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Re: hair test #193 please help

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In frequent-dose-chelation csiebke wrote:


I am new to the group and have posted my DDI hair element test #193

to the list and would appreciate interpretation. Thanks for your


-----------Hi Loren, and welcome! Nice to meet someone more from my neck of

the woods and with a similar background :) I grew up on a dairy farm in

northern Minnesota, and I still live up here.---------Jackie


-----------Well, your hair test doesn't flat out meet any of the counting

rules for deranged mineral transport and mercury toxicity, but it doesn't look

totally normal to me either. The one you are closest to is rule #1, which

states " 5 or less bars to the right " . Technically, you have 8 bars to the

right, but many of those *barely* go to the right. So in my eyes, you are close

to meeting that rule. And many of us have this " all low pattern " with mercury

toxicity. I do. It is also a sign that you are probably having poor absorption

of your nutrients, and would benefit from some digestive aids, such as enzymes

and betaine hcl. This will help you absorb any supplements you take better


You don't show the classic adrenal pattern and your ratios are all in range,

so no problems jumping out there.

Low red lithium and cobalt are common with mercury poisoning. Andy says

lithium can also be low in certain geographical areas, and I'm thinking the

midwest might be one of them, because mine was low too. Anyway, when it's this

low, you can supplement with low doses of lithium orotate, like the product from

VRP. This can help with your mood.

And it looks like you have some lead poisoning going on also. Andy says to be

concerned with lead in the yellow. You may want to investigate whether you

still have any exposure to this, or if it's from the past. I know you get

exposed to alot of stuff on a farm. And dust from old lead paint is a common

source too.

You can chelate for lead using DMSA, but you can't do this with amalgams still

in your mouth. So you will need to safely get them removed, and then you can

start chelating, and DMSA will pull both lead and mercury. And you would still

add in ALA later, to continue chelating mercury out of your brain and deep

tissues/organs. And considering your below symptoms, I would strongly advise

doing this.

If you haven't already, I would suggest getting Andy's two books, Amalgam

Illness and Hair Test Interpretation. The second one will give you alot more

info about lead poisoning, so I would suggest getting both. In the meantime,

you can investigate safe amalgam removal and get on the recommended supplement

protocol and investigate diet, etc.

I will comment more below..--------Jackie

Dental History: Currently have 10 amalgam fillings the first 4 were

very early in life, sometime in grade school, the last 6 were

approximately 8-9 years ago.

-----------These last 6 fillings placed more recently are " high copper "

amalgams, and supposedly the mercury comes out of them much faster than the old

ones, making you sicker faster. This happened to me also. I was fine with my

childhood amalgams, but when 5 of those where replaced with new high copper

amalgam, that's when I started going downhill. And it sounds like your symptoms

started after those new amalgams also.---------Jackie

My wisdom teeth were removed around

the same time as my last 6 fillings were placed. I have not yet

begun amalgam removal.

----------There can also be cavitations at your wisdom teeth sites, and these

could also be contributing to your health problems. I think Dean has more info

on this at his group Dental-Chelation, and the livingnetwork, the website where

your hair test is posted. But you can't start chelation until amalgam removal,

so I would probably concentrate on that first.---------Jackie

Mother's Dental History: All I really know is she had poor teeth

and had them all pulled and had false teeth when I was still


-----------Just curious, so I assume your parents were/are farmers? How is

there health?---------Jackie

Vaccinations: I haven't received any vaccines other than what was

required at the time when I was in grade school and high school.

Supplements: Only supplements or medications in the last 3-6 months

are various forms of calcium supplements, also some kelp and

dolomite. I have currently discontinued taking them.

----------Get Andy's books, and start taking his recommended supplements. His

" top four " are zinc, magnesium, Vit C and E. Heavy metal toxicity causes

oxidative stress, so the antioxidants, C and E are very important to help combat

that. The basic list of recommended supplements is in the files section also.

But the book can help you address certain problems/symptoms.--------Jackie

Symptoms: My symptoms are paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Episodes

increased dramatically within a year or two following my last 6


-----------I addressed this above, and because of this symptom increase

following these new fillings, that alone would make me get my fillings out,

whether I met the counting rules or not, because they are obviously affecting

you. And you won't be able to chelate for the lead, without removing your

amalgams first. And I'm not sure if it will help your situation, but low

magnesium can contribute to heart problems, so supplementing it may


----------I just found this in HTI on page 244 about lead. Andy says calcium

and magnesium intake should be maintained at high levels with lead poisoning.

