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Re: was: bad bronchial/dry cough Now: It's back again

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Hi Jada, sorry to hear that you're sick again and can't seem to shake this. So

you have recently started HC and Armour? The HC should help you deal with

infections, because your body needs more of it when you're sick to fight off the

infections, so that may be part of the reason you can't shake it. So hopefully

it will help.

Otherwise, I'm going to throw out a bunch of stuff that I take or have tried,

and you can see if you want to try any of it. I used to get sick like that alot

in past, and it has all gotten better, but I can't say for sure what exactly did

it, or if its a combination of things, but I haven't been real sick since last

fall, and I have had other sick people in my house and there's been alot of

nasty stuff going around this year that I never got. I often felt like

something was trying to get me, but I was always able to ward it off.

First of all, elderberry. I really think it helps with the chest/lungs stuff.

When I was sick last fall and it felt like it went in my chest, I would cough up

icky crap in the morning, but it came up easily, didn't hurt at all, and for

some reason I credit the elderberry for this. So try it if you haven't already.

Anytime I get sick, I take echinacea, astragulus, elderberry, and oil of

oregano, and of course, extra Vit C and zinc too. And I also do echinacea and

astragulus each one week a month for general immune support, even when I'm not

sick. And I use the super strength oil of oregano, I don't mess around :) I

really like oil of oregano, I think it has helped to ward off many illnesses for

me, and saved me lots of doctor visits.

I take 25,000 IUs of Vit A every day, and you can bump that up to 50 maybe

higher (I think 100?) for a few days when you get sick. The higher doses are

supposed to activate your immune system.

told me to take these three things as natural antibiotics. It

was oil of oregano, olive leaf extract (OLE), and Berberis Formula from

Genestra. So those are things you could try.

I have taken Colostrum quite a bit in the last few years, but have recently

dropped it, because I am taking so much other immune stuff now. But I did

notice a boost right away when I took it for the first time. So something else

you could try. I believe it's good for the gut too.

These last two are more expensive, but they were recommended to me by

, and may be part of the reason I haven't gotten sick this winter. One

is Epicor, and it is cheaper if you order it from illnessisoptional, and since

you only take one a day, the price isn't that bad, because the bottle lasts a

long time. The other is Del-Immune V, which was very spendy, because she had me

taking 4 capsules/day. She said I could drop down to one capsule/day for

maintenance, but then to increase again, if I got sick. Here's the link for

that. www.delimmune.com

So I wish I could tell you which ones helped the most, and I don't even know if

I need them all or not, but something or some combination of the above has

helped me to ward off things this winter. So honestly, I've been scared to drop

any of them! But hopefully this might give you some ideas of other things to


Good luck----------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation Jada wrote:

Ok guys..it's back again. I went to the doc with a fever, tonsillitis,

ear infection, etc. She said it's not strep(oh I knew that). And sent

me off, no meds. She is having me see an ENT. I have had the scratchy

throat for a week. The last two days it has improved because I am

gargling with iodine. Already tried sea salt, hydrogen peroxide

diluted, grapefruit seed extract. Anyway, still a bit congested and

now it's back to the lungs again. Hacking my brains out, sometimes

productive, mostly not. This is the same thing I have keep getting,

symptoms identical.

I obtained my medical records, the whole thing. And it seems I have

had these problems before all through the 90's. Probably 2-4 times a

year I had upper respiratory infections. Usually they gave me

amoxicillin and it went away, only to come back next year. I also note

clear symptoms of hypothyroid that were ignored by doctors due to

" normal tsh " . Anyway, the swollen tonsils seems to be chronically

enlarged and get infected off and on.

I had spent the past five years only getting a few colds, nothing like

this. I had amalgams out began chelation. This is my second year and

it seems that these infections have become a problem again. It started

with larygitis in October which led to this lung infection, that keeps

coming back. GRRR....

Working my way up on hydrocortisone and armour for messed up endocrine.

At this point I am desperately looking for any ideas or

pointers..things to consider, or if anyone else had been through this

and come out of it with more chelation...or what?


> Here's my trouble..

> I used echinacea and Immuno Aid for two months. That alone should have

> killed it. Then I went on to Olive leaf extract, and echinacea,

> virastop. I used antivirals for probably two months. So long that I

> cured my plantar wart. So viruses are dead. Then I went with

> antifungals trying to get rid of this. Nothing there either. Including

> drinking oil of oregano a few times a day for a few weeks. While I no

> longer have yeast...I still have this cough, tightness in the chest

> thing that comes and goes. I noticed it gets worse at night and that

> would be when my adrenal cortex has wore off.


> The doctor tried zithroymcin which is for bacterial lung infections.

> It did nothing. I don't have green phlegm either..more of white/yellow

> (sorry for being gross) So after seeing three different

> physicians..they all said.. " we don't know, maybe an allergy "


> So someone how I suddenly develop an allergy that looks like asthma??

> OK?...there suggestion is a pregnisolone taper...which makes me

> believe it's cortisol related for me.


> Which kind of goes with you your saying. I have had to use HC cream to

> stop the coughing and spasm when the oregano didn't work.


> Whatever this is..I hope its not permanent..



