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Re: O/T Tdap and 2-step TB skin test (mantoux)

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Tdap contains thimerosal...(mercury) The Td part is the same thing as

what's in Tdap. Tdap is just a combination vaccine, that contains

Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis.

The TB mantoux does not have mercury.

aluminum is toxic and synergistic if mixed with mercury or in someone

who is mercury toxic. (combing the two is twice as toxic)

Your grad school program does not allow for religious exemption?? By

law I think they have too. I don't honestly think all the Muslim

students or Jehovah's are putting their beliefs to wayside in their

grad programs. I would look at your state vaccine laws...there is

probably a way around this. Your college is not going to tell you that

you have this right. But your probably do. It would be in your state

health laws. (www.vaclib.org)

All vaccines contain some mercury with the exception of live virus

vaccines. (MMR, Chicken Pox). Sometimes it's just traces and aluminum,

other times it's 25mcg per shot. Adult shots usually contain 25mcg

each because they are not subject to the pediatric stipulation of

being " thimerosal free " . I put that in quotes because it's

misleading. Even those shots still contain traces of mercury, the

levels just are below the legal guideline so they can say it's Hg

free. Just like those fat free foods that say in fine print " contains

a negligible amount of fat " . Well, negligible by whose standards? Any

mercury is bad...whether negligible or not.

These shots would be a problem for most mercury toxic people on this

board. And probably for many regular people. Tetanus, Diptheria and

Pertussis are not diseases that most of us are at risk of. Simple

sanitation and wound care eliminates these. Tetanus is not obtained

from a rusty nail, but from having a deep wound laden with soil that

is contaminated with tetanus spores from animal feces. Most people

with a wound that deep require stitches and thus the wound is

irrigated at a hospital and your given antibiotics. So tetanus never

happens. And again..you'd need to be in soil that had these spores.

Years back when I had a Td booster (before I knew better).. had

terrible muscle pain in my arm for about 6 months after. Like someone

had punched it. It was hard to lift and the muscle felt weak. It also

was the tipping point for me for mercury and my health began to decline.

As far as immune system repercussions...vaccines are made from animal

viruses with genetically modified viruses inserted into those cells.

Usually these animal cells are " washed " but still contain animal viral

dna. Nasty stuff laden with who knows what. This is the cause of

autoimmunity. My research into vaccine production and development

yields that cancer and other diseases stem from these other viral

vaccine contaminants. (The salk vaccine is famous for this, it was

contaminated with SV40 and people who had it got cancer) So there are

other health concerns to putting foreign germs in your body that are

not found in nature. The strains used in vaccines are mostly

recombitant and not found in nature.

Obviously the choice is yours. But check those laws..I don't think

they can force you receive a medical treatment against your will.

Vaccines are medical treatments.


> Just wondering whether any of you have taken these and been okay with

> them? They don't contain any Hg from what I can tell on the internet

> except that I saw Td does, but I'm not sure if they use the Td to make

> the Tdap or if the Tdap is made separately from Td. For those of you

> who had the Tdap, have you been okay with the aluminum in it? These are

> requirements for my grad school program and I'm a bit worried about

> them. Thanks in advance.


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