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Re: Anyone here chelating lead with DMSA?

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Sorry you son is having the pain..

I found I did not have any improvements unti adding the

DMSA>.. I would have to see if I can discover if I took it

with ALA or not.. But for sure the first time When I took

high doses of DMSA once a day I was struck down. \

After I took the DMSA every few hours I had a dramatic


The two symptoms improved were better digestion and improved

nervous system. I did not feel so crazy

According to a challenge test with DMPS probably

{ sorry so long ago now} my lead levels are high.\\

I always felt my symptoms were alot lead related but of

course do not know for sure which was which..

I do find that it is imperative for me to take things to

support my kidneys on and off rounds.. The pain did get worse

with intravenous EDTA and DMPS chelation With the frequent

dose it was bad on the higher doses of ALA and DMSA and I

did have to stop because of the problem was too dangerous and I

did not know about the two herbals I now use. .\\

Now that I take a lower dose adn take Nettle tea , and for

my ecoli bacteria problem which is linked to the kidney

pain I take D-mannose..

I have found that my kidneys have steadily improved since doing

regular chelation for the past 7 months. I started with just DMSA

this time for the first few months.


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Thank you for the responses Nanci and Dave. We added DMSA 3 rounds

ago (to ALA) and the dose was 10mg ALA and 5mg DMSA every 2 1/2 hours

and 3 hours at night. My little guy has a high metabolism, so his

half-life of ALA is 2 1/2 hours (trial and error). When we first

added DMSA, we went back to 3 hours thinking that it would be okay,

but we saw the same redistribution effects as with ALA alone, so the

next two rounds he took both chelators 2 1/2 hours apart.

I think this built up too much chelator in him because both on and

off round, he was in horrible pain. He would stomp and kick and

complain of his fingers ALL DAY LONG. The third round was my

desperate attempt to relieve him of his pain, lowered the dose, lots

of CLO, vit E, flax, and we had to cut the round short because he was

complaining so much. Now, finally, after almost three weeks, his

peripheral neuropathy symptoms (hand and feet) are diminishing, but

he does complain of his knees occassionally and still his fingers at

times. He has been very yeasty and we are giving lots of probiotics

before bed and doing the high fiber low carbs no sweets diet as much

as humanly possible.

I guess we are going to have to cut the DMSA back to a gnats a$$

because there is not much of a smaller dose possible LOL! It scared

me to death when I read one website stating that my choices were to

leave the lead in the bones/tissues or start chelating it out with

the high probability of renal/kidney damage on the way out. I don't

like those choices! I think we need a lot of prayer to make the

right decision.

Thank you,

& (son)



> How does hair level lead relate to blood level? I read that


> lead can be dangerous because it will cause blood levels to go up

> making symptoms worse and will cause renal damage on the way out.


> I am worried that I may have stirred up lead while trying to chelate

> mercury by adding DMSA and it is causing some pains on and off for


> son - most recently in his knees. We have only done a couple

rounds of

> DMSA and I stopped almost 3 weeks ago because of the pains. I don't

> know whether to continue or just keep on doing ALA only? Anyone


> experience with lead?


> We have a pediatrician who has taken a blood test, but we don't know

> the results yet.



> KAI : , what doses of DMSA and ALA are you giving your

son ?. Every 3 hours ? How many days on and how many days off ?


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> How does hair level lead relate to blood level? I read that chelating

> lead can be dangerous because it will cause blood levels to go up

> making symptoms worse and will cause renal damage on the way out.

There is an excellent section on lead in HTI.

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> >

> >

> > How does hair level lead relate to blood level? I read that

> chelating

> > lead can be dangerous because it will cause blood levels to go up

> > making symptoms worse and will cause renal damage on the way out.

> >

> > I am worried that I may have stirred up lead while trying to chelate

> > mercury by adding DMSA and it is causing some pains on and off for

> my

> > son - most recently in his knees. We have only done a couple

> rounds of

> > DMSA and I stopped almost 3 weeks ago because of the pains. I don't

> > know whether to continue or just keep on doing ALA only? Anyone

> have

> > experience with lead?

> >

> > We have a pediatrician who has taken a blood test, but we don't know

> > the results yet.

> >

> >

> > KAI : , what doses of DMSA and ALA are you giving your

> son ?. Every 3 hours ? How many days on and how many days off ?

> >


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Hi ,

I know you can get 3mg DMSA compounded:

http://livingnetwork.co.za/zencart/index.php?main_page=index & cPath=65_68

These people will probably compound anything, so you

might want to try to see if they will do tiny doses.

I started at 3mg and I am 165. If I were you I would

try a proportional amount (.75mg for 40 pounds, for

example) and see what if you can get away from seeing

side effects.

