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Re: OT - family denial

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I hate to sound harsh , but IMO these toxic relationships have to be

removed as they are draining on adrenals and general mental health

It is the rare loved one that really can understand the issues

related to mercury toxicity and the many other problems it causes

from energy to mental health.

Its easy for me to say as i am an only child, so it must be hard with

sibling/family pressure demands..but you can not get well with this

negativity and guilt for being sick..its pure manipulation..there are

some people out there that feel better by putting others down..these

are the truly sick people, what they have there is no cure for

so u have two choices

A) do nothing and let it make u sicker

B)Lay down the law, I found this made me feel betetr in itself

I have had to have some hard discussions with family members/friends

and sort of laid it on the line by conveying....

Look, I am very sick and have been to many traditional drs and spent

thousands of dollars pursuing traditional and non traditional

treatments that have not worked.

There are very few people/drs that know how to treat mercury

effectively and many drs health care providers/treatments that can

make the mercury problem much worse as it (mercury) has to come out

the same way it went in...very slowly

Its taking every ounce of my effort just to stay alive as its very

discouraging and disabling to be dealing with this ...

I would appreciate your help and support in what I am going through

and the manner in which i am treating; If you continue to berate me,

then I will have to basically cut you off from my life until I am


some people respond well..some did not...c'est la vie, at least they

are not sucking my energy up. I know its harder when there are

kids /elderly involved..but I have found that kids and the elderly

are more compassionate with things like this as they ahve no hidden

agenda. I wrote it in a note to some family who were giving me a hard

time as i felt i would break down if told to them face to face and i

thought it would hopefully give them their space to ponder and

realize how sick i was

not an easy choice, but you and your health are No 1 and everything

else comes after that




> Quick question - I have family living close by that I rarely see.

> When I do, I am bombarded with questions regarding finances,job

> etc. friends, social life even weight comments. I also get grief

> about not interacting enough with the little ones when I'm there.

> Furthermore, I am the one expected to do all the traveling/driving

> to see THEM, since I'm single (?) Yes, they're good about having

> me there for dinner, holidays, etc. They are well aware of my

> health problems but make comments like diet/exercise will fix

> everything or adhd medication (which I now react to negatively) or

> other pharma drugs I should try " that just came out on the

> market " .

> Interestingly, I unwittingly helped them out financially in a huge

> way by hooking them up with a former business associate. When a

> huge deal resulted, I was given a minimal " finders fee " after I was

> subjected to a " lecture " on how I have failed at so many things in

> life " jobs,relationships..etc " and how this family member just

> wants me to have the " good life " . Anyway, I love the little

> ones but dealing with the parents has become so stressful I just

> stay away.

> In fact, I just realized I missed one of their birthdays this week

> and I feel terrible. But I am so tired of being harassed by the

> adults. Any suggestions? Does illness really destroy family

> relationships?


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> Quick question - I have family living close by that I rarely see.

> When I do, I am bombarded with questions regarding finances,job etc.

> friends, social life even weight comments. I also get grief about

> not interacting enough with the little ones when I'm there.

> Furthermore, I am the one expected to do all the traveling/driving

> to see THEM, since I'm single (?)

Go even less frequently.

Since they expect you to go to them it is easy - just don't go. They won't come



>Yes, they're good about having me

> there for dinner, holidays, etc. They are well aware of my health

> problems but make comments like diet/exercise will fix everything or

> adhd medication (which I now react to negatively) or other pharma

> drugs I should try " that just came out on the market " .

> Interestingly, I unwittingly helped them out financially in a huge

> way by hooking them up with a former business associate. When a

> huge deal resulted, I was given a minimal " finders fee " after I was

> subjected to a " lecture " on how I have failed at so many things in

> life " jobs,relationships..etc " and how this family member just wants

> me to have the " good life " . Anyway, I love the little ones but

> dealing with the parents has become so stressful I just stay away.

Good. Keep it that way.

> In fact, I just realized I missed one of their birthdays this week

> and I feel terrible. But I am so tired of being harassed by the

> adults. Any suggestions? Does illness really destroy family

> relationships?


Depends on the family.

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