So this is something you should start now.---------Jackie

Joint and muscle aches and pains most noticeable in my

lower legs and feet, fatigue that is worsening, fine tremor in hands

and fingers. Irritability, brain fog, memory loss inability to make

even small decisions shyness, timidity to name a few.

------------Your symptoms could be lead or mercury or both, many of the heavy

metals overlap. Andy gives alot of info about lead, besides all the other

metals, in HTI, so I would strongly suggest you get it. Your symptoms will

probably only continue to get worse, unless you remove your amalgams and start

chelation. And you should try to make sure you are not being exposed to any

more lead too, in case you have any current exposure.---------Jackie

Other: I was a farmer for a good portion of my life and was exposed

to pesticides and herbicides.

-----------Another thing that concerns me is your exposure to the above

chemicals and heavy metals, and your symptom of having fine tremors in your

hands and fingers. I don't want to alarm you, but that can be an early sign of

Parkinson's Disease. My mom had it, and that was the first outwardly sign of

it, her shaking hand. We didn't use herbicides on the dairy farm, but we did

use pesticides during the summer, so my mom was exposed to that, and she also

had a mouthful of amalgam and gold. And I have read that farmers have a higher

incidence of Parkinson's, so the chemicals seem to play a role, but heavy metals

also seem to play a role in these diseases also. We found out these things too

late to help my mother, but if I were you, I would definitely remove my

amalgams, and start proper chelation as soon as possible.

And back to supplements. Anything to support your liver would be good also,

because you evidentally have been exposed to alot of stuff, and your liver has

to process all of that. Milk thistle is highly recommended here, and things

like taurine and glycine are good for your liver also, along with things like

lecithin, or any source of phosphatidylcholine, etc.----------Jackie

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Hi Jackie-

Thanks for your response on my hair test. We've taken a couple of

trips to the North Shore in the last few years and really enjoy it


I had read the counting rules and was wondering with 6 out of 8

barely being in green if some would go ahead and count it anyway,

also wondering how low a low presentation would look. Am I

understanding correctly that not showing any mercury is suspicious

and that non mercury toxic people show mercury excretion?

I have AI. Do not yet have HTI but will probably order soon on

your recommendation concerning lead.

I have had a consultation with a " mercury free " dentist who seems

competent and thorough and will be calling for my first renoval

appointment soon. I have started vitamin C E and B vitamins and was

waiting for my hair test results to see if I needed anything

specific to my condition.

Regarding supplementation, I was sondering if I should take selenium

since I'm in the low yellow and selenium is said to be important

in heart function, however I see in AI Andy says to be careful

with. Any thoughts?

My mother died at age 51 of aortic aneurysm and my father was in

good health into his late 70's but since has been worsening with

Alzheimers. He is 86 years old.





> Hi

> I am new to the group and have posted my DDI hair element test


> to the list and would appreciate interpretation. Thanks for your

> help--Loren


> -----------Hi Loren, and welcome! Nice to meet someone more

from my neck of the woods and with a similar background :) I grew

up on a dairy farm in northern Minnesota, and I still live up here.--





> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> -----------Well, your hair test doesn't flat out meet any of the

counting rules for deranged mineral transport and mercury toxicity,

but it doesn't look totally normal to me either. The one you are

closest to is rule #1, which states " 5 or less bars to the right " .

Technically, you have 8 bars to the right, but many of those

*barely* go to the right. So in my eyes, you are close to meeting

that rule. And many of us have this " all low pattern " with mercury

toxicity. I do. It is also a sign that you are probably having

poor absorption of your nutrients, and would benefit from some

digestive aids, such as enzymes and betaine hcl. This will help you

absorb any supplements you take better also.


> You don't show the classic adrenal pattern and your ratios are

all in range, so no problems jumping out there.


> Low red lithium and cobalt are common with mercury poisoning.


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> I had read the counting rules and was wondering with 6 out of 8

> barely being in green if some would go ahead and count it anyway,

> also wondering how low a low presentation would look. Am I

> understanding correctly that not showing any mercury is suspicious

> and that non mercury toxic people show mercury excretion?

> Thanks--Loren

Hi Loren,

Yes, although you do not meet the counting rules you carry the clues of

mercury poisoning:

1) That mean virtually no mercury in the hair. This becomes worse of a

problem over time as this retention toxicity causes it to build and build

inside your tissues, and

2) Undetectable lithium. You should supplement Lithium Orotate at 5-15mg.

Coupled with symptoms I would say you can confirm mercury is at play here,

or will be if you don't chelate, as you body cannot get it out.


p.s. Please contact DDI to get the electronic version of your test, as the

scanned copy I put if is way to big to keep up. Please send it to me when

you have it. Thanks

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