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Happiness is Back at Round 32

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It's been a few months, time for an update:

The improvements that I talked about in my last update really stuck.

I was able to begin riding my bike regularly again, and even was able

to fulfill my dream of taking part in the annual bike ride that goes

right by my house. It was only 22 miles, but since it's the only

thing that ever happens right by my house, it meant so much for me not

to miss it.

The yeast has been kept at a manageable level. I have a refill of the

Diflucan prescription lying around the house just in case, but I

haven't had to use it. The homeopathic remedies seemed to be enough.

And 25mg of DMSA and 100mg of ALA seems to be a winning combination.

The ALA still makes me a bit woolly-minded, but not in a way that's

really noticable.

What I do notice, especially with ALA, is that it's vital for me to

start my rounds at *exactly* the same time every round. I happened to

be off in the city one Friday when I usually begin a round and saw

that I had brought my DMSA but had forgotten the ALA. I had a moment

of panic, and considered blowing off an important meeting and jumping

on the train home, just so I could start the ALA at the usual time.

Then I thought, 'Don't be so rigid. Start the DMSA at the regular

time, then add the ALA when you get home. Shifting the ALA to six

hours later won't make a difference, you'll be taking exactly the same

amount, your round will just be shifted six hours later.' But it did

make a difference. I came badly off that round and because I'm doing

11 days off, it was a bit of a wait before I got back on round and

felt okay again. It's taught me to be very precise.

I wasn't very fond of ALA at first. When I started DMSA, I thought it

was the dog's bollix. When I was on round, it lifted the cloud of

horror I was living in. It was a magical antidepressant. And it had

this really quirky bonus. For the first and last hour of every round,

I would feel totally stoned in a really really fun way. (I don't get

that anymore. I miss it.) ALA was just not that much fun. But I was

very glad to be on it. It was important to move the mercury out of my

brain. It was a worthy endeavor. Invisible progress was being made.

And then one day the progress became visible. One Tuesday morning, I

was sitting on the bus going to work. It was 24 hours after I'd

finished a round. In fact, twenty four hours after I finish a round,

I'm always sitting on that bus, going to work. And often, especially

in the beginning, I'd feel pretty ropey. Anyway, this time, the

busdriver had the radio on. The music really caught my attention. It

was a song I hadn't heard before, and the melodies were so beautiful,

the orchestration so intricate and exquisite. What a song! So

delightful! Who had written it? Then I thought, I'm listening to

Lite FM here. Get a grip.

I don't know that it was a " Music is Back " moment (a la Sunshine's

" Yellow is Back " post). I think it was more about feeling good.

What's that quote? Something about there being only three reasons for

human happiness? An end of pain, a surfeit of energy or knowing that

you're performing the will of God. I think I nailed two out of three

on the bus that morning. (If chelation ever makes me perform the will

of God, I will be very very surprised and will post about it

straightaway to let you know). (Apologies for irreverent joke).

So I guess that's my biggest news today. Happiness is back. I am a

lot more fun to be around, I can see it in my GF's reactions to me.

But more importantly, I'm beginning to enjoy my own company again.

God, I've been a crashing bore for a year and a half. Now I'm like,

Wow, yes! I am a creative person! Here's a idea for a comic strip,

here's a joke I just made up, here's an elegant solution to a problem

I've been having the same circular repetitive thoughts about for the

past six fucking months.

Other good things have been developing too. I seem to be having a

vacation from a lifetime of constipation. Since it's been a lifetime,

I'm not going to say anything rash like " constipation is now gone

forever. " And on a similar note, my bleeding hemorrhoids haven't bled

in a couple of months. Good times.

Looking forward: After reading some excellent posts on the topic here,

I have just started ACE. I had some life circumstances this summer

that were extremely stressful, and I can feel my adrenals grumbling

about it. I've only taken a couple of doses, but so far, it seems

pretty tasty.

I also want to increase the length of my rounds. I had decreased my

frequency to minimise the yeast. Now that it's not such a problem, it

seems more sensible to do a long round every other weekend than to go

back to every weekend. I'm happy with my 100mg of ALA, but don't know

if there's any percentage in increasing from the 25mg of DMSA, which

I've been on since the beginning. Increasing it in the hopes of

getting a fun stoned feeling for an hour at the beginning and the end

of a round isn't sensible. Or is it? :)

I am, as always, super grateful to everyone's help and support on this

list. I wish you all the best and will keep you updated on my progress.



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Congratrulations and thanks for posting it's really great to read of successes

like this. I hope it continues for you!!

So I guess that's my biggest news today. Happiness is back. I am a

lot more fun to be around, I can see it in my GF's reactions to me.

But more importantly, I'm beginning to enjoy my own company again.

God, I've been a crashing bore for a year and a half. Now I'm like,

Wow, yes! I am a creative person! Here's a idea for a comic strip,

here's a joke I just made up, here's an elegant solution to a problem

I've been having the same circular repetitive thoughts about for the

past six fucking months.

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Ha! Cool update, i like it....congrats and well done! Its great to

read uplifting posts, the more the merrier. I love the " music is

back " & " happiness is back " expressions, i know its a very fine

feeling to reclaim lost senses. I just started ALA and i got some

more " yellow is back " again...LOL....its a fine feeling, that feeling

of healing;-)



> Congratrulations and thanks for posting it's really great to read

of successes like this. I hope it continues for you!!





> So I guess that's my biggest news today. Happiness is back. I am a


> lot more fun to be around, I can see it in my GF's reactions to me.


> But more importantly, I'm beginning to enjoy my own company again.


> God, I've been a crashing bore for a year and a half. Now I'm like,


> Wow, yes! I am a creative person! Here's a idea for a comic strip,


> here's a joke I just made up, here's an elegant solution to a



> I've been having the same circular repetitive thoughts about for the


> past six f'ing months.

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