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Re: weird internal pulsating

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Hi Drew, I dont have alot of time but will start with saying

the problems you describe.. digestive problems, balance,

feeling of being stoned.. all are like mine.. And I did

find answers through taking quite a few of the supplements

recommended in Andy Cutlers book Amalgam Illness.

I have had improvement with mood and brain concentration with

teh frequent dose chelation, so you have found a great place

to find some answers.

The saliva test for thyroid and adrenals is a great place to

start. Yes do not do the challengs metal test. Also look into

hormonal levels as even in men this can be a problem. You have

been doing the candida cleanse for some time so I think it

would be good to try some liver/ gallbladder supports like

phosphatidyl choline , milk thistle seed, NAC and read about

the liver phase pathways in the files sectoin to figure out

if you need sulfur and sulfate foods or you should avoid them.

Other foods need to be avoided..

Get Andys books if you dont have them, they have alot of

information not on this website.

Got to go so will write more if I think of it..


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thanks nanci,much appreciated,i will look,going today to get saliva kit


> Hi Drew, I dont have alot of time but will start with saying

> the problems you describe.. digestive problems, balance,

> feeling of being stoned.. all are like mine.. And I did

> find answers through taking quite a few of the supplements

> recommended in Andy Cutlers book Amalgam Illness.


> I have had improvement with mood and brain concentration with

> teh frequent dose chelation, so you have found a great place

> to find some answers.


> The saliva test for thyroid and adrenals is a great place to

> start. Yes do not do the challengs metal test. Also look into

> hormonal levels as even in men this can be a problem. You have

> been doing the candida cleanse for some time so I think it

> would be good to try some liver/ gallbladder supports like

> phosphatidyl choline , milk thistle seed, NAC and read about

> the liver phase pathways in the files sectoin to figure out

> if you need sulfur and sulfate foods or you should avoid them.

> Other foods need to be avoided..


> Get Andys books if you dont have them, they have alot of

> information not on this website.


> Got to go so will write more if I think of it..


> nanci


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> >

> > Hi Drew, I dont have alot of time but will start with saying

> > the problems you describe.. digestive problems, balance,

> > feeling of being stoned.. all are like mine.. And I did

> > find answers through taking quite a few of the supplements

> > recommended in Andy Cutlers book Amalgam Illness.

> >

> > I have had improvement with mood and brain concentration with

> > teh frequent dose chelation, so you have found a great place

> > to find some answers.

> >

> > The saliva test for thyroid and adrenals is a great place to

> > start. Yes do not do the challengs metal test. Also look into

> > hormonal levels as even in men this can be a problem. You have

> > been doing the candida cleanse for some time so I think it

> > would be good to try some liver/ gallbladder supports like

> > phosphatidyl choline , milk thistle seed, NAC and read about

> > the liver phase pathways in the files sectoin to figure out

> > if you need sulfur and sulfate foods or you should avoid them.

> > Other foods need to be avoided..

> >

> > Get Andys books if you dont have them, they have alot of

> > information not on this website.

> >

> > Got to go so will write more if I think of it..

> >

> > nanci

> >was wandering if my symptoms of exhaustion,internal pulsating in

middle to upper back,weird buzz and eyes seem swollen with the dark

circles,stiff neck,etc....since some of you have said sounds like

adrenal and possible mis diagnosed thyroid problems.....i was

wandering,i picked up my saliva kit today,but i have to send it

away,is this kind of a waste of money and the test could be tampered

with since i have to mail it away,i havnt paid yet.....and since we

and lots of you think this is my problem,,wouldnt it be better just to

start treating adrenals or is it still a good idea to send away,, and

what is this going to show,,,just what we already know,its checking

for dhea too,,,it seems a waste of 235 dollars just for something that

we mite already know....any of you with any thoughts or

suggestions,thanks and god bless


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Those internal pulsations sound like a nervous system issue. Have you been

tested for Lyme disease?


> Subject: weird internal pulsating

> To: frequent-dose-chelation

> Date: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 6:54 PM

> hi,


> 2 1/2 years ago,i started to get this weird pulsating

> somewhere's

> in the back or neck,couldn't tell because of the

> vibrations,i just

> thought it was another injury due to working

> out/bodybuilding but it

> stayed and got very irritating,


> went thru doctor after doctor,same

> ol,same ol,just try to give you anxiety or anti-depressant

> and i knew

> it wasn't that at all.And yes i was judged and grudged

> because i was

> big and long hair too.


> Anyways it kept getting worse,i developed the

> brain fog,,a doctor told me to take antibiotics for he

> thought i had

> sinus-infection,another brainwash story and soon after

> that,i started

> to get very bad belching and burping and passing gas.


