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Re: Need a push in the right direction

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i hate to suggest this as i know you say u cannot get hydrocortisone

but thats the only thing that worked for me with adrenals and

aches/pains and burning all over

AI says not to treat thyroid until u get adrenals working better

so i do not think its good to treat thyroid before adrenals

also ACE messed me up..something with sulfation;increased aches and

pain and head problems

likely not good to mess with ALA now.

can you get dmps to try?


> Felt I had to stop my husbands chelation for the time being.

>(because of weakness) Don't know if it was the right move.

> He doesn't seem to be getting any better..I know it hasn't been

> long enough but there must be something else Im doing wrong.

> I feel like his adrenals need to be supported better. He takes

> Adrenal Cortex 150mg 3 times a day and I have him on all kinds of

> vitamin suppliments.

> He just seems to me to becoming weaker. He's been losing weight

> around 20-30lbs. His tremors are still there everyday as soon as

> he wakes up. His Pain (upper middle lower back) remain and even

> with 4-5 percocet 10/325mg with roxicodone in between for BT pain,

> we still don't have a handle on it. He is on a antidepressant-

> Lexapro. I recently added pregnenalone 25mg which he takes once a

> day. And he has taken the Diagnos-Tech's adrenal test back in Feb.

> with results that read: Cortisol AM 9 (13-24) Noon 6 (5-10)Evening

> 1 (3-8) and midnight 1 (1-4) His DHEA was 7 normal (3-10). The

> Estradiol is 15 (1-15) Progesterone 119 (5-95) and his Free

> Testosterone 46 (50-80)

> His Thyroid results recently last week are: Total T4- 8.1 (6.1-12.2)

> T3UP-38.6 (32.0-48.4) FTI- 7.8 (5.9-13.1)TSH-0.85 (0.34-5.60) Free

> T4- 0.87 (0.58-1.26)Free T3- 327 (230-420) and Thyroid Peroxidase

> Antibodies- <10 (<35)

> All his other labs CBC,Comp Chem profile, Lipids look ok.

> I saw the page " The adrenal restoration plan " and I guess I could

> up things like biotin and zinc and try to find him Isocort or

> something but I really don't understand how he is having this

> excruciating pain thats up and down his back. This is a symptom no

> one really talks about on this forum and I can't understand why he

> would have this when no one else is. This pain is what is

> effecting his job and our family and it came on at the same time

> all the rest of these symptoms that suggest mercury poisoning

> happened.

> He has met counting rule 3 and 4 on his hair test back in Feb. He

> is listed as Hair Test #172

> And we are doing Dmsa 25mg every 4 hours, 3 on/4 off. I haven't

> added the ALA yet because he is afraid that he still has a body

> burden of mercury and he is afraid that whatever is in his body

> will go to his brain. His exposure was Last December of an

improper amalgam removal.

> He is also the father of an Autistic child.

> Back in Feb his temperatures had taken a nose dive. They still

> haven't come up yet. But in the last couple of months he has been

> having hot flashes really bad where he will sweat profusly but his

> temps will still be low. This afternoon he came home from work and

> told me that at 7am his temp was in the 96's and at 10am it was

> 97.9, but then he got a hot flash at 10:10am and his temp was

> 97.8. Then later at noon it was 96.9.

> Im not going to be able to sell the doctor on hydrocortisone for

> him and he has to wait another month to see a doctor (the only

> one) that deals with Thyroid Syndrome.

> Does anyone think I should go ahead and try him on ALA yet? Its the

> one thing alot people keep talking about that has made them better.

> He's only been on less than 15 rounds of dmsa so far.

> Does anyone have any sources for hydergine, isocort, etc.


> I don't know if I need reassurance or a new game plan. But its very

> stressful knowing he depends on me to make this all better. I need

> help.


> Carie


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> You are right. Everything below says he has a big-time adrenal

> problem - the saliva test, the hair test, the weight loss, the

pain -

> he really needs a LOT more support than you are giving. ACE is not

> enough for some of us. Pregnenolone can convert to cortisol, but he

> likely needs a lot more than 25 mg. In Amalgam Illness, Andy


> up to 300 mg for men. Try slowly working up the dose and see if it

> helps. I would also look for someone who can prescribe HC for him.

I think your right too. I am going to have to find another doctor

to prescribe the HC. I have to. I read AI all the time, its just that

its overwhelming sometimes and leaves me still needing direction. I

think the other thing that's difficult for me is that I am not the

one with the mercury poisoning. Ameliorating someone else's symptoms

is challenging to say the least.


> > that suggest mercury poisoning happened.

> > He has met counting rule 3 and 4 on his hair test back in Feb. He


> > listed as Hair Test #172>

I meant hair test 176, 38yr. old male, sorry.

