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Re: ear and throat help

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To help clear the eustacion tubes, pinching your nose and closing your mouth and

blowing gently increasing the pressure until you hear your ears click or pop

each morning may help, but of course be careful not to be too intense.



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> I've used Nutribiotic GSE nasal spray before with mixed results.


> I've used heaps of elderberry extract before with mixed results.

I've gargled with GSE and took it orally for a few days, too.

Possibly that has helped a bit. The sore part of my throat seems

deeper than I can reach with gargling. It is somewhat better today,


I love elderberry syrup. Usually when I get a cold, that's the first

thing I take and it helps noticeably. I took it for several days last

week along with other antiviral support but didn't get the usual

improvement from it. Often if I start treating at the first sign of

symptoms, I can completely fight off a virus. Don't think this is


> On Hormones and Health Naturally, message 7697, there is mention of

product called Xclear.

> I've never heard of it.

I saw that. Xclear contains xylitol, which is reported to have

antibacterial effect, so I guess maybe it's helpful for people with

bacterial problems. I can't take xylitol orally, since it makes my

yeast problem worse and I'd be reluctant to use it nasally. I've

actually wondered if this ear and throat business could involve yeast.

> Feel better! I'm just getting over a nasty head cold and cough


Thanks !


> M.


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> Hi , sorry to hear that you are sick. Have you been to the

doctor and been checked for strep or bronchitis or something like

that? More below.----------Jackie

I saw the doc last week. She said my chest is clear and my throat is

" injected " but not red. She didn't think it necessary to do a throat

culture. Of course, when I was in the doctor's office I probably had

a lot of HC still in my system - don't know if that would reduce the

redness of my throat, but maybe. In any case, I had the usual

phenomenon of feeling like my symptoms were not that bad while I was

in her office, which tends to deceive me as well as her.

> Can anyone suggest good remedies for sore throat and clogged ears?


> ----------Zinc lozenges are what we use for sore throats here.

And extra Vit C too. And oil of oregano is my go to thing for any

illness now, and usually helps. If you can stand the taste, put a

couple drops under your tongue and hold it in your mouth as long as

you can. My sister says she can even feel it go up her eustation

tubes. And I haven't used it much, but have you tried mullein drops

for the ears?----------Jackie

I did use zinc lozenges and vitamin C and lots of other stuff. I've

been reluctant to use oil of oregano since last time I used it I had

some problems. I've seen the mullein drops, but wonder how they would

help since the eustachian tube is on the other side of the ear drum

and how do the mullein drops get in there. Well, I could just try it

couldn't I. I'll see how I am next week.

> --------I have switched to mostly natural stuff now, but I used to

like TheraFlu alot, have you tried that? It's nice, because it's a

hot drink. I imagine you're drinking tea or something hot?


> Have you taken extra immune boosters, like increasing your Vit A?

Lots of Vit C? Elderberry, echinacea, astragulus? Extra zinc?

Lots of hot drinks, warm gargles, breathing steam, hot packs on the

neck and under my ears, increased vit A, zinc, C, increased my 7-keto

dhea, antivirals.

I really don't think it is viral. It might be what my husband had

back in July (after his first round of chelation) - he had it for a

month and was unusually sick. He usually responds to antivirals and

he didn't this time.

Whatever it is, it's a weird illness.

> Also, Jay has links at onibasu/wiki about anit-virals and immune

boosters, where Andy gives some more ideas. And have you asked

for some ideas?

She suggested a few things, most of which I had done, but a new one

was to tip my head all the way forward while lying on the bed. This

feels really strange, but maybe is helping. There are definitely

changes today, a little more noise in the ears (crackling) which

usually happens before my ears clear.

> I hope you find something that helps and you get feeling better soon!

I had a three hour nap this afternoon and was able to take a walk

later this evening, so that seems like a good sign. Symptoms are a

bit less than yesterday, though overall I'm pretty wiped out.

Thanks for the additional ideas, Jackie!


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Thanks Nanci, Jen, and Kenny for more suggestions. I appreciate it a


I tested the allergy theory today by closing the windows early and

running the air purifier all day (I don't usually do this when the

weather is warm unless something is obviously bothering me) - in the

evening I went for a walk and didn't notice any increased symptoms, so

I guess that's not the problem. Don't think it's food allergy either,

since my diet hasn't changed and my food reactions are usually

different kinds of symptoms.

I've never had much luck with pinching my nose and blowing gently. It

seems to work well for lots of people, but for some reason not me.

Anyway, I'm sure I will recover. My sore throat has moved mostly to

the right side and any change seems encouraging. The phlegm continues

to be reduced. The darned ears are still ringing and clogged, but

maybe less pressure in there. I will keep on with various treatments.


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