things to

be " pushed out " through the skin. And people will tell you that there are lots

of ups and downs with chelation, it isn't all going to be a smooth ride, and you

will experience some odd things like this. And this is why we tell people to

stay at the same dose for a number of rounds, because sometimes side effects

sneak up on you. So I agree with , that I would not be increasing my dose

after this happened.----------Jackie

The only thing i did this morning was take 2 paracetomol which i never

have a problem with. These weals are a little bit sore to touch but not

much. Has anybody else had this problem?

----------Not this exact problem per se, but I do recall in the past getting a

red, raised, sore spot, off an on, and it might have been fungal. I don't think

I've had it in quite awhile. But I did have an odd experience recently, that I

don't think I posted about. My skin got rather itchy, especially my head/nose,

and my eyes. And my eyes also got red and sore, around my eyes, my eyelids, not

the whites of my eyes. I have had alot of sinus problems in the past, and I

have *felt* DMPS doing stuff in this area of my head in past rounds, but that

had kind of subsided. The other thing which may have been a factor, is that a

month or so ago, I had been to the eye doctor and had the yellow drops put in my

eyes. I immediately felt them draining into my sinuses, and caused them

irritation. So possibly my body was trying to expel something in that area?

The other thing I'll mention is that if you read about viral stuff on the A-M

forum, they will talk about viruses being pushed out through the skin when on a

anti-viral protocol, and mention skin rashes, etc. So just more proof that your

body does use this route to get rid of some stuff. So even though this has

alarmed you, it may actually be a good thing. That's what I'm hoping happened

with my weird eye thing, that I got rid of something bad from my


I am really unhappy, as its been going so well, and i have been waitng

so long to start. I will carry on with the round as i only have two

more doses to take. Can anyone shed any light on this. I can't think of

anything else thats caused this. Will have to wait and see what happens

when i stop. I was hoping to add ALA in a few weeks time.

----------I know it can be upsetting when you get weird symptoms or reactions,

but as I said above, many of us do, and it's just part of the process. You are

moving the metals as you chelate, it's the only way to get them out, and there

may be some side effects along the way. So we suggest using side effects as

your guide to dosing. And don't worry about ALA yet. Just one day at a time

and one round at a time. With elevated lead on your hair test, you really need

to use DMSA, and will probably benefit greatly from it. And another comment

about the skin problem, you also have elevated antimony on your hair test, and

antimony and arsenic (which are closely related) are also known to cause skin

problems, so as pointed out, it just may be a sign that the metals are

actually being moved in your body, which is a good thing, as long as you're

doing proper chelation, which you are doing. So please don't get freaked out by

this, and remember your skin is another detox organ and is just doing its job,

and its probably actually a good sign that something is happening, as long as

its not too severe.---------Jackie

thanks Dudley.

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I have had something like this, only mine are much, much smaller,

maybe just a few millimeters in length, and they appear on my fingers

or the backs of my hands. They come and go, sometimes on round,

sometimes off.

I assume they are from toxins that are being expelled through the

skin. With chelation, these bumps have gone down in number and size.

I wouldn't worry about it.


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> Hi,

> i am currently on my third round of DMSA 6.25mg every 4hrs.

> 3 days on 4 off. Today is the last day of chelation. I woke up this

> morning and noticed 5 or 6 red weals around my neck and top of shoulder

> area. These looked like i had been scratched and are between 1 " to

> 2inches long and slightly raised.

I've had these a couple of times and they passed. At first I thought I

must have been scratched by something, but they were beneath my

clothes and I couldn't think of anything that could have scratched me.

I've also had plain old red spots at times. And sometimes I just have

a general tendency for my skin to react to things, like getting red

marks from actual scratches, or my cat barely touches me and I get big

welts (I'm not usually allergic to my cats). Another skin symptom

I've had is a deep sensitive feeling all over, kind of hard to

describe that one. I think Jackie mentioned itching, I've had that as


I am worried that it is the DMSA

> causing this.

If it were a reaction to the DMSA, it would happen with every dose.

My previous rounds have caused no prblems.

> The only thing i did this morning was take 2 paracetomol which i never

> have a problem with. These weals are a little bit sore to touch but not

> much. Has anybody else had this problem?

> I am really unhappy, as its been going so well, and i have been waitng

> so long to start. I will carry on with the round as i only have two

> more doses to take. Can anyone shed any light on this. I can't think of

Symptoms on chelators confirm that you are toxic. If the symptoms are

too uncomfortable reduce the dose for your next round. When you stop

having symptoms for several rounds, you can increase the dose and you

will probably get some symptoms again.


> anything else thats caused this. Will have to wait and see what happens

> when i stop. I was hoping to add ALA in a few weeks time.

> thanks Dudley.


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