> Please, please do not do s thyroid protocol without getting


> on enough adrenal support first. I did this and it led to a huge



I know this, I do. The appt. was made 3 months ago when I thought we

were doing alittle better. I can't cancel, she lives in Cali and

comes to Tennessee once every three months. But I promise were not

messing with thyroid. Maybe she can help me with something else

first, I have to go to establish my husband as a patient though.

> Personally, I think he will do better on HC, but if you need to


> some Isocort until you can find a doctor to get the HC, then try


> It may or may not help. You could also try giving a lot more ACE,

> especially in the morning, but that doesn't work for everyone. The

> pregnenolone might help too, but he likely needs more.

I just realized something. I had him up his Adrenal Cortex not too

long ago...gosh I can't remember when. Mercurybeater said it made him

worse. I wonder if its doing the same thing to Tim? Or if what he is

taking is just not enough. He has had alot more stress on him lately

from work. I will try and replace the ace with isocort as soon as I

can and look for a different doctor for the HC. Also he takes

pregnenalone that says its sublingual...Do you know if thats the

better form for him to take? And is there a special time during the

day that pregnenalone should be taken? Oh, and I will up the dose.

Thank you for your suggestions.


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Oh my gosh! thats alot of weight to lose. Were you still trying to

chelate when you realized your adrenals crashed?

About the sulphur..I never did understand AI about the sulphur tests.

I don't suppose that a urine cysteine test would have anything to do

with helping figure out anything would it? I know its the plasma

cysteine test you all take. But the nurse ordered a urine cysteine

test. Haven't got it back yet, don't know if it would make any


I am trying to keep him off sulphur foods right now.



> Carie

> also; i had huge weight loss, 200 to 160 pounds under bad protocol

> (cilantro & sulphur foods) which created a lot of mercury movement

as I

> understand it...I believe bad protocol also crashed my adrenals


> u may want to avoid all sulphur foods and see what happens...eggs,

> cruciferous veggies, kale,




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I know thats true from my own digestive problems and my oldest sons'.

I think his digestion is ok, at least he hasn't complained about it. I

can't imagine that its great though with all the weightloss, lack of

appetite I wonder how he is even absorbing all these suppliments like

he is suppose to.



> Also bad digestion means watch for sensitivities like gluten,

> corn, milk, and anything unfortunatley goes. At one point I

> craved , was addicted to garlic.. and yep I was sensitive to

> it. Even foods can have a similar reaction and raise

> something that gives us a temporary high but in the end a

> crash down.


> Nanci


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I went to a metabolism specialist for fatigue before i knew about

mercury poisoning.

He put me on a therapeutic trial of Isocort (mfg by Bezwecken sp.?)

& straight T3 - the active form of thyroid hormone(from a foreign


It didn't help, but it is possible to order for yourself & do your own

trial, while taking temps to see effect.

I also remember reading that you can take HC cream topically, which

gives you so much HC per teaspoon of cream. this would be the same

cream you take for allergic rashes. But I have a feeling this might

not be a cost effective way of getting HC.

I can try to look up info if you would like,

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> >

> > Felt I had to stop my husbands chelation for the time being.(because

> > of weakness) Don't know if it was the right move.

> > He doesn't seem to be getting any better..I know it hasn't been long

> > enough but there must be something else Im doing wrong.

> > I feel like his adrenals need to be supported better. He takes

> > Adrenal Cortex 150mg 3 times a day and I have him on all kinds of

> > vitamin suppliments.

> > He just seems to me to becoming weaker. He's been losing weight

> > around 20-30lbs. His tremors are still there everyday as soon as he

> > wakes up. His Pain (upper middle lower back) remain and even with 4-5

> > percocet 10/325mg with roxicodone in between for BT pain, we still

> > don't have a handle on it. He is on a antidepressant- Lexapro. I

> > recently added pregnenalone 25mg which he takes once a day.

> > And he has taken the Diagnos-Tech's adrenal test back in Feb. with

> > results that read: Cortisol AM 9 (13-24) Noon 6 (5-10)Evening 1 (3-8)

> > and midnight 1 (1-4) His DHEA was 7 normal (3-10). The Estradiol is

> > 15 (1-15) Progesterone 119 (5-95) and his Free Testosterone 46 (50-80)

> > His Thyroid results recently last week are: Total T4- 8.1 (6.1-12.2)

> > T3UP-38.6 (32.0-48.4) FTI- 7.8 (5.9-13.1)TSH-0.85 (0.34-5.60) Free T4-

> > 0.87 (0.58-1.26)Free T3- 327 (230-420) and Thyroid Peroxidase

> > Antibodies- <10 (<35)

> > All his other labs CBC,Comp Chem profile, Lipids look ok.