If you can only get 3mg doses you could always divide

them yourself. I have found I can divide 25mg doses

into 8 parts of 3mg each, so one might be able to

divide 3mg into some pretty small amounts.

Good luck,


--- wrote:

> Thank you for the responses Nanci and Dave. We

> added DMSA 3 rounds

> ago (to ALA) and the dose was 10mg ALA and 5mg DMSA

> every 2 1/2 hours

> and 3 hours at night. My little guy has a high

> metabolism, so his

> half-life of ALA is 2 1/2 hours (trial and error).

> When we first

> added DMSA, we went back to 3 hours thinking that it

> would be okay,

> but we saw the same redistribution effects as with

> ALA alone, so the

> next two rounds he took both chelators 2 1/2 hours

> apart.


> I think this built up too much chelator in him

> because both on and

> off round, he was in horrible pain. He would stomp

> and kick and

> complain of his fingers ALL DAY LONG. The third

> round was my

> desperate attempt to relieve him of his pain,

> lowered the dose, lots

> of CLO, vit E, flax, and we had to cut the round

> short because he was

> complaining so much. Now, finally, after almost

> three weeks, his

> peripheral neuropathy symptoms (hand and feet) are

> diminishing, but

> he does complain of his knees occassionally and

> still his fingers at

> times. He has been very yeasty and we are giving

> lots of probiotics

> before bed and doing the high fiber low carbs no

> sweets diet as much

> as humanly possible.


> I guess we are going to have to cut the DMSA back to

> a gnats a$$

> because there is not much of a smaller dose possible

> LOL! It scared

> me to death when I read one website stating that my

> choices were to

> leave the lead in the bones/tissues or start

> chelating it out with

> the high probability of renal/kidney damage on the

> way out. I don't

> like those choices! I think we need a lot of prayer

> to make the

> right decision.


> Thank you,


> & (son)



> >

> >

> > How does hair level lead relate to blood level? I

> read that

> chelating

> > lead can be dangerous because it will cause blood

> levels to go up

> > making symptoms worse and will cause renal damage

> on the way out.

> >

> > I am worried that I may have stirred up lead while

> trying to chelate

> > mercury by adding DMSA and it is causing some

> pains on and off for

> my

> > son - most recently in his knees. We have only

> done a couple

> rounds of

> > DMSA and I stopped almost 3 weeks ago because of

> the pains. I don't

> > know whether to continue or just keep on doing ALA

> only? Anyone

> have

> > experience with lead?

> >

> > We have a pediatrician who has taken a blood test,

> but we don't know

> > the results yet.

> >

> >

> > KAI : , what doses of DMSA and ALA are

> you giving your

> son ?. Every 3 hours ? How many days on and how

> many days off ?

> >




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Thanks, I don't know if kids with moderately high lead would have

been excluded though..probably. I did watch that presentation, and

like the kids in the study, my son also had great gains after one

round. Unfortunately, the gains came with a lot more baggage than

was mentioned in this study. I am thinking, of course, that this is

just my kid because I have not read of others experiencing the same


> >

> > I read that chelating

> > lead can be dangerous because it will cause blood levels to go up

> > making symptoms worse and will cause renal damage on the way out.


> Last night I happened to recently watch a (blurry) video of a 2007

> Autism One conference presentation by about a DMSA


> on autistic children. They used the standard medical protocol for

> DMSA lead chelation, which Dr. Cutler does not recommend because


> doses are too infrequent and too high. They reported a large


> in lead excretion. They looked for kidney and some other problems


> did not find them, except that DMSA causes potassium loss which can

> be remedied with more potassium-rich foods.


> I don't know how credible or relevant this study is.


> The PowerPoint is here:


> http://autismone.org/download2007.cfm


> The video is here:


> http://www.autism.com/danwebcast/index.htm


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Thanks Dave, I don't know if I will try DMSA again right away. I

will let you guys know how the blood, kidney and thyroid tests come

out though. Then if everything is okay, maybe I will try with a

teeny dose of DMSA :)


> Hi ,


> I know you can get 3mg DMSA compounded:


> http://livingnetwork.co.za/zencart/index.php?

main_page=index & cPath=65_68


> These people will probably compound anything, so you

> might want to try to see if they will do tiny doses.

> I started at 3mg and I am 165. If I were you I would

> try a proportional amount (.75mg for 40 pounds, for

> example) and see what if you can get away from seeing

> side effects.


> If you can only get 3mg doses you could always divide

> them yourself. I have found I can divide 25mg doses

> into 8 parts of 3mg each, so one might be able to

> divide 3mg into some pretty small amounts.


> Good luck,


> Dave



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