> I then did a

> candida cleanse,and this a year and half with this

> problem,,,i did the

> bent..clay,physillium,capreol oil along with

> vit.,minerals,diet for

> about 3 1/2 months.Felt better but that original problem

> from

> beginning,like id been saying,the pulsating is and was

> worse or the

> same and then my balance started to get all weird,feeling

> like its

> coming from that pulsating.


> A few more months have gone by and went to

> see yet another natural doctor and he had one of those

> electronic

> accupuncture machines which is supposed to find the root of

> problems,he said i was all over the place but metals being

> a

> concern,viruses,adrenals,candida...so i did the hair

> analysis and came

> back that was concern about 5 of them being high,mercury

> being one,it

> says on my sheet that the reference range is 1.1 and mine

> was 1.5..so

> he made me do a liver,kidney,lympth cleanse before the

> heavy metal

> cleanse..the hm cleanse was

> chlorella,ala,nac,magnesium,selenium for 1

> month,he said i should have seen changes,but i didn't

> notice a thing

> whatsoever,,same ol,same ol,fog brain,pulsating

> balance,feeling of

> being stoned,eyes really weird especially at nite.


> Oh forgot to

> mention,super big time exhausted as well(ive lost around

> 100 lbs too

> and feel worse at the lighter weight,i felt much better at

> 285

> lbs,rite now ive gained 8 pounds back so im near 195 but

> had more

> energy when bigger.So that tells rite there,something is

> wrong)


> so now

> the doc suggested to do a challenge test to see how much

> mercury in

> blood,i said no way because of dr cutler suggestions,thank

> god.


> So that

> leads me to now,the same doc is saying my symptons could be

> adrenal/thyroid related after I'VE been suggesting it

> to him,,so

> tomorrow i'll be picking up the saliva kit and then see

> what happens

> from there......


> my question is,Is there anyone out there that possibly

> has an idea of what my problem is and how to treat and what

> dosages

> and how long,someone suggested to me even

> humaworm(spelling),i know

> ive probably left out info,but any of who out there email

> me with all

> your suggestions please,im begging you,i went from a

> superior athlete

> to a guy who is exhausted and frustrated with docs,i was

> also a very

> spiritual,funny,happy soul and now i'm moody and

> ugly,lol...Thanks for

> reading my story,,i just need some guidance on which forums

> to go to

> and who to talk to...take care drew



> ------------------------------------



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Hey Drew,

My approach of jumping in head first is not recommended - see previous


What I did do right was over the years rule out other problems with the

standard medical diagnostics (MRI, CT scan, bloodwork etc.). You want

to make sure you don't have a treatable (especially if it could be life

threatening) problem. I ended up here because I was looking for

answers to my problems the traditional MDs couldn't help me with. That

said if you are mercury sensitive and/or retentive then it seems the

problems that can cause are almost endless. If you are short on

money, Andy's book has a wealth of information on how to reach a

diagnosis without forking out a lot of money up front. I read a bunch

of stuff about differing opinions on mercury. Andy's book was on the

money for me. I was getting all of the reactions (unfortunately) just

as he describes. I have also been put on the road to recovery by

following his book. I am still having a tough time digesting all of

this as I was much more sick/toxic than I knew. The good news is I am

doing something to fix it.


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> Hey Drew,


> My approach of jumping in head first is not recommended - see previous

> posts.


> What I did do right was over the years rule out other problems with the

> standard medical diagnostics (MRI, CT scan, bloodwork etc.). You want

> to make sure you don't have a treatable (especially if it could be life

> threatening) problem. I ended up here because I was looking for

> answers to my problems the traditional MDs couldn't help me with. That

> said if you are mercury sensitive and/or retentive then it seems the

> problems that can cause are almost endless. If you are short on

> money, Andy's book has a wealth of information on how to reach a

> diagnosis without forking out a lot of money up front. I read a bunch

> of stuff about differing opinions on mercury. Andy's book was on the

> money for me. I was getting all of the reactions (unfortunately) just

> as he describes. I have also been put on the road to recovery by

> following his book. I am still having a tough time digesting all of

> this as I was much more sick/toxic than I knew. The good news is I am

> doing something to fix it.


> Bill

>yes hi Bill,have had a ct scan of neck and head and evrything was

normal except for a liitle arthritis in neck,nothing major though.Had

at least 3 blood tests done for thyroid and all came back ok,,had 4

cardio grams of heart and everything was ok,the only thing they said

about blood tests at one time it was my hdl,my good cholestral was low

and i never had a mri or ct scan on the neck to stomach area

though,like a lot people on here,ive gotten no wheres with the doctors

and even been judged because of being a bodybuilder and long hair and

no no drugs in my system at all.Just this stupid internal pulsating in

back some where all the time,with stiff neck a lot of times(comes and

goes).Weird stone like feeling especially at nite with feeling of

swollen eyes and the dark circles and exhaustion.Thanks drew

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