> > I saw the page " The adrenal restoration plan " and I guess I could up

> > things like biotin and zinc and try to find him Isocort or something

> > but I really don't understand how he is having this excruciating pain

> > thats up and down his back. This is a symptom no one really talks

> > about on this forum and I can't understand why he would have this

> > when no one else is. This pain is what is effecting his job and our

> > family and it came on at the same time all the rest of these symptoms

> > that suggest mercury poisoning happened.

> > He has met counting rule 3 and 4 on his hair test back in Feb. He is

> > listed as Hair Test #172

> > And we are doing Dmsa 25mg every 4 hours, 3 on/4 off. I haven't added

> > the ALA yet because he is afraid that he still has a body burden of

> > mercury and he is afraid that whatever is in his body will go to his

> > brain. His exposure was Last December of an improper amalgam removal.

> > He is also the father of an Autistic child.

> >

> > Back in Feb his temperatures had taken a nose dive. They still

> > haven't come up yet. But in the last couple of months he has been

> > having hot flashes really bad where he will sweat profusly but his

> > temps will still be low. This afternoon he came home from work and

> > told me that at 7am his temp was in the 96's and at 10am it was 97.9,

> > but then he got a hot flash at 10:10am and his temp was 97.8. Then

> > later at noon it was 96.9.

> > Im not going to be able to sell the doctor on hydrocortisone for him

> > and he has to wait another month to see a doctor (the only one) that

> > deals with Thyroid Syndrome.

> >

> > Does anyone think I should go ahead and try him on ALA yet? Its the

> > one thing alot people keep talking about that has made them better.

> > He's only been on less than 15 rounds of dmsa so far.

> > Does anyone have any sources for hydergine, isocort, etc.

> >

> > I don't know if I need reassurance or a new game plan. But its very

> > stressful knowing he depends on me to make this all better. I need

> > help.

> >

> > Carie

> >


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Sorry, I counted wrong. I have been in pain for 16 years.

The first thing to do is to find a doctor who will prescribe Cortef.

Isocort is an option if you want to self medicate. I find that I need

the support of my doctor, and was fortunate to find doctors willing to

support me. One on the major reasons I need to consult frequently

with my doctor is because I need to take increased doses for certain

stresses like illness. Some people don't need to stress dose. This

is the type of thing that it is nice to talk over with a doctor

familiar with the safe use of cortisol.

Pain is stress too, and the amount of pain a person is enduring, and

length of time the person has been in pain need to be taken into

consideration when prescribing cortisol.

Once on cortisol one wants to be sure that the dose is consistent from

day to day without the possibility of running out (which is my concern

about Isocort, but you may be able to find consistent supply in the

US). Cortisol cream is another option, but I don't know how much

cream would give a physiological dose, and the sites of application

must be rotated daily to prevent distortion of the skin.

Pain needs to be adequately treated. A person in pain needs enough

continuous release medication so that they are not using the break

through pain medication frequently. This can be evaluated by a " good "

pain specialist. I was so fortunate to find one. In my opinion, it

is cruel to under medicate someone who is having serious pain. I have

also found that it is difficult to find doctors who truly understand

what it is like to be in pain and how to medicate it properly. One

way to find a doctor would be to phone the receptionists and ask if

the doctor goes to pain management seminars or phone the college of

physicians and surgeons and ask for names of doctors who specialize in

pain management.

(While talking to the receptionists, ask if the doctor has a copy of

" Safe Uses of Cortisol " by Jefferies on his shelf. See the adrenal

folder in the links section.)

It may help to find a doctor to evaluate the source of the pain. Even

if mercury is the underlying cause, there can be physical factors

contributing. Sometimes something can be done about those physical

factors, and sometimes the choice of medication is different depending

on how the doctor labels the pain. For example, in my case spinal

ligaments were causing much pain and some of that was cured by

prolotherapy (this was a true miracle treatment for me). Many of my

friends have found physical factors that could be treated after much

investigation. The pain that I am having now may be " neuropathic " , of

unknown cause, but the neuropathic label changes the approach to pain


One of the most simple things that has given me relief is ice. I lie

down on packages of frozen peas or frozen wash clothes.

A sulfur food restricted diet may give some relief. See the files and

links sections for more information. Basically he would need to avoid

high sulfur foods for a period of time (maybe 4 days to a week) and

then challenge with a day of all the sulfur foods he can stand and see

if there is an exacerbation of pain or any other symptoms.

Does your husband find any pain relief during DMSA chelation and

exacerbation of pain when the round stops? How does he feel during

and after rounds? I find that DMPS chelation does lessen the pain

slightly, and I do get a flare up after I stop taking the DMPS

(anywhere from one day to one week after the round). I also found

that initially I would crash with fatigue after rounds, and had to

lower the chelator dose accordingly.


