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Re: W A , history -- parasite/candid carpet bomb

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I was always very anti-antibiotic, but I went through this as well,

tried absolutely everything and for two years was cycling through one

die-off after another. I finally decided to carpet bomb with

antibiotics. Flagyl and Diflucan. For weeks. Four to six I think.

I'd read about how rooted this stuff gets into the system, and I could

see I was in a catch-22 with it. Wasn't strong enough to keep it at

bay and couldn't get strong with it in me.

That was the thing that kick-started me on my road to health. I am

very glad I did it. I had been on the mat for two years, too sick to

even have anyone around to help me, sleeping just two hrs a day, but

after that my mom came down and we moved me out of my apartment and I

was able to help her clean -- scrubbed my balcony myself. I even got

on my bike and rode around the neighborhood, which was unthinkable

before the antibiotic assault. I still had a lot of healing to do, but

if you've done anti-fungals and know how you feel when it starts

kicking in, that was the difference for me. And for the first time, I

continued to feel that way, no more slipping back into the

parasite/candida symptoms. *That* one stuck.

But I had to do several weeks though. You have to do it longer than

you think you do, to get all the underground critters. I decided to

try that because I'd had chronic vaginal yeast infections for years and

finally cleared it for good by using Monistat for a month straight

rather than the recommended week-long treatment.

I'd had all the tests. They couldn't find anything, but I knew that's

what I had. Sometimes you just have to bring out the big guns and

clean the slate. I don't know how I would have ever gotten better if I

hadn't done that.

For what it's worth...



> Kai,

> Thank you so much. Yes, there is a definite connection with me as

well as my sister. She has candida that is entrenched and has tried

everything to rid herself. > > I can't seem to break their cycle. Any

ideas? He said he wants to put

> > me on herbs for them for 90 days to clear all of them. I have done,

> > topical, rx's, cleanses, alternative, traditional, you name it and


> > grueling. Do you know anything about that in relationship to heavy


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> Can you give me details about how long

> and how much of which medication you took?

Hi ,

Oh darn, I wish I had that info. It was ten years ago and I just

know we started with it and I knew it was really helping and I

determined to stay on it longer than it felt like I needed it for

good measure.

I wonder if I called that office if they'd have those records. I'll

see what I can do. I think it was just a normal dose of each, the

key was just getting on them and staying on them.

I still have no idea what I had in me. I did get one funky looking 5

inch thing once (looked like a shriveled up earthworm -- like old

gum) after a chlorella flush after a colonic. Other than that, no

idea. I suspected giardia for a long time.

I'll see what I can find out...


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