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> > >

> > > Jada and

> > >

> > > ---Jada your explanantion makes a lot of sense. When this brovchial

> > > ---infection first came on, I had green phlegm and just a really

> > > ---bad/sinus headache for about a week. I started taking oreganol

> > > ---P73. It is supposed to be a very pure concentrated form of

> > > oreganol. I think it knocked out the bacterial infection. I believe

> > > ---green phlegm is an indication of bacterial infection...

> > >

> > > ---One of the google articles on the oreganol is below. It is

> > > --- supposed to be anti-bacterial, anti microbial, anti parasitic;

> > > --- anti yeast...They say you should take lots of probiotcs with it

> > > --- cause i guess obviously it kills most everything

> > >

> > > http://www.oreganopro.com/oreganofaq.asp

> > >

> > >

> >


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> Ok guys..it's back again. I went to the doc with a fever, tonsillitis,

> ear infection, etc. She said it's not strep(oh I knew that). And sent

> me off, no meds. She is having me see an ENT.

If the coughing is worse at night, that is one indication that

coughing asthma may be a factor to consider (although now it sounds

like a viral infection and a secondary infection). Asthma medications

may help in the long term (to reduce the number and severity of

recurrence). Some doctors have machines to blow in to determine lung

function, to diagnose asthma.


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-Thanks .

I was thinking of going back and asking about antibiotics. I mean they

only tried two and that was in November. Here it is almost May. The

doctors are telling me that " they think I had a virus or bacterial

lung infection that has left me with irritated lungs, which is causing

this " . However that does not explain why my ears are full of fluid and

hurt, I cough up junk, my throat got sore and tonsils infected..etc.

With the new warnings out about not over prescribing antibiotics, now

they don't want to give them to anyone. They told me ear infections go

away on their own (huh..I am proof that is not the case for all of us)

My ENT appointment is next tues. I think I will be angry if I go in

and he says all I need is antibiotics.

My chelation has been scanty, a round a month at the most. I cannot do

it more than that or I get sick too. Originally when I came down with

laryngitis in October it was a few days after a round. They think

that infection went into my lungs. They gave me amox for it, then

tried azithr..with no result. But from my records it seems these

respiratory problems have been on going for years.

I only used those gargle for a few days. The iodine was used by

physicians years ago to cure tonsillitis. It got rid of the sore

throat. I am taking probiotic and GSE, but will increase the

probiotics more.

I can try emailing Andy...he may know like you said, if he went

through this. Thank you again!

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Funny you mention that. I breathed into the machine. I have reduce

lung function..they believe from the phlegm or constricted airways or


And yes, it's worse at night. I was given albuterol inhalers. They

keep saying " maybe you have allergies " . I say, ok well maybe, but why

do I have a fever off and on? I am with you on the infection part.

> >

> > Ok guys..it's back again. I went to the doc with a fever, tonsillitis,

> > ear infection, etc. She said it's not strep(oh I knew that). And sent

> > me off, no meds. She is having me see an ENT.




> If the coughing is worse at night, that is one indication that

> coughing asthma may be a factor to consider (although now it sounds

> like a viral infection and a secondary infection). Asthma medications

> may help in the long term (to reduce the number and severity of

> recurrence). Some doctors have machines to blow in to determine lung

> function, to diagnose asthma.


> J


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Hi Jada

I used to get allergies that would turn into sinus infections, then

move to strept throat then bronchitis/...This would happen 3-4 times

a year from when I was about 10 years old, up until about two years


I was told by my dopey ent that sinus infections can cause the ear

canals to block up..Have you tried a salt water nasal flush

I think these really helped me years ago to clean the crap out of my

nasal cavities

I think the gut cleansing I did over a year ago (all organic and

probiotics) along with fairly strict diet helped cleaned out many of

the stomach bugs and make my GI tract more bug resistant,

Have you ever considered colonics??

Do you know if you have Low salivary defenses (Low Siga is a test

that some adrenal saliva tests measure..Mine was very low 3-5 years

ago...I hear Vitamin A can help (actually I think AI suggests this)

Basically as i understand it, if you are low, you are going to get all

sorts of oral infections cause your defenses are low in the mouth and


I take lysine and arginine regularly over the last 6-8 months and

have only had one episode on this lung infection that we spoke about

2 months ago

I think I can feel ALA tearing at my lungs/Heart on my first day of

rounds. Personally I think if we have had a history of

allergies/bronchial/asthma like infections and symptoms in our youth,

which I have had and maybe you too, it may mean that thats where we

have a lot of mercury stored up (ie lungs) and chelation is going to

be harder on these areas

Have you considered something like tiger balm on your chest at night

to help loosen things up. I think this helped me a few months ago

to get the phelgm moving

I also tend to believe that chelation releases other dormant

bugs/infections that then also need to be dealt with, hence my lysine

and arginine and weekly doses of oreganol p73

I am strongly anti-antibiotics (My opinion only) as I look at these

things as in,

if its viral antibiotics do not work,

if its irritation/infection they may not help and

if its bacteria I can find other things that will do the job (Oreganol

p73 and arginine)

There is a school of thought that says bugs just become more resistant

with mercury posioning as the mercury creates a sort of teflon

shell/sewer around our cells that the bacteria/parasites love as only

a little of the antibiotics get in, just enough to piss the bugs off

and make them resistant

In my case anyway I think these antibiotcs just about blew out my

liver(rifampin for lymes)

Good luck

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