> >

> > Felt I had to stop my husbands chelation for the time being.(because

> > of weakness) Don't know if it was the right move.

> > He doesn't seem to be getting any better..I know it hasn't been long

> > enough but there must be something else Im doing wrong.

> > I feel like his adrenals need to be supported better. He takes

> > Adrenal Cortex 150mg 3 times a day and I have him on all kinds of

> > vitamin suppliments.

> > He just seems to me to becoming weaker. He's been losing weight

> > around 20-30lbs. His tremors are still there everyday as soon as he

> > wakes up. His Pain (upper middle lower back) remain and even with 4-5

> > percocet 10/325mg with roxicodone in between for BT pain, we still

> > don't have a handle on it. He is on a antidepressant- Lexapro. I

> > recently added pregnenalone 25mg which he takes once a day.

> > And he has taken the Diagnos-Tech's adrenal test back in Feb. with

> > results that read: Cortisol AM 9 (13-24) Noon 6 (5-10)Evening 1 (3-8)

> > and midnight 1 (1-4) His DHEA was 7 normal (3-10). The Estradiol is

> > 15 (1-15) Progesterone 119 (5-95) and his Free Testosterone 46 (50-80)

> > His Thyroid results recently last week are: Total T4- 8.1 (6.1-12.2)

> > T3UP-38.6 (32.0-48.4) FTI- 7.8 (5.9-13.1)TSH-0.85 (0.34-5.60) Free T4-

> > 0.87 (0.58-1.26)Free T3- 327 (230-420) and Thyroid Peroxidase

> > Antibodies- <10 (<35)

> > All his other labs CBC,Comp Chem profile, Lipids look ok.

> > I saw the page " The adrenal restoration plan " and I guess I could up

> > things like biotin and zinc and try to find him Isocort or something

> > but I really don't understand how he is having this excruciating pain

> > thats up and down his back. This is a symptom no one really talks

> > about on this forum and I can't understand why he would have this

> > when no one else is. This pain is what is effecting his job and our

> > family and it came on at the same time all the rest of these symptoms

> > that suggest mercury poisoning happened.

> > He has met counting rule 3 and 4 on his hair test back in Feb. He is

> > listed as Hair Test #172

> > And we are doing Dmsa 25mg every 4 hours, 3 on/4 off. I haven't added

> > the ALA yet because he is afraid that he still has a body burden of

> > mercury and he is afraid that whatever is in his body will go to his

> > brain. His exposure was Last December of an improper amalgam removal.

> > He is also the father of an Autistic child.

> >

> > Back in Feb his temperatures had taken a nose dive. They still

> > haven't come up yet. But in the last couple of months he has been

> > having hot flashes really bad where he will sweat profusly but his

> > temps will still be low. This afternoon he came home from work and

> > told me that at 7am his temp was in the 96's and at 10am it was 97.9,

> > but then he got a hot flash at 10:10am and his temp was 97.8. Then

> > later at noon it was 96.9.

> > Im not going to be able to sell the doctor on hydrocortisone for him

> > and he has to wait another month to see a doctor (the only one) that

> > deals with Thyroid Syndrome.

> >

> > Does anyone think I should go ahead and try him on ALA yet? Its the

> > one thing alot people keep talking about that has made them better.

> > He's only been on less than 15 rounds of dmsa so far.

> > Does anyone have any sources for hydergine, isocort, etc.

> >

> > I don't know if I need reassurance or a new game plan. But its very

> > stressful knowing he depends on me to make this all better. I need

> > help.

> >

> > Carie

> >


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> Sorry, I counted wrong. I have been in pain for 16 years.


> The first thing to do is to find a doctor who will prescribe Cortef.

> Isocort is an option if you want to self medicate.

1-2 tsp of 1% hydrocortisone cream applied topically results in about 20 mg


This can also be used and it is over the counter.


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> Does your husband find any pain relief during DMSA chelation and

> exacerbation of pain when the round stops? How does he feel during

> and after rounds? I find that DMPS chelation does lessen the pain

> slightly, and I do get a flare up after I stop taking the DMPS

> (anywhere from one day to one week after the round). I also found

> that initially I would crash with fatigue after rounds, and had to

> lower the chelator dose accordingly.


> J

Being on 100mg of DMSA was bad for him because he had significant

kidney pain.

Lowered it to 25mg DMSA q4hrs. He said that he initally felt more

fatigued and achy after a round. Now he doesn't feel anything like

that on or off a round. Just the back pain regardless if chelating or


He also used to have hot spots on his knees and burning sensations in

his legs at one time, doesn't anymore..they just went away.


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