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DMSA round

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I tried to chelate with DMSA a couple of months ago. I was on 250 mg

capsules 3x a day for 3 days and then 11 days off. After my second

round of chelation I had to stop because I had extreme anxiety,

agitation and emotional upset. Since that time I started nystatin--1

million unit capsules--1 capsule 3x a day. I have done another round

of chelation sept 6,7,8th and on the 8th--my last day and my final

dose I started to get anxiety and agitated. I also got a yeast

infection. I stopped using 250mg/ml of transdermal glutathione, I

increased my nystatin to 2 million units 3x a day, I went on

terconazole and I stopped birth control. I really want to keep

chelating because after my second round months ago my lab results

showed that I was excreting arsenic, etc and I found that after time

had passed I had far less anxiety than I have ever had. I just don't

want to have to do a round and stop because the side effects are too

much for me to handle. That is why I pulled Cutler's book out

and subscribed to your group. I desperately want to find a way to

chelate. My doctor suggested that I take only 1 250 mg capsule of

DMSA for 3 days rather than the 3x a day that I had been doing. He

also said go off the glutathione for just 4 days after my last

upset. I understand that your protocol is different than what I am

doing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can handle my

symptoms with the 250 mg DMSA 3x a day or do you think I ought to do

250 mg DMSA 1x a day like my doctor suggested? Thank you!!!

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In frequent-dose-chelation sarahpetersonus wrote:

I tried to chelate with DMSA a couple of months ago. I was on 250 mg

capsules 3x a day for 3 days and then 11 days off. After my second

round of chelation I had to stop because I had extreme anxiety,

agitation and emotional upset.

-----------Please don't do this anymore, unless you want to harm yourself

further. That dosage is way too high and you aren't taking the DMSA often

enough. It needs to be dosed every 4 hours or less, which is it's half life, to

keep fairly constant levels of it in your blood. Your symptoms are signs of

improper chelation and redistribution caused by this.-----------Jackie

Since that time I started nystatin--1

million unit capsules--1 capsule 3x a day. I have done another round

of chelation sept 6,7,8th and on the 8th--my last day and my final

dose I started to get anxiety and agitated.

-----------Stop doing rounds like this until you learn the proper and safe

protocol which we use here. Do lots of reading, because it is better to do

nothing than to do the wrong thing.-----------Jackie

I also got a yeast

infection. I stopped using 250mg/ml of transdermal glutathione,

----------Andy does not recommend using glutathione, and it is not part of the

protocol here.---------Jackie


increased my nystatin to 2 million units 3x a day, I went on

terconazole and I stopped birth control. I really want to keep

chelating because after my second round months ago my lab results

showed that I was excreting arsenic, etc and I found that after time

had passed I had far less anxiety than I have ever had. I just don't

want to have to do a round and stop because the side effects are too

much for me to handle.

----------The side effects being too much is a sign that you aren't doing

things right. The dosage and the timing are both harming you.----------Jackie

That is why I pulled Cutler's book out

and subscribed to your group. I desperately want to find a way to

chelate. My doctor suggested that I take only 1 250 mg capsule of

DMSA for 3 days rather than the 3x a day that I had been doing.

---------DO NOT DO THIS. Large single doses only cause redistribution and do

more harm than good. This doctor does not understand safe and proper chelation.

Read in the Links and Files here about Cutler's protocol and ask more questions

before you do any more chelation.-----------Jackie

He also said go off the glutathione for just 4 days after my last

upset. I understand that your protocol is different than what I am

doing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can handle my

symptoms with the 250 mg DMSA 3x a day or do you think I ought to do

250 mg DMSA 1x a day like my doctor suggested? Thank you!!!

----------Don't do either one. And you are correct, that is not the protocol

here, and we will not support you doing it that way. The most important thing

is to take the chelators based on their half life, and then to take a dose that

you can tolerate, that only causes minor symptoms, not major ones. And stop

using the glutathione, because that is also not part of this protocol.

Since you have AI, start reading it, and go to the part on page 133, and look

over the supplement lists, and work on getting that right. And since writing

the book, we have found that many people need to start on much lower dosages

than even recommended in the book. We tell most people to start with 12.5mg of

DMSA every 4 hours, and then go from there.

Read, read, read, and keep asking questions.--------Jackie

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Many us have been where you are. You are using too much and not

using frequent dosing. Read the file section here...you are on the

right path with getting Andy's book. You will manage much better

with the frequent dose and not do damage!

You may want to start with 6-12.5 mg of DMSA every 3-4 hours through

the night. You do this for a minimum of 3 days then take some time

off. This is taking the meds on the half life of the DMSA. So just

as the DMSA is letting go of the mercury that it wasn't able to get

our of the body in 3-4 hours, more DMSA is given. It provides a

steady and constant level of DMSA. When only taking DMSA 3x a day

you get the mercury dropping and causing symptoms.

A lot of doctor don't know the ina and outs of chelating and how to

do it safely. There are many, many post like yours talking about

feeling badly during poor protocols.

> DMSA for 3 days rather than the 3x a day that I had been doing. He

> also said go off the glutathione for just 4 days after my last

> upset. I understand that your protocol is different than what I am

> doing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can handle my

> symptoms with the 250 mg DMSA 3x a day or do you think I ought to


> 250 mg DMSA 1x a day like my doctor suggested? Thank you!!!

Don't do either of these things. He doesn't know what he is talking

about!! Read, read, read. Visit http://onibasu.com/ and so

searches using key words and andrewhallcutler - there is also an

archive of things he has said which is must reading. Read, read read

before you do any more damage.


You can get well if you use the right protocol. I am on round 27,

and in the last three rounds have seen leaps in my improvement.

Ask questions. Many people here have been where you are and are

willing to help!

Good luck



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